Documentary about specific phases of the battle for the Donetsk airport and about the hero-fighters of the Ukrainian Volunteer corps in Pisky. The film presents the war in extreme focus – adrenaline, humor, pain, anguish, and courage are tightly packed into 82 minutes of screen time. It shows scenes of the battle, evacuation of the wounded, the capture of the new airport terminal, and civilians, who live near the fighting’s epicenter. It features death and frontline humor, and a bit of philosophical discussions as well.

Vencedor da Palma de Ouro do Festival de Cannes de 1960. Marcello é um jovem jornalista playboy que passa os dias entre celebridades e gente rica procurando a felicidade efémera em festas e sexo. Quando Sylvia, uma estrela de cinema famosa, chega a Roma, ele vai esperá-la ao aeroporto e faz tudo para passar uns dias com ela.

Quatro aventureiros aceitam fazer o transporte de nitroglicerina por um trajeto de estradas precárias. A recompensa prometida é o único meio de ganhar dinheiro suficiente para poder deixar o vilarejo isolado da América Central no qual foram parar.

Figura frágil e ingénua num mundo sem amor, Gelsomina é vendida pela mãe a Zampanò, um saltimbanco forte e bruto que a leva para trabalhar com ele na sua vida de estrada, dando-lhe um número burlesco. Quando este encontra um velho rival, o artista que dá pela alcunha de “O Louco”, a fúria do homem musculado é provocada até ao ponto de rutura.

Retrato da cidade natal de Fellini, Rimini, assim como ele a conheceu, nos anos 30. Mostra o cotidiano de diversos personagens da vila durante um ano, entre travessuras da adolescência, um rigoroso inverno, a passagem de um transatlântico e a ascensão do fascismo.

In Rome, Toby Dammit, a drunken ex-actor, becomes trapped in hellish landscapes like airports, television studios, and mannequin-filled streets, encountering the Devil in the form of a little girl.

Ao investigar um assassinato, Ramon Miguel Vargas (Charlton Heston), um chefe de polícia mexicano em lua-de-mel em uma pequena cidade da fronteira dos Estados Unidos com o México, entra em choque com Hank Quinlan (Orson Welles), um corrupto detetive americano que utiliza qualquer meio para deter o poder.

Alberto Saporito spent a very eventful night. His friend Aniello Amitrano was brutally killed and his body was hidden by his neighbors, the Cimmarutas. But he can't remember if it was just a dream or if he actually lived it. That's why he shows up early to the police to file a complaint. However, he doesn't know that his gesture will be the fuse that will cause chaos to explode. Just like his uncle Nicola does with his firecrackers. The uncle has in fact decided to stop talking, because the degradation in which humanity finds itself repels him, and is expressed only through his pyrotechnic language.

Três comédias silenciosas de Chaplin, "A Dog's Life", "Shoulder Arms" e "The Pilgrim", são agrupadas para formar um único longa-metragem. Chaplin fornece nova música, narração e uma pequena quantidade de novo material de conexão. "Shoulder Arms" agora é descrito como ocorrendo num tempo antes da "bomba atómica".

Francesca and Walter are two-bit criminals in Northern Italy, and, in an effort to avoid the police, Francesca joins a group of women rice workers. She meets the voluptuous peasant rice worker, Silvana, and the soon-to-be-discharged soldier, Marco. Walter follows her to the rice fields, and the four characters become involved in a complex plot involving robbery, love, and murder.

A wealthy, self-absorbed Rome socialite is racked by guilt over the death of her young son. As a way of dealing with her grief and finding meaning in her life, she decides to devote her time and money to the city’s poor and sick. Her newfound, single-minded activism leads to conflicts with her husband and questions about her sanity.

In Italy, small-town newlyweds Wanda and Ivan Cavalli embark on their honeymoon in the big city of Rome. Ivan dutifully wants to keep appointments with family and church, but Wanda is only interested in meeting her favorite photo-strip star known as "The White Sheik". While Wanda impetuously sneaks away to locate the object of her affections, disconsolate Ivan tries his hardest to keep up appearances with the couple's relatives.

A conturbada relação de um casal e o conflito entre pescadores e autoridades. Duas histórias diferentes, sem relação entre si, que se interligam no bairro piscatório de Pointe Courte.

Alberto Sordi directs and interprets a corrosive comedy, another "story of an Italian" that makes you smile and reflect. An arms dealer is exposed and would like to return to an honest business. But his family does not intend to give up that bloody money.

Vittorio is looking for a woman who matches his ideal. Through a classified ad he meets Sonia, a sweet, pleasant, intelligent girl. However, she weighs 125 pounds -- which according to Vittorio is way too much. A goldsmith by trade, Vittorio is obsessed with the desire to shape Sonia's body and mind as does a fire with gold. Almost imperceptibly Sonia becomes a passive participant and the relationship grows into a reciprocal masochistic game. When the two lovers isolate themselves in a country house in the Veneto hills, they dangerously lose touch with reality and the rest of the world.

Zurich, 1905. Nineteen-year-old Russian Sabina Spielrein is put by her parents in a psychiatric hospital, suffering from a severe form of hysteria and refusing to eat. A compassionate doctor, Carl Gustav Jung, takes her under his care and, for the first time, experiments with the psychoanalytical method of his teacher Sigmund Freud. Thus is born a sweeping story of love and passion, of body and soul, soaring to the utmost heights, but also plunging to the darkest depths of the 20th century.

Yuri, 16, has lived all his life in Gagarin Towers, a vast red-brick housing project on the outskirts of Paris. He dreams of becoming an astronaut. When plans to demolish Gagarin Towers leak out, Yuri joins the resistance. With his friends Diana and Houssam, he embarks on a mission to save their home, which has become his “starship.”

After writing a tell-all book about her days in the dance troupe "Barry Nichols and Les Girls", Sybil Wren is sued for libeling her fellow dancer Angele. A Rashômon style narrative presents the story from three points of view where Sybil accuses Angele of having an affair with Barry, while Angele insists that it was actually Sybil who was having the affair. Finally, Barry gives his side of the story.

Romania, 1968. Two very different brothers. Mihai is a secret police informant, Emil is a dedicated dissident. When they have the opportunity to have their ailing father’s eyes operated on in East Germany, the three set out on a moving odyssey.

From Murnau to Herzog, and until modern incarnations, a mischievous exploration of a cinematographic legendary character, with Nosferatu himself as a guide...