Stephen Kingi romaanil põhinev ja seitsmele Oscarile nomineeritud suurejooneline vangladraama. Edukas pankur Andy Dufresne mõistetakse eluks ajaks vangi, kuid mees ei kaota isegi kõige täbaramas olukorras lootust.

Batman püüab puhastada Gotham City organiseeritud kuritegevusest. Selle ülesande lahendamisel aitavad teda leitnant Jim Gordon ja prokurör Harvey Dent. Kolmik on oma töös väga edukas, kuni saab vastaseks uue superkurjategija, keda tuntakse nimel all Jokker. Viimane paiskab kogu Gothami anarhia küüsi, sundides Batmani sammhaaval lähemale piirile, mis lahutab kangelaslikkust omakohtust.

Dom Cobb on kurjategija, kes varastab teiste saladusi alateadvusest nende magamise ajal. Cobb on spetsialist kaasaegse tööstusspionaaži vallas. Samas on see teinud temast põgeniku. Nüüd pakutakse mehele võimalust lunastuseks. Viimane töö võib anda talle tagasi elu, kuid selle saavutamiseks peab ta tegema võimatut. Uue röövi asemel peab Cobb tegema vastupidist. Tema ülesandeks on uue idee istutamine. Kui neid saadab edu, on see ideaalne kuritegu.

Filmi tegevustik toimub Ameerika lõunaosariikides, kaks aastat enne kodusõja algust. Oscari-võitja Jamie Foxx kehastab orja Djangot, kelle karm minevik eelmise omaniku omanduses viib ta kokku sakslasest pearahaküti dr King Schultziga (Oscari-võitja Christoph Waltz). Schultz ajab mõrtsukatest Brittle'i-vennaste jälgi ja vaevatasu kättesaamiseks vajab ta just nimelt Django abi. Tavatute meetoditega Schultz saab Django endale tingimusel, et vabastab viimase Brittle'i-vendade tabamisel - olgu siis elusalt või surnult.

Singer Freddie Mercury, guitarist Brian May, drummer Roger Taylor and bass guitarist John Deacon take the music world by storm when they form the rock 'n' roll band Queen in 1970. Hit songs become instant classics. When Mercury's increasingly wild lifestyle starts to spiral out of control, Queen soon faces its greatest challenge yet – finding a way to keep the band together amid the success and excess.

101-year-old Rose DeWitt Bukater tells the story of her life aboard the Titanic, 84 years later. A young Rose boards the ship with her mother and fiancé. Meanwhile, Jack Dawson and Fabrizio De Rossi win third-class tickets aboard the ship. Rose tells the whole story from Titanic's departure through to its death—on its first and last voyage—on April 15, 1912.

In 1960s Wyoming, two men develop a strong emotional and sexual relationship that endures as a lifelong connection complicating their lives as they get married and start families of their own.

In June 2013, Laura Poitras and reporter Glenn Greenwald flew to Hong Kong for the first of many meetings with Edward Snowden. She brought her camera with her.

Staaridest kubisevas märulikomöödias „Džentelmenid” üritab Suurbritannia narkoparun oma kasumlikku marihuaanaimpeeriumit Oklahoma miljardäridele maha müüa.

A cold and mysterious new security guard for a Los Angeles cash truck company surprises his co-workers when he unleashes precision skills during a heist. The crew is left wondering who he is and where he came from. Soon, the marksman's ultimate motive becomes clear as he takes dramatic and irrevocable steps to settle a score.

Shang-Chi must confront the past he thought he left behind when he is drawn into the web of the mysterious Ten Rings organization.

In 1868, after the Bakumatsu war ends, the ex-assassin Kenshin Himura traverses Japan with an inverted sword, to defend the needy without killing.

In a small town in Maine, seven children known as The Losers Club come face to face with life problems, bullies and a monster that takes the shape of a clown called Pennywise.

Peategelane on relvastatud vaid sõnaga "Tenet", kui ta võitleb kogu maailma ellujäämise nimel rahvusvahelise luure hämaras maailmas. Tema missioon hargneb lahti väljaspool reaalaega. Tegu pole ajas rändamisega, vaid inversiooniga.

Three elite North Korean sleeper agents live under cover for so long that they believe their cover stories are their real identities. They are shocked when they are ordered to kill one another or face death at the hands of an elite hit team.

Kujutage ette maailma mitte just kõige kaugemas tulevikus, kus inimkond on jõudnud sinnamaani, et inimesed vananevad üksnes 25nda eluaastani ning seejärel vananemisprotsess peatub. Seejärel lähevad aga asjalood sootuks keerulisemateks ning karmimateks... Nimelt on maailmast saanud koht, kus aeg on sõna otseses mõttes raha. Igale inimesele antakse pärast 25. eluaasta täitumist kindel arv tunde ja minuteid ning kui need nulli jõuavad, siis inimene lihtsalt sureb. Samas tuleb iga toote ja teenuse eest neid samu minuteid välja käia... Suurem osa inimestest vireleb ja teeb mida iganes, et endale loetud ja ülimalt väärtuslikke eluminuteid leida, laenata, lunida või siis varastada. Selle maailma rikkad ja ilusad võivad aga elada igavesti...

A teenager finds himself transported to an island where he must help protect a group of orphans with special powers from creatures intent on destroying them.

Teacher Kawashima Haru takes a position on a remote island off the coast of Hokkaido, where she takes charge of six students. However, she is later forced to leave after an accident occurs. 20 years later, Haru learns that one of her former students has committed a crime, and eventually returns to the island once more.

Young Dee Renjie arrives in the empire's capital to join the Supreme Court as police judge of his region. He wants to become a prosecutor. Empress Wu, who is at the beginning of her reign, has commissioned the fierce detective Yuchi to investigate a sea monster that stalks the city at night and makes it unsafe.

Modern day soldiers travel back in time and meet Admiral Lee, the greatest soldier of all time, and motivate him to drive out invaders.