A blind man Raja visits UK and falls in love with Roop. Their family opposes their relationship. Will their love overcome all the barriers?

关于莱比锡艺术家Neo Rauch的纪录片,他被认为是他这一代的开创性画家之一。 劳赫(Rauch)出生于1960年,在他还是婴儿的时候,在一次事故中失去了父母。 他在莱比锡的HochschulefürGrafikund Buchkunst学习,并于1990年代升入国际名声。 劳赫(Rauch)的画作经常围绕房屋的概念旋转,是莱比锡(Leipzig)最杰出的人物之一。 Neo Rauch是他这一代最成功的德国画家之一的全球声誉。 他的画对他们神秘的现实主义着迷。 角色似乎已经失去了时间,并且出现在梦游状态。 画家在梦,幻想和难以捉摸的现实之间展示的是什么,同时可理解和非常规。 绘画叙事永远不会明确或清晰 - 但尽管如此,它仍然留下了旁观者的魅力。 这部电影专注于新劳赫本人。 多年来,他在镜头前第一次谈论他的艺术方法,他的图像宇宙和个人过去,这受到父母早期失去的深深影响。 导演尼古拉·格拉夫(Nicola Graef)在他的工作室中展示了这位艺术家,与他的艺术家妻子罗莎·洛伊(Rosa Loy)观察了关键的对话,并与国际收藏家,画廊所有者和艺术爱好者讨论了Neo Rauch的现象。

The Russian version of the movie "Fight Club" is not just a Russian version of a well-known cult film, it is the result and of the hard work of two young men and their love for cinema, Alexander Kukhar (GOLOBON-TV) and Dmitry Ivanov (GRIZLIK FILM) , who are responsible for this project, from the development of its idea and the selection of the cast, to the organization of filming and financial support. Filming lasted a whole year. Everyday work, constant trips, searching for suitable film sets and an exhausting schedule - all this was not in vain and resulted in an unusually amazing and original project - the film "Fight Club", created in the very heart of southern Russia, in the city of Krasnodar, by two young people

Dark Roots of Thrash, is a release documenting Bay Area veterans TESTAMENT’s sold-out headlining performance at the Paramount Theatre, Huntington, New York, USA in February 15th and released on October 11th (Europe) and October 15th (North America) via Nuclear Blast! It captures a total of 19 live tracks with countless cams on stage and high above the audience, plus a special moshpit cam that makes you feel like you’re a part of the show! // Tracklist: 01. Intro 02. Rise Up 03. More Than Meets The Eye 04. Burnt Offerings 05. Native Blood 06. True American Hate 07. Dark Roots Of Earth 08. Into The Pit 09. Practice What You Preach 10. Riding The Snake 11. Eyes Of Wrath 12. Trial By Fire 13. The Haunting 14. The New Order 15. Do Not Resuscitate 16. Three Days In Darkness 17. The Formation Of Damnation 18. Over The Wall 19. Disciples Of The Watch 20. Credits + BONUS: 21. Backstage Footage 22. Native Blood (Video Clip)


Two guys against globalization want to plant a virus in the network of a finance corporation. On the day of the attack Alex has an accident and cannot remember anything. Visions and reality are thrown together in a confusing maze. Alex tries to escape from this muddle but what he discovers turns out to be rather frightening…

They failed as a couple, but as parents Julia and Tom share custody of their daughter Anni after their divorce. Driven by her hurt feelings, Julia begins to systematically alienate the girl from her father.

故事背景设定在90年代中期的复古未来版的平行世界中, Wyrm是一个不善社交的青少年,与孤独、青春期和社会的沉重期望作斗争。在这个世界上,学区通过远程项圈监控学生的情感和性发展,只有接吻后项圈才会自动打开,这是名为“不让一个孩子孤独”的项目的一部分。Wyrm是年级里最后一个还未接吻过的人,他必须在6天内完成这个要求。否则他将会被留级,而这会让他终身感到羞耻和尴尬。


01-宇宙的神秘大作战 02-SD战国传 头虫邸的忍者大战 03-1天之卷 2地之卷 3真之卷 4理之卷 OVA第三部作品‘机动战士SD高达MK-III’于1990年3月发售。  ‘宇宙的神秘 大作战’内容是:为了收藏在大宇宙中扩散的种种“神秘”的宇宙盗贼夏亚被宇宙巡警阿含号追逐的故事。   ‘SD战国传 头虫屋邸的忍者合战’内容是:潜入难攻不落的巨大机关建筑:头虫邸(闇将军之城)的隐密顽驮无大为活跃的故事。‘SD战国传 天,地,真,理之卷’则是描绘顽驮无五人众和杀驱三兄弟天天对战的(super limit)4段短篇动画(←对于天、地、真、理是什么意思感到好奇的人可以找爸爸或是爷爷问问看哦!)。

This FitzPatrick Traveltalk short tours North Carolina, first visiting the Cataloochie Ranch near Waynesville, where the ranch hands are shown square-dancing and singing folk songs. We cut to a visit with the many Cherokee Indian living in the state, followed by the camera showing the fields of azaleas, flowers that grow wild in many areas of this state. At the Biltmore estate, the annual Rhododendron Pageant is seen. Our screen tour winds up with a visit to Asheville, depicting Pack Square, the St. Lawrence Catholic Church and the Skyline Drive.

A grieving young inventor finds solace in repairing an antique typewriter.

Esen, a young man who has been expelled from his village, escapes with the daughter of one of the most powerful men in the village. Whilst being pursued, he is forced to fight for her hand in a battle that results in the destruction of a sacred totem tree. This puts the whole village in jeopardy, and it is up to Esen to redeem himself and save them all.

Three sisters that had a tranquil life in a town suffer dramatic life changes at the end of WW2.

A short animation released with the Persepolis DVD.

01-梦之浪漫公司 宇宙之旅 02-SD高达 疯狂赛车 第4弹‘机动战士SD高达MK-IV’是在1990年9月发售的OVA作品。   ‘梦之浪漫公司”,一家靠欺骗旅客参加行程的贫穷旅行社“梦之浪漫公司”导游亚凯,骗了外表看起来似乎很纯朴但其实很疑神疑鬼的ν高达以及充满个性的(!?)MS们去参加旅行团的行程,搭上由猛烈女老板丘贝雷(←红色高跟鞋和叫声都很恐怖啊~)驾驶的破烂宇宙船前往真实MS世界……这样一个充满喜剧风格的故事。事实上(可以变成高达通?)连在本篇中都没有描写的许多狂热分子才知道的珍奇设定和场景(稀有的MS以及从贾布罗垂直发射的联邦军舰等等)这么多可看之处反而变成本片的重点了呢~。