Starring Mexican star Pedro Infante, "Black Angels" is about a couple formed by a beautiful woman and a singer, both white, who are parents of a black girl. The woman blames him, but the girl will suffer the racist treatment from her own mother. Mexican version of the famous novel by Fannie Hurst "Imitation of Life"

January, 1920. 350,000 French soldiers remain missing in action. Major Dellaplane tirelessly matches the dead and the wounded with families' descriptions. Honor and ethics drive him; he hates the idea of "the unknown soldier." Into his sector, looking for her husband, comes a haughty, politically connected Parisian, Madame Irène de Courtil. Brusquely, Dellaplane offers her 1/350,000th of his time, but as their paths cross and she sees his courage and resolve, feelings change. After he finds a surprising connection between her missing husband and a local teacher, Irène makes Dellaplane an offer. This man of action hesitates: has he missed his only chance?

Športová dráma podľa skutočných udalostí... Mníchov, 1972. Olympijské hry, poznačené teroristickým útokom, pokračujú ďalej. Vo finále basketbalového turnaja sa proti sebe postavia reprezentácie dvoch nezmieriteľných nepriateľov studenej vojny. Tím USA je považovaný za neporaziteľný, Sovieti, vedení novým trénerom, ktorý za dva roky úplne zmenil zloženie mužstva i jeho koncepciu, sa však nemienia vzdať svojho sna...

Mafalda is an exceptional child, since her curiosity, world view and existential consciousness are broader than those of almost all human beings.

Caden Welles is living life as large as any 20-year-old could dream … until his eyes are opened to a world few Americans know still exists: a thriving human-trafficking trade. Spurred by a true purpose, an unlikely new friendship, and the prayers of his mother and girlfriend, Caden begins an unlikely search to rescue a young girl.

A young mouse named Fievel and his family decide to migrate to America, a "land without cats," at the turn of the 20th century. But somehow, Fievel ends up in the New World alone and must fend off not only the felines he never thought he'd have to deal with again but also the loneliness of being away from home.

This animated take on Oliver Twist re-imagines Oliver as an adorable orphaned kitten who struggles to survive in New York City and falls in with a band of canine criminals led by an evil human. First, Oliver meets Dodger, a carefree mutt with street savoir faire. But when Oliver meets wealthy Jenny on one of the gang's thieving missions, his life changes forever.

The Brothers Bloom are the best con men in the world, swindling millionaires with complex scenarios of lust and intrigue. Now they've decided to take on one last job – showing a beautiful and eccentric heiress the time of her life with a romantic adventure that takes them around the world.

Commissioned to mark the 60th anniversary of the Cannes Film Festival, "To Each His Own Cinema" brought together 33 of the world's pre-eminent filmmakers to produce short pieces exploring the multifarious facets of cinema and their perspective on the state of their chosen artform in the early 21st century.

Kanadska hudobna snimka opisuje put mladej americkej kapely The Winners za vytuzenou slavou. Frontman skupiny Joey, loser ako v zivote, tak v laske, berie turne do New Yorku ako poslednu nadej chytit sa v soubiznise. Cesta sa naramne skomplikuje, ked je po jednom z koncertov ich basistka uhryznuta upirom. Komplikacia je to do tej doby, nez kapela s upirkou v zostave zacne ziskavat viac a viac fanusikov. Ked sa v upirov premeni aj zvysok kapely, su uz z nich hviezdy prvej triedy. Mrtvych ale pribuda a Joey zacne hladat vychodisko, ako sa on aj zvysok kapely mozu stat znovu ludmi.

Every year the Witching World gathers to celebrate the newly inducted witches into their world. Beatrix (12) is eager to become part of this world, but when her pending magical status is jeopardized she needs the help of her furry best friend Muggs (voiced by Joey Fatone) to solve some magical riddles before the big event. Will Beatrix sink or soar on the night of the Witches' Ball?

Andy "Brink" Brinker and his in-line skating crew--Peter, Jordy, and Gabriella--who call themselves "Soul-Skaters" (which means they skate for the fun of it, and not for the money), clash with a group of sponsored skaters, Team X-Bladz--led by Val--with whom they attend high school in southern California. When Brink discovers his family is in financial trouble, he goes against the wishes of his parents and his friends and joins Team X-Bladz. Brink tries to lead a double life but will be able to pull it off?

It tells of the events before the film, in which monster hunter Gabriel Van Helsing travels to London to investigate a series of horrific, and decidedly supernatural murders, being committed by the mad scientist Dr. Jekyll, in the form of his evil alter-ego, Mr. Hyde.

When Toaster and the gang spark friendships with the playful animals at the veterinary hospital, they soon discover their new pals are about to be sent to a testing laboratory.

Kristin je nútená zavrieť svoj malý butik na Manhattane, aby sa mohla vrátiť do rodného mesta v Ohiu a žiť v dome po rodičoch. Pre Kristin a jej dcéru Emily je však ťažké zvyknúť si na nový malomestský život - najmä keď Kristin narazí na svoju niekdajšiu rivalku zo školy Melissu. Kristin s Emily sa zo všetkých síl snažia vrátiť svoj život do zabehnutých koľají s pomocou učiteľa hudby Dannyho a Kristininej tety Sarah, majiteľky miestnej kaviarne. Vďaka čaru Vianoc a hudby nakoniec matka s dcérou pochopia, že domov je tam, kde je srdce.

Ron "Tater Salad" White dishes out his signature brand of cynicism, riffing on sex, celebrity and the sinister habits of wild geese.

Based on the book by Thomas M. Disch and intended as the third film in the series, this sequel was finished and released prior to 'The Brave Little Toaster To The Rescue'. Whilst trying to protect their new "Little Master" the anthropomorphic appliances set off on an epic adventure and make many new friends along the way.

Residents of a friendly Pennsylvania town foil three brothers' plan to rob a bank on Christmas Eve.

Keď známeho spisovateľa unesú jeho blázniví fanúšikovia, záchrana závisí len od jeho dospievajúcej dcéry. Štrnásťročná Melissa Morrisová sa cíti veľmi osamelo, pretože v rodine má silného konkurenta. Nie je to však nikto živý, ale literárna postava, ktorú si vymyslel jej otec, známy autor dobrodružných bestsellerov pre dospievajúcu mládež. Neal si vôbec neuvedomuje, ako jeho dcéra túži po zblížení, všetky jeho myšlienky a sny sa točia len okolo misií jeho fiktívneho hrdinu Tripa Zoomea. Melissa sa rozhodne konať a rozhodne sa, že spolu s otcom strávia niekoľko prázdninových dní. Bohužiaľ, jej plán sa prekrýva s propagačnou cestou posledného otcovho románu. A práve v tej chvíli sa Neil stane terčom zradného sprisahania - unesú ho dvaja pobláznení bratia, jeho šialení fanúšikovia. V záujme záchrany otca sa teraz musí Emily pokúsiť odhaliť v sebe superhrdinku...

A family of 4 makes a long drive to Aunt Martha's house to visit her for the first time in years. Only she isn't there. Just the caretaker and his message that she will appear the next day...if they survive the night.