Erna Teteyye (Umie Aida), is a popular actress who has been in the show business for a long time in Malaysia, and has won numerous awards for her performances. One day, her boyfriend, Faizal (Awie) is given the opportunity to direct a new film produced by Julie (Azean), but all is thrown into chaos when Julie selects the Malaysia Fantasia winner Tasha (Ezlynn) as the heroine of the movie over Erna. Heated words are traded between Erna and Tasha as a result. However, on the night of the Berita Harian's Most Popular Artist Awards, they are both selected as the finalists for the award. Question is: who will emerge the winner in this fight?

Hero's 7 was a mixed martial arts event held by the Hero's promotion on October 9, 2006 at the Yokohama Arena in Yokohama, Japan. The semi-finals and final of both the 2006 Lightweight Grand Prix and the Light Heavyweight Grand Prix were held at the event.

Cage Fury heads south to the Horseshoe Tunica Hotel & Casino in Mississippi for two nights of world class professional Mixed Martial Arts.

"Monster Fire Baby" by the Blood Pumpers Racing Club was a Hyper-Mega Supercharged monster sex performance - complete with the world's first (as far as I know) live burning-monster baby birth! Performed at WildChild Productions in downtown San Diego sometime in 1991. The all-star cast consisted of 16 performers divided into 4 teams, the team members all wore custom uniforms labelled with a number and a color. This is a short edit of the performance that was made to accompany an installation piece for lalapalooza's traveling art tent. Unfortunately it doesn't convey the intensity of the show, a longer edit and all the original footage were lost, leaving this as the only document.

In a separate reality than Movster: Chapter 1, the Man's doppelgänger is tormented by the same beast, the same Movster, all that is known is that dressing for Christmas is bad luck come Halloween.

Over the course of two years, filmmaker Jamie Roberts meets those spreading extremist Islamic fundamentalism in Britain, including a bouncy castle salesman who is now one of the world's most wanted men.


Forced collectivism, famines, errors and mistakes mark Stalin´s ruthless rise to dictorial power and only increase his madness until he even declares a chicken to be an English spy that should be liquidated.

In "Monday" Maniek and Dawid got hold of some dirty money. In "Tuesday" they invest them in a strip club.

特立独行的警视厅公安部警部补雪平夏见(筱原凉子 饰),这天意外卷入生命中最大的危机。女儿美央所乘坐的汽车遭遇爆炸事件,随后美央被送入警察医院,可是一伙全副武装的神秘之人突然闯入医院,再度将女孩劫为人质。歹徒们在头目后藤(椎名桔平 饰)的领导下,要求警方支付私下挪用的80亿日元作为赎金,警察厅的入江次长(大杉涟 饰)为了掩盖丑闻,不仅拒绝支付赎金,还试图派部队强行突入。对方使出杀手锏,扬言要在东京放出威力巨大的细菌武器。为了救出女儿,阻止恐怖分子的阴谋,雪平想方设法潜入医院。 在此过程中,她无可避免了解到警察内部最为黑暗的一面。

Laëtitia, Roca, Nico and Naël are in a band. As per usual, they meet late afternoon before rehearsal in a vacant lot. The group will soon no longer exist; they will be forced to disband because Laetitia is moving away to study. This is the story of four young adults who do not want to say good-bye.

A fled Tango show owner returns to Buenos Aires to join his partners after the oppressive government of Argentina has dissolved.

A Mexican steer rancher goes to Spain to get some bulls he bought but that were never delivered. He meets a flamenco dancer during his stay in Madrid and falls for her.

This short film examines the origins of several superstitions including crossing your fingers, knocking on wood, rabbit's feet, and breaking champagne bottles to christen ships, plus the role of superstitions in the Flying Dutchman tale.

A Czech-French existential tragicomedy. Its (anti)hero is a young man named Andrej (played by Filip Topol, leader of the Czech underground band Psí vojáci). The story turns on his fateful love for the powerfully attractive though superficial Kristyna (Markéta Hrubesová).

Three young men, a scriptwriter, a producer and a director are called in by Benny U Murdoch, an exotic movie producer. He wants to make a new erotic movie starring a big woman - the "Eskimo Nell" of the title. However problems start from the beginning, the scriptwriter is a virgin, a lover of penguins and hasn't a clue on how to write an erotic movie, each of the three main backers want a different type of movie - a western, an erotic and a kung-fu movie with different people in the main part. However problems really start for the three when Benny runs off with all the money and they have to make three different versions of the same film and try not to let the backers and stars know what has happened. And this is made harder when there is a clean-up-filth society breathing down their necks....

A boxer's manager pays a prostitute to make his boxer's nights hot, and endless. Not so strange, considering all the dirty deals the manager has with the local mafia. The strong champion has to contend with the sexy girl, before he gets to the ring with the title contender. But there are other interests at play, and more girls to play.

At first sight, it a film about the bullfight. However, the standings about of a bull which accompany in soundtrack the public surrendering the arena already express a gap appropriate for a critical representation: the fate of this population is confidentially connected to that of the bull. Besides differently, the repeatedly returns of an old poster, probably republican, representing Hitler under the features of a matador in full action. This image transcends the documentary value of the film to raise it into a strongly symbolic dimension. In fact, we are after the death of Franco. Cyril Hurel