Nemo Nobody leads an ordinary existence with his wife and 3 children; one day, he wakes up as a mortal centenarian in the year 2092.

Edward Bloom on kogu oma elu olnud suurte isude, tohutute kirgede ja pikkade lugude mees. Hilisematel aastatel jääb ta oma pojale Williamile tohutuks saladuseks. Nüüd, tõelise mehega tutvumiseks, hakkab Will kokku panema oma isast tõetruu pilti tema imeliste seikluste tagasilöökidest.

An IRS agent with a fateful secret embarks on an extraordinary journey of redemption by forever changing the lives of seven strangers.

Nathan Algren is an American hired to instruct the Japanese army in the ways of modern warfare, which finds him learning to respect the samurai and the honorable principles that rule them. Pressed to destroy the samurai's way of life in the name of modernization and open trade, Algren decides to become an ultimate warrior himself and to fight for their right to exist.

Nicholas Van Orton (Michael Douglas) on äärmiselt rikas San Francisco ärimees, kellel näib kõik siin ilmas olemas olevat, kuid kes sellegipoolest elab eraklikku ja rõõmudevaest elu. Sellesse õnnetusse eksistentsi otustab vaheldust tuuatema noorem vend Conrad (Sean Penn), kes kingib Nickile tolle 48.sünnipäevaks kinkekaardi agentuurilt nimega CRS, mille erialaks on korraldada ebatavalisi mänge, mis tehtud mängijate nõrku ja tugevaid omadusi silmas pidades. Algul on Nicholas kummalise kingituse suhtes küll äärmiselt skeptiline, kuid mõne aja pärast saab uudishimu temast võitu, ta külastab agentuuri ning ühel pealtnäha ilusal päeval algabki mäng, mis pöörab pea peale kogu tema elu. Kõik tema ümber näivad teadvat toimuvast rohkem, kui tema ning üsna pea kaovad igasugused piirid mängu ja reaalsuse vahel.

While on a trip to Paris with his fiancée's family, a nostalgic screenwriter finds himself mysteriously going back to the 1920s every day at midnight.

Trevor, an insomniac lathe operator, experiences unusual occurrences at work and home. A strange man follows him everywhere, but no one else seems to notice him.

Washington DC, aasta 2054. Politsei kasutab mõrvarite vahistamiseks ja nende vastutusele võtmiseks enne kuriteo toimepanemist psüühilist tehnoloogiat. Tulevik on etteaimatav ja precrime eliidi üksus peab süüdlased enne kuriteo toimepanemist kinni. Tõendusmaterjal põhineb "Eelkogul", mis on kolm psüühilist olendit, kelle nägemused mõrvadest pole kunagi alla kukkunud.

When decorated soldier Captain Colter Stevens wakes up in the body of an unknown man, he discovers he's part of a mission to find the bomber of a Chicago commuter train.

Väikese Ida-Euroopa riigi kodanik Viktor Navorski on reisil USA-sse. Reisi ajal aga algab tema kodumaal sõda ning lennujaama jõudes selgub, et selle-nimelist riiki pole enam olemas. Kuniks asjad selgeks saavad, peab Viktor viibima lennujaama territooriumil. Olukorra lahenemine ei paista aga kusagilt...

Prot is a patient at a mental hospital who claims to be from a far away planet. His psychiatrist tries to help him, only to begin to doubt his own explanations.

A slick New York publicist who picks up a ringing receiver in a phone booth is told that if he hangs up, he'll be killed... and the little red light from a laser rifle sight is proof that the caller isn't kidding.

Two fledgling inventors discover a complex method to manipulate reality. At first, they successfully game the stock market with it, but the consequences of the invention start to catch up with them.

The Baker brood moves to Chicago after patriarch Tom gets a job coaching football at Northwestern University, forcing his writer wife, Mary, and the couple's 12 children to make a major adjustment. The transition works well until work demands pull the parents away from home, leaving the kids bored -- and increasingly mischievous.

When a young African-American woman brings her fiancé home to meet her parents, she's neglected to mention one tiny detail - he's white.

Tom Leezak and Sarah McNerney fall in love and plan to get married, despite opposition from Sarah's uptight, rich family. When they do get married, and get a chance to prove Sarah's family wrong, they go on a European honeymoon and run into disaster after disaster. They have to decide whether the honeymoon from hell and a few pre-marital mistakes are worth throwing away their love and marriage.

A gigolo must contend with the prospect that he has found true love.

The story revolves around a man trying to uncover the mysterious death of his girlfriend and save an innocent man from the death chamber in the process, by using his unique power to time travel. However in attempting to do this, he also frees a spiteful serial-killer.

When a young man agrees to housesit for his boss, he thinks it'll be the perfect opportunity to get close to the woman he desperately has a crush on – his boss's daughter. But he doesn't plan on the long line of other houseguests that try to keep him from his mission. And he also has to deal with the daughter's older brother, who's on the run from local drug dealers.

After his girlfriend, Julie, and two best friends are killed in a tragic auto accident, Nick struggles to cope with his loss and grief. Suffering from migraine-like seizures, Nick soon discovers that he has the power to change the past via his memories. However, his time-traveling attempts to alter the past and save his one true love have unexpected and dire consequences.