The wife of an abusive criminal finds solace in the arms of a kind regular guest in her husband's restaurant.

A lone drifter stumbles upon a harrowing discovery -- a unique pair of sunglasses that reveals that aliens are systematically gaining control of the Earth by masquerading as humans and lulling the public into submission.

A couple fights to hold their relationship together as a memory loss virus spreads and threatens to erase the history of their love and courtship.

A young woman of about 17 years old, named Meryem (Ozgu Namal), has been raped, and her village's customs call for her to be killed to restore honor and dignity to her family and village. The eldest son of the village leader, Cemal (Murat Han), is ordered to take Meryem to Istanbul and kill her, but at the last minute he cannot complete the task.

Kriminālkomēdija par sīku blēdi un viņa centieniem pierunāt savu ekscentrisko draugu nodot ģimenes uzņēmuma apsardzi viņa rokās. Protams, sekas ir vienlaikus briesmīgas un ļoti smieklīgas, un stāvoklis kļūst vēl sarežģītāks, kas emocionāli nelīdzsvarots policists sāk izmeklēt notikumu, kas, viņaprāt, ir slepkavība.

An aging cop is assigned the ordinary task of escorting a fast-talking witness from police custody to a courthouse, but they find themselves running the gauntlet as other forces try to prevent them from getting there.

Dr. Peyton Westlake is on the verge of realizing a major breakthrough in synthetic skin when his laboratory is destroyed by gangsters. Having been burned beyond recognition and forever altered by an experimental medical procedure, Westlake becomes known as Darkman, assuming alternate identities in his quest for revenge and a new life with a former love.

20 men are chosen to participate in the roles of guards and prisoners in a psychological study that ultimately spirals out of control.

Hekule, the King of Kuvukiland, is given a gemstone by the dying Kunji Balanadin. The stone is cursed and causes Hekule to become possessed by the spirit of the mischievous Kunji. It is up Mr. Bones, the royal witch doctor to cure his King and get rid of this cursed stone by returning the gem to its home in an Indian fishing village.

A tough Russian policeman is forced to partner up with a cocky Chicago police detective when he is sent to Chicago to apprehend a Georgian drug lord who killed his partner and fled the country.

Pēc sakāves, maldikoni atkal atgriežas uz Zemes, lai saņemtu gūstā Semu Vitvikiju (Šaja Labafs). Pēc nonākšanas gūstā, jaunais varonis uzzina patiesību par transformeru izcelsmi. Cilvēces glābšanas misijā iesaistās Optims Prims, kurš sapulcina starptautiska mēroga armiju.

Jimmie Rainwood was minding his own business when two corrupt police officers (getting an address wrong) burst into his house, expecting to find a major drug dealer. Rainwood is shot, and the officers frame him as a drug dealer. Rainwood is convicted of drug dealing, based on the perjured evidence of a police informant. Thrown into a seedy jail, fighting to prove his innocence is diffucult when he has to deal with the realities of prison life, where everyone claims they were framed.

All grown up in post-apocalyptic 2018, John Connor must lead the resistance of humans against the increasingly dominating militaristic robots. But when Marcus Wright appears, his existence confuses the mission as Connor tries to determine whether Wright has come from the future or the past -- and whether he's friend or foe.

A horror-thriller centered on a woman living with "face-blindness" after surviving a serial killer's attack. As she lives with her condition, one in which facial features change each time she loses sight of them, the killer closes in.

A journalist goes undercover to ferret out businessman Harrison Hill as her best friend's killer. Posing as one of his temps, she enters into a game of online cat-and-mouse.

The avenging angel of Marvel Comics fame comes brilliantly to life in this searing action-adventure thriller! Dolph Lundgren stars as Frank Castle, a veteran cop who loses his entire family to a mafia car bomb. His ex-partner believes Castle survived the blast and became the Punisher, living in the sewers and exacting vigilante violence against mob bosses throughout the city. When the populace is caught in the midst of a gang war that he caused, Castle must again emerge from the shadows and save the innocent.

Netālā nākotnē prāta manipulēšanas tehnoloģija ļauj cilvēkiem kontrolēt citu cilvēku darbību. Balstoties uz tās, tiek izveidota spēle, kuras ietvaros cilvēki var manipulēt ar speciāli apmācītiem kaujiniekiem visdažādākajās kaujas situācijās. Keibls ir viens no labākajiem kontrolējamiem kaujiniekiem, kuru piespiež piedalīties spēlē pret viņa paša gribu. Viņš alkst izrauties no spēles, lai atkal kļūstu par brīvu cilvēku un atkal satiktu savu ģimeni. Taču tādēļ viņam nākas izaicināt stingro sistēmu un pretoties tai.

A new batch of recruits arrives at Police Academy, this time a group of civilian volunteers who have joined Commandant Lassard's new Citizens on Patrol program. Although the community relations project has strong governmental support, a disgusted Captain Harris is determined to see it fail.

When a group of people from different walks of life converge in a Hungarian castle situated in Budapest which has been sealed for 500 years, they bring with them a werewolf which slowly begins to cut their numbers down.