Interviews with the cast, creators, journalists and celebrity fans, plus behind-the-scenes footage from season six.

Things take a turn for the worse when a down-on-their-luck band has a chance encounter in the pine barrens of NJ.

Kathleen Madigan drops in on Detroit to deliver material derived from time spent with her Irish Catholic Midwest family, eating random pills out of her mother's purse, touring Afghanistan, and her love of John Denver and the Lunesta butterfly.

În universul cinematografic Marvel apare un nou capitol: „Omul-Furnică și Viespea”, care îi are în rolurile principale pe super-eroii cu abilitatea incredibilă de a se micşora. În intervalul tulbure de după „Căpitanul America: Războiul Civil”, Scott Lang (interpretat de Paul Rudd) se luptă cu consecinţele alegerilor pe care trebuie să le facă atât în rolul lui de super-erou, cât şi în acela de părinte. Pe măsură ce se străduieşte să găsească un echilibru între viaţa personală şi responsabilităţile de Om-Furnică, el e însărcinat de Hope van Dyne (Evangeline Lilly) şi de Dr. Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) cu o nouă misiune urgentă şi periculoasă. Scott trebuie să-şi pună din nou costumul de Om-Furnică şi să înveţe să lupte alături de Viespe ca o echipă, pentru a descoperi nişte secrete primejdioase, învăluite în trecut şi uitare.

You are thousands of years old. You have amazing powers. You have watched civilizations rise and fall. So why does no one remember any of this? Best-selling author, Neil Gaiman (Marvel: 1602) is joined by superstar artist, John Romita. Jr. (Amazing Spider-Man), to bring you the extraordinary tale of The Eternals. Medical student Mark Curry's world is turned upside-down when he meets Ike Harris, a man who believes that he is part of a centuries-old race of super-powered beings put here on Earth by aliens to preserve and safeguard the planet — and even crazier, tried to convince Mark that he is one too.

When his sister disappears after leaving their home in hopes of singing stardom, Luis tracks her down and discovers the grim reality of her whereabouts.

Ash meets the Mythical Pokémon Volcanion when it crashes down from the sky, creating a cloud of dust—and a mysterious force binds the two of them together! Volcanion despises humans and tries to get away, but it’s forced to drag Ash along as it continues its rescue mission. They arrive in a city of cogs and gears, where a corrupt official has stolen the ultimate invention: the Artificial Pokémon Magearna, created 500 years ago. He plans to use its mysterious power to take control of this mechanical kingdom! Can Ash and Volcanion work together to rescue Magearna? One of the greatest battles in Pokémon history is about to unfold!

Soon after Gogol's death, Binh names him guilty for the deaths of the Cossacks and the young women at the hands of the Dark Horseman, since he was the one who ordered them to be hidden in the barn. Bomgart is unable to perform a post-mortem analysis on the Gogol's body, while Vakula's daughter Vasilina (who secretly has magic abilities) proclaims denial about Gogol's demise.

Lara Croft este fiica independentă a unui aventurier excentric care a dispărut când ea era adolescentă. Acum la vârsta de 21 de ani fără nicio direcție în viață. Lara străbate străzile haotice ale Londrei fiind curier pe bicicletă și abia își poate plăti chiria. Hotărâtă să-și urmeze propriul drum, ea refuză să preia frâiele imperiului global al tatălui său la fel cum refuză să creadă că el nu mai este. Sfătuită să accepte adevărul și să meargă mai departe după 7 ani fără el, nici Lara nu poate înțelege ce o face să încerce să deslușească misterul morții tatălui ei. Acționând împotriva dorinței finale a acestuia, ea lasă totul în urmă și pleacă spre ultima destinație unde a fost văzut bărbatul: un mormânt de pe o insulă mitică. Dar misiunea ei nu va fi una ușoară.

A re-interpretation of Ramayana, the Thai animation film tells the story of a giant robot, Kiew, who's left wandering in a barren wasteland after a great war. Kiew meets Peuk, a puny tin robot who's lost his memory and is now stuck with his new big friend. Together they set out across the desert populated by metal scavengers, to look for Ram, the creator of all robots.

Teresa und Patricia are best friends. Despite the big differences between date-experienced Teresa and romantically predisposed single-mother Patricia, they have one thing in common: they have enough of bad dates and are sick of stupid dudes, bad surprises and broken hearts. When Teresa meets the neurotic programmer Anton, who is completely inexperienced in the field of romance, they come up with a genius business idea: together with the womanizer and start-up founder Paul, they develop an app with which potential dates can be categorized. In this manner, users can paint a picture of what they're getting themselves into. However, quite quickly they find out that people can't be easily fit into boxes and that matters of the heart shouldn't be left to an algorithm...

When a mission in South America goes wrong a mercenary is left for dead, but he is nursed back to health and reborn with a new outlook on life. But his peaceful days are short-lived when mercenaries he used to work with cross his path again and he is forced to revisit and face his own demons.

A righteous young man who helps everyone gain their rightful justice, gets recruited as an undercover agent to work on a high profile case that involves a crime lord working for a corrupt minister who also happens to be the father of his romantic interest.

Bărbaţii în negru s-au extins pe tot globul, dar la fel s-au răspândit şi răii din univers. Iar pentru a ne proteja, apreciatul Agent H şi începătoarea ambiţioasă M fac o echipă ce e drept cam ciudată, dar care până la urmă, ar putea să funcţioneze. Pentru a face faţă unei noi ameninţări extraterestre, care poate lua orice formă, inclusiv a unui agent al MIB, ei îşi vor uni forţele de-a lungul unei aventuri ce se petrece pe tot globul pentru a salva agenţia şi în final, omenirea.

An attorney handling a murder case in unaware his own wife played a crucial role in the killing.

Anand Kishore, his wife, Kavita and only child, a daughter, Neha , live a happy and serene life in Delhi, India. Their lives are turned upside down when Kavita finds out that Neha is being stalked by a woman named Nandita Rai

The film follows a young girl “Yasmin Abdel Aziz” who is searching for a husband, due to her constant loneliness and feelings of negligence by men. After a lot of attempts she meets two men who fall for her at the same time, and she doesn't let go of one of them and decides to keep both to her benefit.

Painter Lorenzo's life spirals out of control as he fears his wife is trying to isolate him from their infant son.