Patiess stāsts par paverdzināta cilvēka cīņu par izdzīvošanu un brīvību. Filmas notikumi risinās Amerikas Savienotajās Valstīs laikā pirms pilsoņu kara. Ņujorkietis Solomons Nortaps ir brīvs melnādains vīrietis, kurš ieguvis labu izglītību, viņam ir sieva un bērni. Kādudien vīrietis tiek nolaupīts un pārdots verdzībā. Nebrīvē viņš pārcieš gan nežēlīgus pāridarījumus, gan arī saskaras ar negaidītu līdzcilvēku sirsnību.

Nemo stāv uz dzelzceļa perona, no kura tūdaļ aties vilciens. Viņam jāizdara neiespējama izvēle: braukt līdzi mātei, vai palikt pie tēva. Līdzīgi „taureņa efektam" viņa lēmums var noteikt visai atšķirīgus dzīves ceļus. Sirmā vecumā Nemo, atceroties savu dzīvi, iztēlojas laulību ar Elisu un abu trīs bērnus. Taču viņš tikpat labi redz sevi kā veiksminieku, kurš precējies ar Džeinu un sasniedzis visu, ko dzīvē kārojis - naudu, veiksmi, lielu baseinu, taču nekas no tā viņam nav svarīgs. Trešais Nemo cer satikt savu mīlestību Annu, ar kuru viņš tika izšķirts pusaudža vecumā. Atmiņas jaucas ar iztēli, un Nemo vairs nav pārliecināts, kas bijusi realitāte un kas iztēle...

A sweeping epic that explores the lives of two young men, a ranch hand and a rodeo cowboy, who meet in the summer of 1963 and unexpectedly forge a lifelong connection. The complications, joys and heartbreak they experience provide a testament to the endurance and power of love.

24 gadus vecais Keilebs uzvar uzņēmuma rīkotajā programmētāju konkursā un iegūst iespēju pavadīt nedēļu savrupmājā, kas pieder uzņēmuma īpašniekam multimiljardierim Neitanam.

Sensenos laikos uz kādas paradīzei līdzīgas Klusā okeāna salas dzīvoja laimīga un bezrūpīga cilts. Noklausījusies leģendu par salai uzglūnošajām briesmām, cilts vadoņa meita Vaiana dodas piedzīvojumiem pilnā ceļā, lai atrastu Vēja un Jūras pusdievu Maui, kurš atrodas kādā nezināmā vietā kopā ar sen iznīcinātas salas Tefiti sirdi. Leģenda vēsa, ka, tikai atrodot šo sirdi, iespējams glābt salu no Dzelmes dēmoniem.

Sweethearts Brad and Janet, stuck with a flat tire during a storm, discover the eerie mansion of Dr. Frank-N-Furter, a transvestite scientist. As their innocence is lost, Brad and Janet meet a houseful of wild characters, including a rocking biker and a creepy butler. Through elaborate dances and rock songs, Frank-N-Furter unveils his latest creation: a muscular man named 'Rocky'.

A strange family: 17-year-old Phil lives with his mother and twin sister in an old mansion on the outskirts of town. When he returns from summer camp, the mood in the mansion has soured somehow. Phil doesn’t worry about it, hanging out with his best friend Kat instead. When he starts to feel attracted to a mysterious new student at school, Phil is plunged into emotional turmoil only exacerbated by the trouble at home.

A look at the relationship between Mike and Sulley during their days at Monsters University — when they weren't necessarily the best of friends.

Gabriel is a young, aspiring musical composer whose life seems stuck in the First Act. When his new musical number gets a critical reception, a theatre colleague, Perry, tells Gabriel that he needs to get a life before he can write about one – so he heads straight for his local gay bar.

The adventures of two amiably aimless metal-head friends, Wayne and Garth. From Wayne's basement, the pair broadcast a talk-show called "Wayne's World" on local public access television. The show comes to the attention of a sleazy network executive who wants to produce a big-budget version of "Wayne's World"—and he also wants Wayne's girlfriend, a rock singer named Cassandra. Wayne and Garth have to battle the executive not only to save their show, but also Cassandra.

Two brothers develop a very close relationship as they are growing up in an idyllic and happy family. When they are young adults their relationship becomes very intimate, romantic, and sexual.

David, a professor of dermatology, has been treating 13-year-old Romain since he was a baby. Afflicted with a rare skin condition, Romain must avoid sunlight and is condemned to live in the shade. David and Romain have become the closest of friends and nothing can separate them. But then David learns that he is about to be transferred to another clinic in another town. How will he be able to break the news to Romain? And how will Romain cope with this new crisis in his life?

Father Greg Pilkington is torn between his call as a conservative Catholic priest and his secret life as a homosexual with a gay lover, frowned upon by the Church. Upon hearing the confession of a young girl of her incestuous father, Greg enters an intensely emotional spiritual struggle deciding between choosing morals over religion and one life over another.

"The Laramie Project" is set in and around Laramie, Wyoming, in the aftermath of the murder of 21-year-old Matthew Shepard. To create the stage version of "The Laramie Project," the eight-member New York-based Tectonic Theatre Project traveled to Laramie, Wyoming, recording hours of interviews with the town's citizens over a two-year period. The film adaptation dramatizes the troupe's visit, using the actual words from the transcripts to create a portrait of a town forced to confront itself.

A case of mistaken identity results in unexpected romance when the most popular girl in high school and the biggest loser must come together to win over their crushes.

An American girl, Daphne, heads to Europe in search of the father she's never met. But instead of finding a British version of her bohemian mother, she learns the love of her mom's life is an uptight politician. The only problem now is that her long-lost dad is engaged to a fiercely territorial social climber with a daughter who makes Daphne's life miserable.

The Falls is a feature film about two missionaries that fall in love while on their mission. RJ travels to a small town in Oregon with Elder Merrill to serve their mission and teach the words of Joseph Smith. Living together and sharing the challenge of leaving home, the two men help each other discover their strengths. They share a passion for their faith and learn to express their feelings, risking the only community they have for a forbidden intimacy.

It’s 2006, YouTube is in its infancy, and internet porn is still behind a paywall. Taking the stage name Brent Corrigan, a fresh-faced, wannabe adult video performer is molded into a star by Stephen, a closeted gay porn mogul who runs the skin flick empire Cobra Video from his seemingly ordinary suburban home.

Daniel, a successful TV journalist living life in the fast lane, has fallen into a deep depression. His seemingly perfect life suddenly collapses under him when panic attacks force him to deal with himself and his past.

Pēc pārspīlētas uzstāšanās Eiropā, kur Alvina vainas dēļ Deivs tiek pamatīgi traumēts, burunduki tiek nosūtīti mājup vieni paši, kur nu par viņiem rūpes uzņemsies Deiva brālēns Tobijs. Vienlaikus ar skolas gaitu uzsākšanu, burunduki sastop trīs savas sugas māsas - burunduku meitenes, kuru sapnis arī ir kļūt par slavenām dziedātājām. Kad skolā tiek izsludināts priekšnesumu konkurss, finālā izvirzās divi pretendenti. Burundukiem ir uzradusies nopietna konkurence.