A well-off Indian family is paid an unexpected, and rather unwanted, visit by a man claiming to be the woman's long lost uncle. The initial suspicion with which they greet the man slowly dissolves as he regales them with stories of his travels, tales that are at odds with their conventional middle class perspective on the world.

Lucille, an introverted eleven year old girl, live with her parents, who are caretakers of the swimming pool in which they stay. Because of the weirdness of this place, which looks like a flying saucer, an awful anguish comes out of Lucille's mind. The "unidentified frightening object" of her confusion would happen to be even more obsessing than all fears of childhood.

A detective accidentally kills a man and disposes of the body to protect his career. The next day he sees that someone has hanged the corpse from a crane for all to see. He takes charge of the murder investigation to protect himself and find out who did it.

Shortly before her wedding, art gallery director Nora travels from Paris to Grenoble to visit her preteen son, Elias, who is spending time with her aging professor father, Louis, recently diagnosed with terminal cancer. During her stay, she reaches out to her former lover, Ismaël, a viola player and father figure to Elias who has been committed against his will to a mental hospital. Ismaël, however, has his own problems to sort out.

Rosa is a mature police officer with both a gambling and a drinking problem. She lives with her daughter Sheila, who has a little baby. One day, after a big fight between them, Sheila steals her mother's savings and storms out of the house leaving her baby behind. Rosa is forced to spend some time with her grandson. Something changes inside her heart of stone. However, everything takes a wrong turn one night. Only a miracle can save her.

В тази романтична драма ергенът (Финикс) трябва да избере между желанието на родителите си да се ожени за семейна приятелка или за своята опасна съседка.

Young women toiling in a factory are exposed to hazardous material which takes a disastrous toll on their health.

On the outskirts of the Civil War, a boy is sent north by a bounty hunter gang to retrieve a wanted man.

Завръщането на наемния убиец Джошуа Шапира (Тим Рот) в стария му квартал води до сериoзни неприятности както за него, така и за хората, които го познават. Джошуа трябва да изпълни „поръчка” в района, в който е израснал. Той подновява контактите си с по-малкия си брат Рюбен (Едуард Фърлонг) и със старата си любов Алла (Мойра Кели). Не всички обаче се радват да видят Джошуа. Неговият баща (Максимилиан Шел) се е отрекъл от сина си преди години, а местният бос на мафията Борис Волков има стари сметки за уреждане с Шапира.

Историята е по статия "Да възкресиш шампиона" на Дж.Р.Моринджър, която се появява в сп. "Лос Анджелис Таймс" през 1997 и се отнася за Боб Сатърфийлд. Разликата от филма е, че Моринджър няма деца, баща му не е известен, но изоставя семейството си...Човекът, пръв "заподозрял" идентичността на "шампиона" е Ърни Терел - състезател по бокс от тежка категория, известен с жестока загуба от Мохамед Али, след като си позволил да се обърне към него, вместо с новото, със старото му славно име - Касиус Клей. Млад журналист помага на бездомен мъж, за да разбере, че е срещнал "Шампиона" - стара боксова легенда, който отдавна се смята за починал. Виждайки в случая сензация, която би могла да го изстреля в кариерата, репортерът "хваща шанса", който обаче се оказва с различни лица.

Alessandro and Anna meet by chance. Same night, different tables, both on a date where the other person does not show up. Initially Alessandro cannot stand Anna, but things change when he gets to know her.

Hal is a 15-year-old high-school student with a minor yet socially alienating (and painful) disability: he stutters uncontrollably. Determined to work through the problem, Hal opts for an extreme route – he joins the school debating team, which sends him on a headfirst plunge into breakneck speech competitions and offers a much-needed boost toward correcting the problem.

In the rail yards of Queens, contractors repair and rebuild the city's subway cars. These contracts are lucrative, so graft and corruption are rife. When Leo Handler gets out of prison, he finds his aunt married to Frank Olchin, one of the big contractors; he's battling with a minority-owned firm for contracts.

A bizarre rite of passage at the local deli determines the fate of a generation of teenagers, leading some to escape their suburban town and dooming others to remain…

In 1870 Arizona Jane helps her foster-father ex-bandit (Carrillo) who has been accused of gold robbery.

A dark, hip, urban story of a barren and anonymous city where the underclass' sport of choice is ram-raiding. An exciting game in which stolen cars are driven through shop windows to aid large-scale looting before the police arrive. For Tommy, it's a business, but for Billy and Jo, it's a labour of love. As the competition between Tommy and Billy grows more fierce, the stakes become higher and the "shopping" trips increasingly risky.

Робърт Сандърс е обикновен механик, изгубил съзнание по време на рождения си ден и събудил се в огромен хладилник за месо. Докато се опитва да си спомни какво му се е случило, се появяват банда руски мафиоти, които го обвиняват в кражба на осем милиона долара. За да си признае, бандитите започват да снижават температурата на фризера. Докато той си мисли, че всичко е зле скроена шега, страхът го обзема малко по малко. Пред него има избор - или да замръзне до смърт в хладилника или да убие руските мафиоти, които няма да го пуснат току така. Но може би съществува и трети вариант....

The military draft is back. Three best friends are drafted and given 30 days to report for duty. In that time they're forced to confront everything they believe about courage, duty, love, friendship and honor. If called to serve, what would you do?

An old Parisian bistro with eternal charm. Eight gentlemen at the table, eight great figures. They were the “kings of Paris”… National treasures, masterpieces in peril. A well-honed ritual ... A sense of humor and self-deprecation intact. Tenderness and cruelty. Eight old friends who hate and love each other. And suddenly an intruder ...

An upstanding provincial reporter becomes presenter of the TV news on a commercial network owned by an influential Italian businessman. He soon outgrows his family and neglects them terribly. Investigating a fascist terrorist cell, the reporter's integrity is called into doubt by the police. Soon after, his jealous wife unleashes her wrath live in TV. It goes from bad to worse until his wife's anger brings him back to his senses and back home.