Wanderers is a vision of humanity's expansion into the Solar System, based on scientific ideas and concepts of what our future in space might look like, if it ever happens. The locations depicted in the film are digital recreations of actual places in the Solar System, built from real photos and map data where available. Without any apparent story, other than what you may fill in by yourself, the idea with the film is primarily to show a glimpse of the fantastic and beautiful nature that surrounds us on our neighboring worlds - and above all, how it might appear to us if we were there.

A rag doll fights a monster that has been stealing the souls of his people.

After his wife and son are killed, a young man finds out the man behind the murder and fights against him, along committing some big mistakes.

George Caldwell (Gene Wilder) kreće na putovanje od Los Angelesa do Chicaga sporim, ugodnim vlakom, u kojem upoznaje zgodnu Hilly Burns (Jill Clayburgh). Iako je dugačkim putovanjem planirao svoj um očistiti od stresova i nepotrebnih misli, Caldwell se uskoro nađe usred ogromne zbrke koja uključuje ubojstvo, ispadanje iz vlaka, policijsku istragu i što sve ne. Kako bi spasio svoju novu ljubav, George će se morati udružiti sa sitnim lopovom Groverom Muldoonom (Richard Pryor).

Olujno nevrijeme nije ništa čudno i neuobičajeno na moru. Ali ovoga puta nakon nevremena kapetan i posada nuklearnog nosača aviona nekako su vraćeni u 1941. godinu tik prije japanskog napada na Pearl Harbour. Potpuno zbunjeni kapetan i posada ne znaju što i kako se dogodilo, ali znaju da su u prilici promijeniti tijek povijesti.

Skupina astronauta istražuje izgubljeni brod 'Event Horizon', ali ne znaju što ih očekuje nakon što je sedam godina bio izgubljen u svemiru.

In a future world, young people are increasingly becoming addicted to an illegal (and potentially deadly) battle simulation game called Avalon. When Ash, a star player, hears of rumors that a more advanced level of the game exists somewhere, she gives up her loner ways and joins a gang of explorers. Even if she finds the gateway to the next level, will she ever be able to come back to reality?

Film je akcijska avanturu smještenu na misteriozni i egzotični planet Barsoom (Mars). Temeljen je na romanu Edgara Ricea Burroughsa čije su maštalačke avanture poslužile kao inspiracija mnogim filmašima kako u prošlosti tako i u sadašnjosti. Glavni junak priče je ratom iscrpljeni, bivši vojni kapetan John Carter koji je neobjašnjivo trasportiran na Mars gdje protiv svoje volje postane upleten u sukob epskih proporcija između lokalnih stanovnika planeta koji uključuju Tarsa Tarkasa i zarobljenu princezu Dejah Thoris. U svijetu koji se nalazi na rubu kolapsa, Carter će ponovno pronaći svoju ljudskost nakon što otkrije da sudbina Barsooma i njegovih ljudi leži u njegovim rukama..

Pripadnici skupine elitnih ratnika uviđaju da su dovedeni na strani planet... da bi bili lovina. Oni su hladnokrvni ubojice i ljudski predatori koji postaju plijen novoj vrsti izvanzemaljskih predatora.

A man trapped in an automated prison must outsmart a computer in order to escape and try and find his way back to the outside world that may already be wiped out.

While searching for a solution to his serious health condition, David, a renowned neurosurgeon, discovers a sinister secret hidden in the past.

A jaded homicide detective has been put on the case of a ruthless killer in the city of Chicago, who leaves a trail of horribly mutilated and dismembered corpses along with perversely ironic biblical quotes.

A Florida con man uses the passing of the long time Congressman from his district, who he just happens to share a name with, to get elected to his version of paradise- Congress, where the money flows from lobbyists.

McKayla and Sadie, two death-obsessed teenage girls, use their online show about real-life tragedies to send their small Midwestern town into a frenzy and cement their legacy as modern horror legends.

During a routine case in L.A., NY private investigator Harry D'Amour stumbles over members of a fanatic cult who are preparing for the resurrection of their leader Nix, a powerful magician who was killed 13 years earlier.

Na posljednjem danu prve ljudske misije na Mars, član posade vjeruje da je naišao na iznenađujuće otkriće: fosilne dokaze bakterijskog života na tom planetu. Nevoljan prepustiti slavu nekom drugom on će odbiti poslušati naređenje te se samovoljno uputiti na ekspediciju prikupljanja dokaza. No sve će poći po zlu kad propadne u duboku provaliju. Kreće potraga za njegovim tijelom. Je li vrsta koja je otkrivena na Marsu toliko opasna?

Winning Streak is the astonishing story of a group of young down-and-outs who are presented with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity; to change their luck and set off on the adventure of their lives. Thanks to an infallible method based on the roulette wheel’s imperfection, their lifestyle is about to become better than their wildest dreams, as they set out to break the banks at casinos around the world.

David Lord finds himself forced into the savage world of a modern gladiatorial arena, where men fight to the death for the entertainment of the online masses.

The International Space Station is now a prison - the ultimate black site. No one's getting out. And no one knows it's there. But when the imprisoned terrorists take over the Station and turn it into a missile aimed at Moscow, only a shuttle pilot and a rookie doctor can stop them. Their task is complicated by a rogue CIA agent (Scott Adkins) who has his own plans for the station and the terrorists within.

Edward Carnby (Christian Slater) je detektiv koji se bavi istraživanjem paranormalnih, neobjašnjivih i nadnaravnih slučajeva. Edward istražuje misterioznu smrt prijatelja, a trag ga odvodi do otoka Shadow gdje se suočava s pravim hororom. Naime, Edward doznaje da se demoni koje obožava stara kultura Abskani namjeravaju vratiti u život u 21 stoljeću kako još jednom zavladali svijetom. Njima na putu stoje samo Edward, mladi genijalni antropolog s nevjerojatnom memorijom te Edwardova bivša djevojka Aline.