În timpul celui de-al II-lea război mondial, Cesira și fiica ei de 13 ani, Rosetta, părăsesc Roma de teama bombardamentelor aliaților. În drum spre satul natal al Cesirei, ele sunt violate de către un grup de soldați marocani. După ce își revin din această traumatizantă experiență, cele două sunt conduse la Roma de un șofer de camion aparent prietenos, dar care nu se sfiește să cumpere cu o pereche de ciorapi, favorurile Rosettei. Aflarea adevărului de către Cesira compromite grav relația mamă-fiică.

Un tânãr rãtãcitor intrã în case necunoscute si locuite în timp ce proprietarii sunt plecati de acasã. Petrece acolo o noapte sau o zi, ascunzându-se si rãsplãtind generozitatea proprietarilor prin spãlarea rufelor sau fãcând mici reparatii. Viata lui se schimbã când dã peste o tânãrã si frumoasã femeie într-o casã bogatã care este gata sã fugã din cãsnicia abuzivã si nefericitã în care este întemnitatã.

In this luminous tale set in the former Yugoslavia, Perhan, an engaging young Romany with telekinetic powers, is seduced by the quick-cash world of petty crime that threatens to destroy him and those he loves.

A world wide electrical outage occurs. Everything that requires electricity comes to a stop. Tokyo is nearly ruined. Yoshiyuki Suzuki decides to escape from Tokyo with his family.

A family decides to buy a lodge in a remote hiking area. Their first customer commits suicide and the distraught family buries his body to avoid the bad publicity. But their luck gets worse, the bodies start piling up, and the family becomes frantic to rectify the situation.

A loan shark is forced to reconsider his violent lifestyle after the arrival of a mysterious woman claiming to be his long-lost mother.

Since his beloved violin was broken, Nasser-Ali Khan, one of the most renowned musicians of his day, has lost all taste for life. Finding no instrument worthy of replacing it, he decides to confine himself to bed to await death.

Jae-Young is an amateur prostitute who sleeps with men while her best friend Yeo-Jin "manages" her, fixing dates, taking care of the money, and making sure the coast is clear. When Jae-Young falls in love with one of those men, she suppresses her feelings towards him in respect of her friend who's jealous.

Un tort de nuntă exploziv simbolizează dificultățile dintre cuplurile căsătorite. Verdone joacă o varietate de roluri: un medic obsesiv care își conduce soția să se sinucidă, un bărbat compulsiv care face sex cu noua lui soție în situații extreme până când plictiseala ia stăpânire și un soț care este forțat să renunțe la luna de miere pentru a avea grijă de membrii familiei lui.

1971. Delphine are 23 de ani. Este fiica unui fermier și, deși iubește natura și să lucreze pământul împreună cu tatăl ei, limitările vieții provinciale o determină să se mute la Paris. Acolo o întâlnește pe Carole, o femeie de 35 de ani, care locuiește cu Manuel și se implicată activ în mișcarea feministă. Delphine se îndrăgostește imediat de ea, iar viața lui Carole ia de asemenea o turnură neașteptată. Când Delphine află că trebuie să se întoarcă la fermă, Carole decide să o urmeze. În provincie, cuplul va trebui însă să înfrunte o altă realitate.

At a rundown bus station in rural Cuba, the line of passengers waiting just keeps getting longer. The problem is that every bus that passes by is already full. Their only hope is to wait for the station's bus to be fixed. As the disparate group settles in, relationships start forming between the passengers: Emilio, a young engineer, becomes smitten with a beautiful young woman who is en route to meet her Spanish fiancé, a blind man gets support from the others to go to the head of the line. Frustration and disorder reign when the one bus brakes down and no one can leave. Resigned to working together, the group magically transforms the station into a beautiful place where no one wants to leave.

The embodiment of ultimate evil, a glowing orb terrorizes a young girl with bizarre stories of dark fantasy, eroticism and horror.

Documentary on director Kim Ki-Duk looking back at his film career.

Jin-a, a young prostitute, moves into a seaside motel called the Birdcage Inn, run by a dysfunctional family. Struggling with her circumstances and the family's treatment, she forms an unlikely bond with the daughter, Hye-mi. As they navigate love, betrayal, and personal growth, their friendship ultimately leads to a deeper understanding and a chance for redemption.

A fisheries expert is approached by a consultant to help realize a sheik's vision of bringing the sport of fly-fishing to the desert and embarks on an upstream journey of faith and fish to prove the impossible possible.

Twenty-eight-year-old Margot is happily married to Lou, a good-natured cookbook author. But when Margot meets Daniel, a handsome artist who lives across the street, their mutual attraction is undeniable.

On May 9th, a female high school student was brutally murdered. There are 7 suspects and 7 shadows that terrorize them. Who are they and which one of them is you?

Luchino's routine morning elevator ride up from her subterranean home on level 138 to her school many stories above turns horrific when the elevator operator is ordered to pick up two passengers from floor 99, the maximum security level. What starts as psychological manipulation soon turns wholly physical as both the cruel convicts and Luchino's own dysfunctional past are unleashed. And then every passenger must fight for his or her survival.

Three men compete for the attentions of a pretty girl. One of them, a little tramp, plays dirty.

A mosquito from Transylvania finds its way to Seoul where it bites Na Do-yol, a corrupt police officer. Soon after he begins to develop a thirst for blood, and finds out that he has vampire super powers whenever he becomes sexually aroused. When Do-yol's past misdeeds come back to threaten his partner and girlfriend, he decides to clean up his act and sets out for revenge.