Nakon presude kojom je proglašen krivim za ubojstvo vlastite žene i njenog ljubavnika, Andy Dufresne 1947. stiže u zloglasni zatvor Shawshank kako bi odslužio doživotnu kaznu. Inače bankovni stručnjak i ugledni gospodin, Andy je ubačen u sredinu o kakvoj nije mogao niti sanjati. Okružen kriminalcima i sadističkim čuvarima, vrlo se brzo suočava s brutalnošću zatvorskog života. Drži se povučeno i rijetko komunicira, osim s utjecajnim i dobronamjernim zatvorenikom Redom. Do promjene će doći jednoga dana kada Andy počne nuditi čuvarima financijske usluge i savjete. Tad počinje uživati poseban status među zatvorenicima i čuvarima, pa ga čak i sam upravitelj vrbuje za zatvorskog knjigovođu. Svoj povlašteni položaj Andy koristi kako bi unaprijedio zatvorsku knjižnicu i time barem donekle uljepšao tamošnji turoban život...

Radnja nastavlja putovanje Paula Atreidesa, sada ujedinjenog s Chani i Fremenima, dok je na ratnom putu osvete protiv onih koji su uništili njegovu obitelj. Suočen s izborom između ljubavi svog života i sudbine poznatog svemira, nastoji spriječiti užasnu budućnost koju samo on može predvidjeti.

After being deported back to Mexico, a man has no choice but to join the vicious drug cartel that has corrupted his hometown in order to survive.

In the spring of 1999, a group of old friends gather to celebrate their 20 year reunion. Among the group is Yeong-ho, a cold, unhappy man, whose demeanor puts a damper on the festivities. The seriousness of Yeong-ho's depression becomes apparent when he climbs a railroad bridge and looks like he might jump. At this crucial moment, memories of seven crucial episodes from Yeong-ho's past flood his mind.

Ljubimce predvodi Supermanov voljeni pas Krypto. Njih su dvojica nerazdvojni prijatelji, koji dijele super-moći i zajedno se bore protiv kriminala u Metropolisu. Kada Supermana i ostatak Lige pravde otmu, Krypto mora uvjeriti ofucanu ekipu iz skloništa za životinje - psa Acea, svinju PB-ja, kornjaču Mertona i vjevericu Chipa - da ovladaju svojim novonastalim moćima i pomognu mu spasiti otete superjunake. Aceu se nikako ne sviđa ideja super-psa – no to će se brzo promijeniti kad upozna Batmana.

A laborer moves to Shanghai in the hope of becoming rich. But ends up using his kung fu skills to survive. Remake of The Boxer From Shantung.

Late 18th-century Joseon dynasty. The King is beleaguered and surrounded by traitors of the ruling elite. They plan to assassinate and replace him with a puppet. But the King has some aces up his sleeve that may help him defeat them all.

Two two strangers are drawn together under incredible circumstances. What starts as an unforeseen encounter over a long holiday weekend soon becomes a second chance love story.

Former FBI Agent Will Graham, who was once almost killed by the savage Hannibal 'The Cannibal' Lecter, now has no choice but to face him again, as it seems Lecter is the only one who can help Graham track down a new serial killer.

Despite their different family backgrounds, four friends grew up together in the wearisome years of the 70s. But as time goes by, each of them takes a different life path.

Recently discharged Marine sniper John Stewart is at a crossroads in his life, one which is only complicated by receiving an extraterrestrial ring which grants him the powers of the Green Lantern of Earth. Unfortunately, the ring doesn't come with instructions - but it does come with baggage, like a horde of interplanetary killers bent on eliminating every Green Lantern in the universe. Now, with the aid of the light-hearted Green Arrow, Adam Strange and Hawkgirl, this reluctant soldier must journey into the heart of a galactic Rann/Thanagar war and somehow succeed where all other Green Lanterns have failed.

One day, the only son of famous news anchor HAN Kyung-bae, disappears without a trace. Soon, the kidnapper calls the mother demanding a $100,000 ransom. The police assign a veteran inspector to the case and assemble a top-notch task force to work under his command. But the kidnapper constantly outwits the police and continues calling the parents with yet more instructions for the money drop.

Bill McKay is a candidate for the U.S. Senate from California. He has no hope of winning, so he is willing to tweak the establishment.

During the reign of King Sejong in the 15th century, the Joseon Dynasty was the embodiment of the perfect state. To the Ming China, the aspiring imperial power, Joseon presented an obstacle to territorial expansion. To protect themselves from war, King Sejong develops a secret weapon to defend their territory and take back their land and supremacy.

Two of the most radical student groups form the United Red Army (URA) and head into the mountains to conduct a training camp. Ideology devolves into despotism, and the URA's leaders begin to arbitrarily persecute their followers, a harrowing ordeal that culminates in violence and murder.

White hunter Captain Fry tries to take Tarzan back to civilization, caged for public display. He arrives in the jungle with Jane's cousins, Eric and Rita, who want Jane's help in claiming a fortune left her.

Eun-sik tries to pass the state exam while studying in college after his military service. One day, he meets a beautiful woman Eun-hyo, and his life changes.

Two detectives investigate a string of horrific murders in Seoul and zero in on a sadistic gang leader who carries an actual ball and chain.

Set in the 1980s, an estranged family hires a cult deprogrammer to take back their teenage son from a murderous cult, but find themselves under siege when the cultists surround their cabin, demanding the boy back.

Jaime has lost his job and has to provide for his wife, son and daughter. Pressured by this circumstances, he visits his mom, who lives in an apartment he owns, to ask her to move with him so he can sell the apartment. But she is not going to cooperate. And, to Jaime's surprise, she also has a boyfriend!