After a group of friends graduate from Delhi University, they listlessly haunt their old campus, until a British filmmaker casts them in a film she's making about freedom fighters under British rule. Although the group is largely apolitical, the tragic death of a friend owing to local government corruption awakens their patriotism. Inspired by the freedom fighters they represent in the film, the friends collectively decide to avenge the killing.

Ajay Mehra leaves for Bombay in order to train to become an international boxer. On his return to New Delhi he however found that his brother Ashok Mehra is missing, he decides to make complaints at the police station but this only leads to frustration. He decides to go and search for his brother himself but still does not find him. Later on Ashok's body is found and Ajay is accused of killing him as well as having an illicit relationship with his sister - in - law Indu Mehra. While in jail Ajay makes friends with some other hardcore convicts, who are good at heart. Then one day they escape the jail by overpowering the guards. But Ajay falls in love with Varsha a journalist who helped in showing Ajay the path to justice in killing the main villain Balwant Rai.

Three inseparable childhood friends are just out of college. Nothing comes between them - until they each fall in love, and their wildly different approaches to relationships creates tension.

The story of making "Lagaan," one of the millennium's seminal Indian films, is told from the point of view of production team member Satyajit Bhatkal.

This classic film chronicles the life of Tukaram (17th C.), one of Maharashtra’s most popular saint poets, activating the 20th century resonances of his turning away from courtly Sanskrit towards vernacular rhythms of religious poetry.

When terrorists kill a cop's brother and disable his father, he fights back against the smuggling of guns and drugs which plagues his country.

After dedicating their whole life in upbringing their children, elderly couple Raj Malhotra and Pooja gets homeless. Instead of caring, their children treat them as a burden.

Somewhere in the middle of Texas, Ameet (Sunil Malhotra) and Saima (Lisa Ray) have a problem. They were perfectly happy avoiding each other until their parents set them up to get married. The reluctant couple decide to do whatever it takes to break off the engagement. After some very embarrassing efforts, they finally succeed in getting their parents to call off the wedding, only to realize they have another problem, they're in love! Meanwhile, Saima's father (Asrani), deciding that she's passed her expiration date, promises her to Ashol (Ismail Bashey)- a sleazy playboy.

Raja, a taxi driver, falls in love with Aarti, a rich girl, and marries her against her parents' wishes. Later, her stepmother tries to create a rift betweenthe couple.

Актриса, писател, студент и правителствен служител обединяват усилия в опит да избягат от Париж, докато нацистите нахлуват в града. В началото на Втората Световна Война, съдбата на свободния свят е поставена на карта в луксозния Хотел Сплендид в Бордо. Министерски служители, журналисти, физици и шпиони с различни убеждения се обединяват, за да се спасят от нацистката окупация на Париж. Представители на висшето общество фамилиарничат със закоравели престъпници. Време, в което убийствените интриги, научните тайни и любовните афери са в разгара си.

16-годишният Гийом е в момчешки колеж и е лидер в класа си. Той постепенно развива чувства към съученика си Никола, които не знае как да изрази. По-голямата сестра на Гийом – 18-годишната Шарлот, има връзка с Максим, но не е сигурна за предложението му да започнат да имат отворена връзка. Третата история е на Феликс – 12-годишно момче, което се влюбва за първи път по време на летния лагер.

Гаутам Кана винаги е искал да се премести в Лондон и да живее и работи там. Но преди да постигне тази своя цел, той трябва да приеме съвета на своята майка Нита и да финализира брака си. Всичко в ежедневието на Гаутам обаче се променя коренно когато на сцената се появяват красивите Мира Гупта и Вероника Д’Коста и приятеля на Вероника, Джеръми Виегас. Създават се нови любовни взаимоотношения, които изправят един срещу друг мъже и жени и оказват сериозно влияние на техния живот.

A commune built around the pursuit of spiritual perfection through the occult begins to see its prophecies come true.

Natalie allows her classmate Jeff, who ran away from home after a fight with his stepfather, to stay at her place while her father is away on a business trip. Natalie soon starts dating Jeff's friend James Casey, who isn't as faithful as she thinks, while her best friend Polly falls in love with baseball player Zoo Knudsen.

Рошан идва в Индия, за да съпроводи болната си баба, която иска да прекара последните си дни в родната земя. За Рошан, Индия е чужда и непозната страна. Но много скоро той започва да харесва шумната смесица от култури и религии в съвременно Далхи. В това време той се запознава с Биту, съседско момиче, която отчаяно се стреми да намери себе си...

Ganesh, a cab driver and a doting brother to his sister Tamizh, is hunting down three notorious criminals in Kolkata. Who is he actually and what's his motive?

Ed and Alice are two months shy of getting married when she realizes that she wishes she'd had a more active love life while still single. Reluctantly, Ed agrees to have an open relationship in the months before their wedding, and initially this seems to improve their connection, particularly in the bedroom. However, as Ed and Alice get more involved in their own flings, the experiment goes awry.

Dom Barbudo, a pioneer in the São Paulo gay and BDSM community and elected first Mister Leather Brasil in 2017, prepares to pass on the mantle to one of the four contestants in the second edition of the contest.

Facing pressure to marry immediately, an unemployed man must find a way to pay for a wedding by any means necessary.

Best mates Kishen and Shankar decide to help village belle Roopa avenge her family's death, but their friendship is tested in the process.