Edmond Dantes becomes the target of a sinister plot and is arrested on his wedding day for a crime he did not commit. After 14 years in the island prison of Château d’If, he manages a daring escape. Now rich beyond his dreams, he assumes the identity of the Count of Monte-Cristo and exacts his revenge on the three men who betrayed him.

1890-tie gadi. Gados jaunais Efraims Vinslovs ierodas uz vientuļas salas, lai strādātu kā klibojošā un viegli aizkaitināmā bākas uzrauga Tomasa Veika palīgs. Veiks pret jauno palīgu izturas kā pret melnā darba darītāju, bākas gaismas aprūpes pienākumus atstājot sev vienam. Vinslovam nāksies Veika sabiedrībā pavadīt četras smagas nedēļas, kuru laikā abu vīru raksturi neizbēgami piedzīvos sadursmi...

Skolas absolvents Ivans, gaidot iesaukumu armijā, strādā par kurjeru redakcijā. Apkārtējiem – solīdiem, pieaugušiem ļaudīm – grūti pierast pie puiša neparastā paraduma pārvērst katru notikumu par pārsteidzošu piedzīvojumu – reizēm neizsakāmi jautru, bet citreiz arī nelabojami skumju...

A rag doll fights a monster that has been stealing the souls of his people.

An American Army Major goes AWOL to Hong Kong for an outlawed martial arts contest called the Kumite.

The film tells the story of Mosley, a "thoriphant" who rebels against his life of servitude and embarks on a treacherous journey to find the fabled city of Uprights.

In the heat of the summer lays a lonesome house in the countryside where nine year old twin brothers await their mother’s return. When she comes home, bandaged after cosmetic surgery, nothing is like before and the children start to doubt whether this woman is actually who she says she is.

After a teenager has a terrifying vision of him and his friends dying in a plane crash, he prevents the accident only to have Death hunt them down, one by one.

Baby Bink couldn't ask for more: he has adoring (if somewhat sickly-sweet) parents, lives in a huge mansion, and he's just about to appear in the social pages of the paper. Unfortunately, not everyone in the world is as nice as Baby Bink's parents—especially the three enterprising kidnappers who pretend to be photographers from the newspaper. Successfully kidnapping Baby Bink, they have a harder time keeping hold of the rascal, who not only keeps one step ahead of them, but seems to be more than a little bit smarter than the three bumbling criminals.

Ierodoties savā iepriekšējā darbavietā - 110. iecirknī, Rīčers uzzina, ka cilvēks, kurš savulaik palīdzēja viņam nenokļūt nopietnās nepatikšanās - majore Sjūzena Tērnere pirms pāris dienām arestēta uz aizdomu pamata par apjomīga kukuļa saņemšanu. Un viņš pats tiek apsūdzēts slepkavībā, kas izdarīta pirms 16 gadiem. Dīvaina sagadīšanās vai smalki izplānota sazvērestība?

It was a normal night in Las Vegas, Nevada, all the lights were flashing brightly, until a man with one hand, one eye, and one leg walks into a pawn shop with a statue of a hideous looking Leprechaun. The owner claims it's a good luck charm. The statue also wore a medallion around it's neck. The careless pawn shop owner took off the medallion setting the Leprechaun free...

Tēvocis sūta Džeku uz tirgu pārdot zirgu un nopirkt niedres mājas jumtam. Puisis satiek daiļo princesi Izabellu un izglābj viņu no huligāniem. Džeks atgriežas mājās tikai ar dažām pupām, kuras viņam iedevis kāds mūks, kurš apgalvo, ka tās ir svētas, taču tēvocis nav sajūsmā par šādu lietu pavērsienu un izmet pupas. Pa nakti ierodas princese, kura ir aizbēgusi, lai viņai nebūtu jāprecas ar Roderiku, kurš kāro kļūt par karali. Itin drīz pupas izdzen saknes, un milzīga garā pupa aiznes projām princesi un Džeka māju. Tagad Džekam jādodas ceļā kopā ar karaļa sardzi, lai izglābtu princesi un uzzinātu, ka teiksmainā milžu zeme patiešām eksistē.

A demonic leprechaun terrorizes a group of young people whom he believes stole his gold.

Dr. Lorca, an eccentric collector of biological oddities - has just "acquired" his greatest specimen: a horrible mutant born of toxic sewage, but the creature's rightful owner wants it back. The collector's clash is cut short though, as the sickening specimen comes to life, re-animating an angry, oozing little army of ferocious freaks

Amerikāņu tūristu grupa, ceļojot pa Austrumeiropu, nejauši ieklīst Pripjatas pilsētā, kur kādreiz dzīvoja atomelektrostacijas darbinieki. Vispirms viņi pieņem, ka tā ir spoku pilsēta, bet pēc tam ceļotāji uzzina, ka ir kļūdījušies... nāvīgi kļūdījušies.

Wayne Szalinski is at it again. But instead of shrinking things, he tries to make a machine that can make things grow. As in the first one, his machine isn't quite accurate. But when he brings Nick & his toddler son Adam to see his invention, the machine unexpectedly starts working. And when Adam comes right up to the machine, he gets zapped along with his stuffed bunny.

A bacteriological weapon developed by the US Government to create a super soldier - spreads an epidemic in a quiet little town in the middle of Eastern Europe. All citizens have been turned into infected zombies. The plan is to bring an atomic bomb into the city's nuclear plant to pretend a terrible accident occurred. No one has to know the truth. A team of mercenaries is hired to complete the mission. The battle is on. Hordes of monsters against the team. Who will survive?

At the behest of Roger Dorn -- the Minnesota Twins' silver-tongued new owner -- washed-up minor league hurler Gus Cantrell steps up to the plate to take over as skipper of the club's hapless farm team. But little does he know that Dorn has an ulterior motive to generate publicity with a grudge match between the big leaguers and their ragtag Triple A affiliate.

When Butch, Postmaster P, and Stray Bullet loot the local hip-hop mogul's studio to fund their demo album, the threesome unwittingly ends up with the secret of Mack Daddy's success: a magical flute. Their gigs instantly turn golden but a blood-thristy Leprechaun and an angry Mack Daddy are hot on their trail, leaving a wake of destruction tainted by politically incorrect limericks.

Two young couples backpacking through Ireland discover that one of Ireland's most famous legends is a terrifying reality.