Takes us to locations all around the US and shows us the heavy toll that modern technology is having on humans and the earth. The visual tone poem contains neither dialogue nor a vocalized narration: its tone is set by the juxtaposition of images and the exceptional music by Philip Glass.
Miršta savimylos jauno verslininko Charlie Babbitto tėvas. Tik tada šis sužino, kad tėvas visą palikimą paliko jo autizmu segančiam broliui Raymondui, turinčiam nepaprastų matematinių sugebėjimų, apie kurį jaunuolis nė nenutuokė. Jie abu keliauja per visą šalį, vis labiau pažindami vienas kitą.
David Carr is a British Communist who is unemployed. In 1936, when the Spanish Civil War begins, he decides to fight for the Republican side, a coalition of liberals, communists and anarchists, so he joins the POUM militia and witnesses firsthand the betrayal of the Spanish revolution by Stalin's followers and Moscow's orders.
Benny, a college freshman at the University of Akron, Ohio meets and falls for fellow freshman Christopher at a football game. With the support of their families and friends they embark on a new relationship. But a tragic event in the past involving their mothers soon comes to light and threatens to tear them apart.
A cat belonging to a poor miller's son thinks up a great plan for bringing a title, wealth, and marriage for his owner. He begins to carry it out, using a few birds and rabbits as gifts for the king, his own wit, and a pair of boots that make him appear human when he puts them on. However, his owner has no idea that the cat has told everyone that his master is a marquis rather than a miller's son until the king has arrived to meet him. Soon the king's daughter and the miller's son fall in love, and the king wants very much to see the land and the castle belonging to this rich "marquis."
1776 metais Pietų Karolinos žemes pasiekia revoliucinis karas. Amerikiečiai kovoja su britų pulkais. Benjaminas Martinas (Mel Gibson), garsėjantis greitumu ir nenugalimumu, turintis didelę kovotojo patirtį, atsisako būti savanoriu, kad apsaugotų septynis savo vaikus, kuriuos augina vienas po žmonos mirties. Vyriausias Benjamino sūnus Gabrielis (Heath Ledger) nepaklauso tėvo – užsirašo savanoriu. Vaikinas įsitikinęs, kad karas skirtas narsiems, galvojantiems apie šalies ateitį ir nuotykių beieškantiems žmonėms. Deja, taip karu besižavintis jaunuolis patenka į nelaisvę, kitas Benjamino sūnus žiauriai nužudomas generolo Tavingtono. Nors Benjaminas Martinas norėjo gyventi taikoje, aplinkybės privertė iškelti karo kirvį. Į kruviną kovą jis įtraukia ir dar mažamečius savo vaikus. Prasideda mūšis ne tik už jaunos valstybės nepriklausomybę, bet ir už savo šeimą, kerštas už skurdą, sudegintus namus ir sūnaus mirtį.
Į nedidelį miestelį Indianos valstijoje atvyksta krepšinio treneris. Jo praeitis įtartina ir paslaptinga, bet jis nenori apie tai kalbėti.Miestelis jau turi komandą, tačiau laimėjimai labai menki. Naujasis treneris nutaria šiuos krepšininkus paversti čempionų lygio komanda. Vaikinai su entuziazmu priima siūlymą.
The vicissitudes of three couples of newlyweds from the celebration of weddings to their respective honeymoons.
Karas atneša daug sielvarto, kančių ir nelaimių. Tačiau žmonės išgyvena atrodo pačias baisiausias negandas, nes juos palaiko vilties kibirkštėlė. Baltarusijoje keturi broliai, karo metu netekę artimųjų, parodė vilties kelią šimtams nacių persekiojamiems žydų... Tuvija, Zusas, Azaelis ir Aronas Bielskiai – keturi broliai iš žydų šeimos. Brolių artimieji žūva nuo nacių rankos, o jiems patiems tenka sprukti į miškus. Broliai prieš karą buvo užsiėmę ne visai švaria veikla – kontrabanda, tad Lipišanskos miškus puikiai pažįsta ir jiems pavyksta pasislėpti nuo vokiečių. Tačiau broliai netrukus supranta, kad jie miškuose ne vieni...
