Outskirts of Moscow. A girl comes to an unfamiliar apartment to look after a dog. After a while, she realizes that the owner of the apartment has disappeared. She finds herself into a series of people that have been taking care of the dog for years in that same apartment, creating a weird community around this strange absence of the owner.
A young student Irina comes to a small sea shore town to spend some time with her grandmother.
A group of friends have created a brand new subculture that is taking over the streets of Glasgow. They've established their very own fight club, but this is no ordinary wrestling event - this is brutal, riotous chaos. Fights don't always stay inside the ring, people are bounced off the side of buses and thrown off balconies in pubs. They now plan the biggest show of their lives. The stakes are high, will it bring them the fame and recognition they need to survive?
抗战初期,女青年素芬(白杨 饰)认识了饱含爱国爱情的男青年张忠良(陶金 饰),很快两人便坠入爱河。两人结婚一年之后,抗战全面爆发,恰好素芬诞下一子,取名抗生。张忠良参加救援队跟随部队南下,素芬带儿子和婆婆回到乡下。在那个战火纷飞的岁月里,人物的命运大起在落。弟弟张忠民(高正 饰)被逼上“梁山”,公公被日本人杀害,素芬带着婆婆(吴茵 饰)和儿子从上海到乡下,又从乡下到城里,饱尝艰辛,但她始终盼望着自己已经失去联系的丈夫张忠良能早日回来。张忠良在战争中颠沛流离,最终流亡到重庆,在走投无路之时得遇交际花王丽珍(舒绣文 饰),忠良在王丽珍的帮助下慢慢被堕落的物质生活所引诱,开始迷失自己。后来和王丽珍结婚,并在抗日战争结束后回到上海,与王丽珍的表姐何文艳(上官云珠 饰)厮混,此时的他已经完全忘记了结发妻子素芬和自己的母亲和儿子。一次晚宴上,做帮佣的素芬终于见到了自己日夜思念的丈夫,而他却已经成为别人的丈夫…… 一江春水自东往西,带走的是岁月,留下的是悲情。此片创下了解放前国产片的最高上座纪录,上映期间在上海曾出现“成千万人引颈翘望,成千万人踩进戏院大门”的壮观景象。
面对巨大的挑战而不放弃,生活是否值得过?尼娜·索基尔是一位无知、粗鲁、无情、自私的流行电视脱口秀主持人。这位冷酷无情的当地巨星喜欢用廉价的阴谋来激怒节目嘉宾和观众,通过在 Instagram 上揭露不实事实来获得更多点赞。妮娜很有魅力,爱情和幸运都在她身边,直到光鲜亮丽的生活突然给她带来了磨难。如此坚强、坚不可摧的女性如何克服严重的健康问题呢? 尼娜与名誉和疾病作斗争的虚构故事的灵感来自制片人亚尼娜·索科洛娃的戏剧性现实生活,她也经历过类似的地狱,从名人的顶峰跌落到没有人在 Facebook 上报道的个人生存恐怖。这是一部未经改编的现实生活剧,由乌克兰最有才华的导演之一玛丽西娅·尼基蒂克(Marysia Nikitiuk)(处女作《当树倒下时》在柏林电影节全景首映后继续在世界各地巡演)制作,最终精确的技术节奏,频闪灯照明,愤世嫉俗的幽默,黑暗的气氛,以及令人震惊的残酷灾难戏剧,令人不愉快。 这部电影包括戏剧演员克塞尼亚·赫日尼亚克 (Ksenia Khyzhniak) 所传达的杂技、恐龙和可怕的痛苦,她将尼娜描绘成一个坚不可摧、自信、脆弱、叛逆和孤独的战士,她将死亡视为她的朋友。在她的第一个电影角色中,钢管舞者兼心理学家为每个场景带来了一场精彩的表演,并将我们推向极限,体验难以想象的可怕的寒冷疼痛。
More than half of the world’s preventable blindness is caused by cataract disease, a clouding of the clear lens of the eye. In developing countries like Nepal, it is not only a personal tragedy, but can devastate the economy of entire communities. Fortunately, it is also easy to cure. Cataract surgery is one of the most effective medical interventions on earth, but until recently was considered too expensive to provide to the rural poor. Most of the world’s blind people live in remote, impoverished areas. The majority of doctors able to cure them work in cities. Dr. Sanduk Ruit from Nepal, and his American partner, Dr. Geoff Tabin, have made perfecting a portable low cost surgical procedure to restore sight their life‘s work. They trek to Nepal’s remote Northeast, carrying an entire hospital on porters‘ backs. Their mission is to bring the needlessly blind out of the darkness.
有人正在勒索中央情报局——通过暗杀外国记者,并栽赃CIA。 当世界开始联合起来反对美国时,中央情报局必须出动他们最聪明且叛逆的特工重返江湖,迫使他面对自己曲折的过去,同时揭开一个国际阴谋。
On June 9, 1997, Ben Folds Five was one of the first guests to appear on a new series called Sessions at West 54th. Because of the 1/2 hour time constraint of the show, only a handful of the recorded tracks made it to air. The DVD contains the entire performance which, for the most part, includes tracks from their just released album, Whatever and Ever Amen. The DVD includes Spare Reels, a 45 minute film which contains live performances and clips of the band in various and random situations. It also contains clips of Ben Folds Five during the studio sessions for their then upcoming album, The Unauthorized Biography of Reinhold Messner.
As her 40th birthday draws near, high school librarian Daisy feels societal pressure to settle down and start a family. When the art teacher at Daisy's school abruptly quits mid-term, she teams up with a local photographer to give the students the art program they deserve.
After Isabella, a destitute beauty-addict, fakes cancer to pay for her next cosmetic surgery, she is haunted by a shadow figure demanding a penance of flesh.
This film powerfully documents New York City's gay community's response to the AIDS crisis as they are forced to organize themselves after the government's failure to stem the epidemic. Activists who are interviewed include playwrite Larry Kramer, People With AIDS Coalition co-founder Michael Callen (who died of AIDS in 1994), New York filmmaker and journalist Phil Zwickler, as well as representatives from ACT-UP, Queer Nation and the Gay Men's Health Crisis.
Kyra Phillips reports from the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., on the rise in hate towards Jews and on the importance of bearing witness to what happened during the Holocaust.