Аристократ търси помощ в двора на Луи XVI, за да отводни блатата в родния си край, но открива, че може да има успех в кралския двор, само ако залага на остроумието си.

After a painful journey through Europe, Aleksei, a Belarusian, joins the Foreign Legion in France and clings to a confused hope of a European identity. Jomo, a Nigerian, fights for the survival and durability of his people in the Niger Delta and is ready to die to defend his ideas. These two young people who are sacrificed and smashed together will, against all odds, meet and their destinies will merge to continue across borders, bodies, life and death...

A struggling artist buys a talisman that gives him love, fame and wealth. The talisman is a severed left hand, and it works perfectly, in fact, magically. But of course there is nothing free in this world, and after one year the devil comes and asks for his due.

A story about a rural family in China. The husband stays at home and farms the land, while the wife goes into town to be a prostitute to earn more money.

Bailey and Darla embark upon a misguided and mutually deceitful form of therapy, one in which they must drive across the country re-enacting Darla's colorful history as a sex addict. As their true motivations for the road trip come to light, the unlikely pair force one another to confront their issues, discovering that there might actually be more to love than just sex.

During the housing shortage of the Summer Olympic Games in 1964, two men and a woman share a small apartment in Tokyo, and the older man soon starts playing Cupid to the younger pair.

A "normal" guy who is married to a hot actress gets worried that she is involved with her costar. This worry turns into jealousy and causes problems in their relationship. This is a story about trust and a comedy about the actions between men and women.

Fush and Ballestrat are the heads of each department of the French police. Both have the task of combating serious crime and cleaning up the underworld.

A poor New York resident, who is of Indian origin, dreams of becoming a fast car race driver. He endeavors, and his efforts are rewarded when he selected by a little-known group called 'RACING SADDLES'. He joins them and soon becomes their ace race driver. This man, whose name is Rajveer, then meets with a rich American woman, also of Indian origin, whose name is Radhika. Both fall in love with each other. They cannot get married, because Radhika's family hates Rajveer mainly because he is very poor. But Radhika is very stubborn, so she marries him. She loses all her rights to her family's wealth. They get married and become parents of two children. They also become very rich. Then Rajveer has an accident which changes their lives forever. They get into debt and stand to lose everything. Will Radhika be forced to return back to her family?

Макар да носи името на 850-тонната космическа лаборатория, която излезе извън контрол и се разпадна на земята, " Космическа лаборатория" е лек филм, на ръба с комерсиалното кино, уверено заснет от сценаристката и режисьорка Жюли Делпи. Номинираната за "Оскар" заедно с Ричард Линклейтър за сценария на " Преди залеза" (2004) актриса е и текстописец, и певица от време на време. За четвъртия си режисьорски опит тя извиква спомените си от детството, за да ни разкаже с топлота и хумор за едно лятно събиране на големия й род през 1979 г. през очите на преждевременно развито 11-годишно момиче. Филмът е изпълнен с носталгичен копнеж по миналото и с мащабен актьорски състав, сред който изпъкват няколко популярни френски актьори.

In the darkness of a peaceful village, a pyromaniac ignites his first fire. As more fires break out, the society panics. An inferno lurks under the surface as a local policeman uncovers the unthinkable truth...

Using testimonies by pioneers and witnesses of the times, delve into the feverish visual culture the media generated – with far-fetched examples of canine television games, seduction manuals, aerobics class while holding a baby, among others.

After learning of her husband's infidelities, a housewife invites an itinerant lesbian to move in with them. None of their lives will ever be the same again.

Mikaela has undergone vaginoplasty. One night at a bar, she meets a guy and takes him back to her place.

Стефан е страстен почитател на женската прелест. Един ден, прибирайки се по-рано от командировка, жена му го залавя в обятията на очарователната Жули. Той я представя за своя дъщеря от предишен брак, за която е забравил да спомене преди това. Разбира се, нито Жули, нито жената на Стефан, са въодушевени от създалата се ситуация.

Is love compatible with coupledom? And what of freedom and fidelity? These are some of the questions facing two married men.

Mady Celliers, an attractive housewife of 60, he spends his life speaking ill of her two daughters and her husband, a man who shows a strange behavior since has retired. Antoine, the eldest son, company director, is unable to make a success of a business: out of a bankruptcy to get into another, her sister Alice madonnas obsessively paints sad. Annabelle, a nurse in an intensive care unit, tries desperately to save his family pronosticándole the future. When Alice meets by chance Jacques, a lonely police pessimistic explode all family neurosis.

For years, we have tried to harness the power of the human mind… and failed. Now, one breakthrough will change everything. Beyond technology. Beyond humanity. Beyond control. David, Ryan, and Jordan hope the telepathy invention will solve all their problems, but the bleeding-edge technology opens a Pandora’s box of new dangers, as the team discovers that when they open their minds, there is nowhere to hide their thoughts.

С "Пале Роял" (или "Кралски дворец") звездата на френското кино Валери Льомерсие ни кани на весела разходка в света на висшата европейска аристокрация, и по-точно сред кралските семейства - тези, чийто живот е постоянно на показ в жълтите издания. За разлика от тях Армел е съвсем обикновена и животът й с нищо не би се различавал от този на милиони незабележими жени, ако не се беше омъжила за Арно, вторият син на един от "малките" европейски крале. А и Арно никога не би станал крал, ако след смъртта на баща му при злополука не беше влязъл в сила един древен и отдавна забравен почти от всички закон - според който първородният син не може да заеме трона, поради това че е в развод.

When Florence, his companion of five years, shocks him with the news that she's leaving him, moving to Miami and marrying another man, Arthur loses it. He follows Florence to all the way to Florida with plans to stop the wedding, which is set to take place in just a few days. Along the way, he crosses paths with Emilie, who is also heading to Miami, but unlike Arthur, is wanted by the police. As a result, Arthur gets stuck on an adventure he definitely never expected.