Dan je zahvalnosti i Charlie, učenik privatne srednje škole, prihvaća posao brige o bivšem pukovniku Franku Sladeu. Slijepi Slade nagovori Charlieja da mu se pridruži u obilasku najboljih stvari koje New York može pružiti...

When a beautiful young Grace arrives in the isolated township of Dogville, the small community agrees to hide her from a gang of ruthless gangsters, and, in return, Grace agrees to do odd jobs for the townspeople.

Chuck Noland ambiciozan je i predan djelatnik američke poštanske službe FedEx, zbog karijere često zapostavlja i svoju zaručnicu. Na jednom naizgled bezazlenom poslovnom putu njegov avion zahvati strahovita oluja i sruši se nasred Pacifika. Jedva se uspije dokopati obale, no to je pusti otok koji civilizacija još nije dotaknula.

Hollywood, 1927: As silent movie star George Valentin wonders if the arrival of talking pictures will cause him to fade into oblivion, he sparks with Peppy Miller, a young dancer set for a big break.

After coming in contact with radioactive waste, small-time crook Enzo Ceccotti gains super-strength. A misanthropic, introverted brute, he uses his new powers for personal gain until he meets Alessia, a mentally ill girl who believes Enzo is the hero from her favorite anime Steel Jeeg.

A documentary about the corrupt health care system in The United States who's main goal is to make profit even if it means losing people’s lives. "The more people you deny health insurance the more money we make" is the business model for health care providers in America.

Međunarodna zločinačka organizacija Spectre, čiji je član bio i dr. No kojeg je ubio James Bond, želi se osvetiti tom najboljem britanskom tajnom agentu. Vođa Spectrea naredi Rosi Klebb, staroj okrutnoj ženi koja je donedavno radila za sovjetsku tajnu službu, a sad je jedna od glavnih u Spectreu, da preuzme taj zadatak. U svom konzulatu u Istanbulu Sovjeti imaju najnoviji stroj za dešifriranje tajnih poruka nazvan "Lektor", kojeg se Britanci žele domoći. Rosa će zbog toga narediti lijepoj Ruskinji Tatjani Romanovoj, koja u konzulatu radi na "Lektoru", da stupi u vezu s Jamesom Bondom.

Više od jednog desetljeća svijet je bio zaokupljen lovom na Osamu bin Ladena. Dva američka predsjednika, njihova administracija i ostali svjetski vođe neumorno su radili na tome da uhvate vođu terorističke mreže Al Qaeda. Ali na kraju, mali tim operativaca CIA-e pronašao ga je i uništio. Svaki aspekt njihove misije čuvan je u tajnosti do sada, kada Kathryn Bigelow u kontroverznom filmu Zero Dark Thirty prikazuje ratno ludilo Bliskog Istoka te detaljno opisuje tim i operacije koje su dovele do pronalaska i smaknuća Osame bin Ladena.

Czech literature teacher Josef Tkaloun, who is past retirement age, realises one day that he no longer understands his pupils, and so he quits… dramatically. What he does not predict is that in doing this he will lose his sense of place in society.

Nobleman crusader Robin of Locksley breaks out of a Jerusalem prison with the help of Moorish fellow prisoner Azeem and travels back home to England. But upon arrival he discovers his dead father in the ruins of his family estate, killed by the vicious sheriff of Nottingham, Robin and Azeem join forces with outlaws Little John and Will Scarlett to save the kingdom from the sheriff's villainy.

Hushpuppy, an intrepid six-year-old girl, lives with her father, Wink in 'the Bathtub', a southern Delta community at the edge of the world. Wink’s tough love prepares her for the unraveling of the universe—for a time when he’s no longer there to protect her. When Wink contracts a mysterious illness, nature flies out of whack—temperatures rise, and the ice caps melt, unleashing an army of prehistoric creatures called aurochs. With the waters rising, the aurochs coming, and Wink’s health fading, Hushpuppy goes in search of her lost mother.

A research scientist explores the boundaries and frontiers of consciousness. Using sensory deprivation and hallucinogenic mixtures from native American shamans, he explores these altered states of consciousness and finds that memory, time, and perhaps reality itself are states of mind.

Although living a comfortable life in Salon-de-Provence, a charming town in the South of France, Julie has been feeling depressed for a while. To please her, Philippe Abrams, a post office administrator, her husband, tries to obtain a transfer to a seaside town, on the French Riviera, at any cost. The trouble is that he is caught red-handed while trying to scam an inspector. Philippe is immediately banished to the distant unheard of town of Bergues, in the Far North of France...

Uobičajni dan plaćenog ubojice Cheva Chelios jednog jutra započinje neobičnim telefonskim pozivom koji ga obavještava da mu je za vrijeme sna u tijelo ubačen smrtonosni otrov koji je specifičan po tome da ne djeluje sve dok je ritam otkucaja srca visok. Chev polako počinje shvaćati kako bi sve to mogla biti osveta njegovih poslodavaca, moćnog mafijaškog klana sa Zapadne obale SAD-a, koji nije sretan zbog njegovih posljednjih odluka. Noć prije Chev, naime, nije izvršio naručeno ubojstvo jer je odlučio prekinuti sa svojim dotadašnjim poslom i započeti novi život sa svojom djevojkom Eve. Shvativši kako mu vrijeme brzo ističe, Chev započinje žestoku potragu za protuotrovom odlučan ukloniti svakoga tko mu se ispriječi na putu. No vremena je sve manje, a čini se da je uvijek dva koraka iza spasonosnog protuotrova.

When the murdered body discovered by beautiful, vivacious socialite Melsa Manton disappears, police and press label her a prankster until she proves them wrong.

This five part epic war drama gives a dramatized detailed account of Soviet Union's war against Nazi Germany during world war two. Each of the five parts represents a separate major eastern front campaign.

Japanski ministar obrane posjećuje Francusku kako bi potpisao "ugovor stoljeća" i uvjerio se u sposobnosti francuske policije u borbi s teroristima. Policijskom načelniku je operacija Ninja, misija u kojoj mora štititi ministra, vrhunac njegove dotadašnje karijere. Kad banda yakuza otima japanskog ministra, jasno je da im se suprotstaviti mogu samo Daniel i Emilien. Daniel, koji još uvijek vozi taksi, vidi priliku za dokazivanje svojih vozačkih sposobnosti, a Emilien priliku za konačno osvajanje Petre.

After a young, middle-class couple moves into what seems like a typical suburban house, they become increasingly disturbed by a presence that may or may not be demonic but is certainly the most active in the middle of the night.

When Longfellow Deeds, a small-town pizzeria owner and poet, inherits $40 billion from his deceased uncle, he quickly begins rolling in a different kind of dough. Moving to the big city, Deeds finds himself besieged by opportunists all gunning for their piece of the pie. Babe, a television tabloid reporter, poses as an innocent small-town girl to do an exposé on Deeds.

Georges Duroy travels through 1890s Paris, from cockroach ridden garrets to opulent salons, using his wits and powers of seduction to rise from poverty to wealth, from a prostitute’s embrace to passionate trysts with wealthy beauties, in a world where politics and media jostle for influence, where sex is power and celebrity an obsession.