After a lightning bolt zaps a robot named Number 5, the lovable machine starts to think he's human and escapes the lab. Hot on his trail is his designer, Newton, who hopes to get to Number 5 before the military does. In the meantime, a spunky animal lover mistakes the robot for an alien and takes him in, teaching her new guest about life on Earth.
Timon the meerkat and Pumbaa the warthog are best pals and the unsung heroes of the African savanna. This prequel to the smash Disney animated adventure takes you back -- way back -- before Simba's adventure began. You'll find out all about Timon and Pumbaa and tag along as they search for the perfect home and attempt to raise a rambunctious lion cub.
After writing a tell-all book about her days in the dance troupe "Barry Nichols and Les Girls", Sybil Wren is sued for libeling her fellow dancer Angele. A Rashômon style narrative presents the story from three points of view where Sybil accuses Angele of having an affair with Barry, while Angele insists that it was actually Sybil who was having the affair. Finally, Barry gives his side of the story.
Based on a true story, Vendetta tells the shocking and tragic story of a group of Sicilian immigrants working on the New Orleans docks in the 1890's. After the Chief of Police was brutally murdered, much of the city's Sicilian population was rounded up and brought in for questioning. Eventually, thirteen were formally tried for murder and nine went to trial, and while they were acquitted, a series of brutal lynchings showed they had as much to fear from the city's general populace as they did from the corrupt police force.
The evolution of adult cinema through the most influential films in history, a journey that begins in the 1970s and ends nowadays. An in-depth analysis of the success of the most prestigious erotic films, their impact on industry and society, and their influence on cinema and contemporary culture.
Charlie and his troublesome cousin Paulie decide to steal $150000 in order to back a "sure thing" race horse that Paulie has inside information on. The aftermath of the robbery gets them into serious trouble with the local Mafia boss and the corrupt New York City police department.
Buvęs policininkas Maksas keliaudamas po Australiją, užklysta į nuošalų miestelį, kurime vyksta karas dėl įtakos ir valdžios. Maksas priverstas palaikyti vieną pusę ir kautis gladiatorių arenoje. Laimėjęs kovą naujiems vadams jis tampa nebereikalingas ir tuoj pat ištremiamas be teisės grįžti. Tačiau Maksas nepasiduoda. Negana to, jis ketina išvaduoti ir kitus tremtyje įkliuvusius žmones...
When his mother sends Jack off with money to buy groceries, he comes home with a magic supercharged dirt bike instead. His mother is furious, but when Jack uses the magic bike to save the local hot dog stand from the clutches of corrupt big business, he becomes the town hero.
Nors puiki išvaizda ir mandagus elgesys turėtų Lui atverti visas duris į gyvenimo harmoniją, vyrukas turi nemažai problemų: su moterimis, įstatymų griežtinimu, augančiu žudikų aukų skaičiumi jo prižiūrimame Vakariniame Teksase. Jis turi ir dar vieną didžiulę problemą: pats Lui yra... sadistas. Psichopatas. Žudikas. Lui dienos ima tamsėti, kai ant jo ima kristi įtarimų šešėlis, o tinkamo alibi sukurpti nepavyksta...
Brooke Adams plays a woman who has to put up with Brian Dennehy's character if she wants to get across a desolate section of Africa. They fight and naturally sparks fly.
A beautiful, if ambitious and amoral, youth is tapped to become the lover of a powerful senator. The young man quickly realizes that he can hold this place, with all its perks, only as long as he is young. He has no other function than being young. With the help of an aged judge, the young man, referred to only as The Lover, contrives a plan to make a change in the way of the world, a plan that will take him years to realize. To succeed, he must manipulate, in subtle and not-so-subtle ways, the senator, his wife, the family chauffeur (who was, when young, a lover), and, by implication, the entire well-planned and controlling everlasting secret family.