Film prati mladića Tima kojem otac u dvadeset i prvoj godini otkriva kako muškarci u njihovoj obitelji imaju sposobnost putovanja kroz vrijeme. Tim će tu činjenicu iskoristiti kako bi pronašao ljubav, pomogao prijatelju, ali i shvatio da putovanje kroz vrijeme krije i neke opasne zamke...
Despite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a patient named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel's story is about to be completely rewritten.
A sprawling drama centered on five key days in a family's life.
A vacuum repairman moonlights as a street musician and hopes for his big break. One day a Czech immigrant, who earns a living selling flowers, approaches him with the news that she is also an aspiring singer-songwriter. The pair decide to collaborate, and the songs that they compose reflect the story of their blossoming love.
Kada u Francusku doseli obitelj iz Indije te otvori "zalogajnicu" nasuprot slavnog francuskog restorana koji vodi briljantna Madame Mallorey (Helen Mirren) doći će do prisilnog miješanja potpuno različitih kultura - ali i recepata i začina.
Tom, mladić, usprkos ciničnom modernom svijetu koji ga okružuje, vjeruje u kozmički predodređenu, sudbonosnu, fatalnu ljubav. Summer, djevojka, ne vjeruje. Nimalo. Ali to neće spriječiti Toma da ju krene osvajati, iznova i iznova, poput modernog Don Quixota. No, odjednom, Tom više nije zaljubljen samo u krasnu, duhovitu i inteligentnu ženu, već i u ideju koju Summer predstavlja – ideju ljubavi koja oduzima dah i zaustavlja svijet.
A mistaken delivery in Mumbai's famously efficient lunchbox delivery system (Mumbai's Dabbawallahs) connects a young housewife to a stranger in the dusk of his life. They build a fantasy world together through notes in the lunchbox. Gradually, this fantasy threatens to overwhelm their reality.
An inspirational speaker becomes reinvigorated after meeting a lively woman who shakes up his mundane existence.
A musical biopic of the Four Seasons—the rise, the tough times and personal clashes, and the ultimate triumph of a group of friends whose music became symbolic of a generation. Far from a mere tribute concert, it gets to the heart of the relationships at the centre of the group, with a special focus on frontman Frankie Valli, the small kid with the big falsetto.
Hector is a quirky psychiatrist who has become increasingly tired of his humdrum life. As he tells his girlfriend, Clara, he feels like a fraud: he hasn’t really tasted life, and yet he’s offering advice to patients who are just not getting any happier. So Hector decides to break out of his deluded and routine driven life. Armed with buckets of courage and child-like curiosity, he embarks on a global quest in hopes of uncovering the elusive secret formula for true happiness. And so begins a larger than life adventure with riotously funny results.
"Sve sretne obitelji nalik su jedna na drugu, svaka nesretna obitelj nesretna je na svoj način." Rečenica kojom počinje Tolstojev roman vjerojatno se mnogima urezala duboko u pamćenje, a tragična bezvremenska romansa poslužila je kao inspiracija i redatelju Joeu Wrightu. Nakon „Ponosa i predrasuda" te „Okajanja", odlučio je još jednom za glavnu ulogu angažirati Keiru Knightley koja je utjelovila Anu Karenjinu u najnovijoj ekranizaciji ruskoga klasika. Njezinog supruga, visokog državnog službenika Alekseja Karenjina igra Jude Law, dok joj utjehu pruža Aaron Taylor-Johnson koji je utjelovio Vronskog. Film je sniman na više od 100 povezanih setova, koji omogućavaju vrlo glatko kretanje radnje kroz različite interijere i eksterijere u kojima će gledatelji imati prilike uživati.
Wallace je dečko koji je prošao brojne loše veze. Kada sretne animatoricu Chantry koja živi sa svojim dugogodišnjim dečkom Benom između njih procvjeta prava povezanost i duboko prijateljstvo. Među njima kemija je neopisiva pa se počnu pitati što ako je prava ljubav zapravo tvoj najbolji prijatelj? Moguće ili potpuna glupost? Najbolja romantična komedija još od hita 500 dana ljeta! Razotkriva ono o čemu se pitaju mnogi, mogu li najbolji prijatelji biti i ljubavni partneri?
After years of helping their hubbies climb the ladder of success, three mid-life Manhattanites have been dumped for a newer, curvier model. But the trio is determined to turn their pain into gain. They come up with a cleverly devious plan to hit their exes where it really hurts - in the wallet!
Sutter, a popular party animal, unexpectedly meets the introverted Aimee after waking up on a stranger's lawn. As Sutter deals with the problems in his life and Aimee plans for her future beyond school, an unexpected romance blossoms between them.
When perpetually single, aging music industry exec Harry Sanborn, and his latest trophy girlfriend, Marin, arrive at her mother's beach house in the Hamptons, they find that her mother, playwright Erica Barry, also plans to stay for the weekend. Erica is scandalized by the relationship and Harry's sexist ways. But when Harry has a heart attack while there, and the doctor prescribes bedrest, his only option is to stay at the Barry home. Left in the care of Erica and his doctor, a love triangle starts to take shape.
Ne samo da ima još tri tjedna života, nije to najgore, Dodge ih provodi sam, žena ga je ostavila. Odluči da ide u potragu za svojom starom srednjoškolskom ljubavi. Pred njim je pustolovina na kojoj ga prati njegova pomalo neobična i osebujna susjeda Penny.
Megan proživljava krizu srednjih godina. Radi posao za koji je prekvalificirana i odbija pronaći bolji posao, te nema motivacije razmišljati o budućnosti dok su njezini prijatelji već odavno ušli u svijet odraslih. Nakon što je dečko zaprosi, Megan se uspaniči i pobjegne na tjedan dana pod izlikom da odlazi na konvenciju koja će joj pomoći u karijeri. Odluči provesti tjedan dana u kući šesnaestogodišnje Annike i njezina razvedenog oca.
A romantic comedy that brings together three disparate characters who are learning to face a challenging and often confusing world as they struggle together against a common demon—sex addiction.
Yearning for an evening without their kids, some friends plan a night out. But to do this, their husbands need to watch the kids. What can go wrong?
Joel je zaposlenik velike korporacije koji želi zatvoriti Mollynu neobičnu neovisnu slastičarnicu iza ugla... i ukrasti joj srce. Živjeli su sretno do kraja života... sve dok nisu. Ili možda i jesu?