PK, an English orphan terrorized for his family's political beliefs in Africa, turns to his only friend, a kindly world-wise prisoner, Geel Piet. Geel teaches him how to box with the motto “fight with your fists and lead with your heart”. As he grows to manhood, PK uses these words to take on the system and the injustices he sees around him - and finds that one person really can make a difference.

Tom in Gerri sta srečna zakonca v šestdesetih letih. Njun odrasli sin, aktivistični odvetnik Joe, se še vedno ni ustalil, nad čimer njegova mama ni prav nič navdušena. Gerri bi rada pomagala svoji sodelavki in prijateljici Mary, ki se je pred kratkim ločila od moža in svojo žalost utaplja v vinu, zato jo želi predstaviti Tomovemu prijatelju Kenu. Toda Mary je veliko bolj navdušena nad Joejem, ki je več kot 20 let mlajši od nje. Maryjine tegobe se še povečajo, ko pri Tomu in Gerri spozna Joejevo novo dekle Kate.

Addie Moore and Louis Waters, a widow and widower, have lived next to each other for years. The pair have almost no relationship, but that all changes when Addie tries to make a connection with her neighbour.

Zdolgočasen in prezaposlen pravnik se vpiše na plesni tečaj. John Clark se po 20 letih srečnega zakona in uspešne kariere pravnika v velikem podjetju za zapuščinske zadeve počuti nesrečnega ali vsaj praznega. Ob pogledu na lepo inštruktorico plesa se vpiše na plesni tečaj. Dejstvo prikrije svoji ženi, kar vodi do kopice nesporazumov, ki svoj epilog dobijo na pomembnem plesnem tekmovanju. Film je priredba japonske uspešnice.

Po izpustu iz zapora se Daniel vrne v svojo hišo v Marseillu. Tam se je zbrala širša družina njegove hčerke. Mathilda dela s krajšim delovnim časom v trgovini, njen mož Nicolas pa je taksist. Oba se trudita, da bi kar se da normalno živela in omogočila svoji hčerki Glorii dostojno življenje. Položaj pa se poslabša, ko Nicolasa napadejo drugi taksisti, njegovi tekmeci. Zdaj mora Daniel poiskati pravico za svojo družino.

Kevin Spacey je Quoyle, razočarani in čustveno izčrpani novinar lokalnega časnika v majhni ribiški vasi Nove Fundlandije, ki okreva po propadlem zakonu z izkoriščevalsko soprogo Petal. Divja in promiskuitetna žena je skušala prodati njuno hčer Bunny v krušno družino, vendar je še pred tem umrla v avtomobilski nesreči. Quolye se s hčerjo odpravi nazaj v svoj rodni kraj, kjer še vedno živi njegova ostarela teta Agnis. Čeprav je življenje na otoku tako zahtevno in neusmiljeno kot sama Agnis, se Quoyle nekako udomači in najde svoj prostor. Dela kot poročevalec in piše kolumne, ki kmalu naletijo na dober odziv pri bralcih; spozna mater samohranilko Wavey, nauči se pomorskih veščin, odkrije nekatere temačne skrivnosti iz družinske preteklosti in nazadnje vnovič pridobi samozavest. Medtem tudi podjetna Agnis začenja z lastno dejavnostjo in se spominja travmatične nesreče iz svojega otroštva, v katero je bil vpleten tudi Quoylov pokojni oče.

The recently widowed Mary Stuart returns to Scotland to reclaim her throne but is opposed by her half-brother and her own Scottish lords.

Two criminal drifters without sympathy get more than they bargained for after kidnapping and holding for ransom the surrogate mother of a powerful and shady man.

Office temp Charlotte Cantilini thinks she's found Mr. Right when she starts dating gorgeous surgeon Dr. Kevin Fields. But there's a problem standing in the way of everlasting bliss: Kevin's overbearing and controlling mother, Viola. Fearing she'll lose her son's affections forever, Viola decides to break up the happy couple by becoming the world's worst mother-in-law.

An actor who is considering the role of a supermarket manager arrives at a grocery store on the outskirts of Los Angeles to do some field research. He subsequently becomes stranded, without a car or cell phone, and accepts a ride home with Scarlet, a cashier who is about to interview for a new job. The actor rediscovers the essence of his craft while helping Scarlet gain the confidence she needs to change her life.

Gunz is thrust into a world of excitement when he joins the TIC crew. The crew, led by the ruthless Hoodz, goes from low level weed peddling to full on armed robberies within a fortnight. Their new found infamy affords them a life of guns, drugs, and girls but they also catch the attention of the police and a rival gang. To make matters worse they have been infiltrated by an undercover police officer. Does he have "THE INTENT" to remain a criminal or abide by his oath to the force?

This provacative FOX Network "prime time" television special investigates the purported "Alien Autopsy" footage that was allegedly filmed by the United States military after the legendary UFO crash near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.

A man who has failed as a father and husband commits a heist to make money for his fledging business, but things become complicated when his wife interferes.

Michael Firch is very skilled in computers and he goes to Paris to meet very important persons to discuss a contract. Michael was born on a special astral date. On arriving in Paris, he meets Morgane and her son. Morgane is a witch, she is beautiful, she is good and she needs Michael to save her son from evil powers. Molok is a sorcerer and he opposes Morgana's plan.

Wife and mother Miriam begins a downward emotional spiral as her husband avoids their collapsing marriage by immersing himself in his 11-year-old daughter's quest to become a spelling-bee champion.

On his way to prison, a man gets intercepted by a secretive government agency who task him to monitor a secret experiment in exchange for commuting his sentence.

Isabelle and her niece Nina open a "fasting and detox" cure in the heart of Provence, with the help of Baptiste, a yogi and handyman, Jessica, a tantric masseuse, and Maxime, a seductive equine therapist. Among the first curists, four overweight teenagers sent by the town hall; Marion and Lio, her skinny sister who imposes the cure on her "for her own good"; and their friend Émilie who, having shed her extra kilos, discovers as soon as she arrives that her beloved husband is swooning in the arms of a man... who is clearly overweight!

Gigli is ordered to kidnap the psychologically challenged younger brother of a powerful federal prosecutor. When plans go awry, Gigli's boss sends in Ricki, a gorgeous free-spirited female gangster who has her own set of orders to assist with the kidnapping. But Gigli begins falling for the decidedly unavailable Ricki, which could be a hazard to his occupation.