Recorded live at Baker Hamilton Square, San Francisco, CA, Saturday, March 21st, 1998.
A behind-the-scenes look at Jim Henson's 1986 fantasy film, 'Labyrinth', featuring David Bowie and Jennifer Connelly.
يقع مصير المجرة في أيدي أعداء ألداء. أحدهم ، جيمس كيرك ، هو فتى جانح يبحث عن الإثارة في أيوا. الآخر ، سبوك ، فولكان ، نشأ في مجتمع قائم على المنطق يرفض كل المشاعر. مع تصادم الغريزة النارية مع العقل الهادئ ، فإن شراكتهم غير المتوقعة ولكن القوية هي الشيء الوحيد القادر على قيادة طاقمهم خلال خطر لا يمكن تصوره ، والذهاب بجرأة إلى حيث لم يذهب أحد من قبل. بدأت المغامرة البشرية مرة أخرى.
إنه القرن الرابع والعشرين، والسفينة هي إنتربرايز إي. يتلقى الكابتن (جان لوك بيكارد) الأوامر بعدم التدخل في المعركة بين (بورج كيوب) وسفن الاتحاد. ولكن مع رؤيته للاتحاد وهو على مشارف الهزيمة، يقرر (بيكارد) تجاهل الأوامر والتدخل في المعركة. ينجح في هزيمة الأعداء بفضل خبرته الكبيرة، ويقوم بعضهم بالفرار في اتجاه الأرض. يطاردهم بيكارد ولكنه يقع في فجوة زمنية تنقله إلى منتصف القرن الحادي والعشرين. يكون عليه أن يتصدى لكل العوائق من أجل إنقاذ الأرض.
Tells the early history of how conflict began between the humans and machines. Part 1 of 2.
An emotional Mumbai-based football player, Rohan (Shivdasani), seeks the assistance of childhood friend, Simran (Reddy), to successfully woo fellow-collegian, Preeti (Sharma). Simran herself is about to be engaged to U.S-based Vicky (Malik). After the engagement ceremony, Vicky returns back to the U.S - not realising that back in India nothing is the same anymore...
في هذا الجزء الجديد من سلسلة أفلام الخيال العلمي (ستار تريك)، يجب على طاقم الإنتربرايز وقف مؤامرة لمنع عقد معاهدة سلام بين امبراطورية كلنجون والاتحاد.
Miser Ebenezer Scrooge is awakened on Christmas Eve by spirits who reveal to him his own miserable existence, what opportunities he wasted in his youth, his current cruelties, and the dire fate that awaits him if he does not change his ways. Scrooge is faced with his own story of growing bitterness and meanness, and must decide what his own future will hold: death or redemption.
Louis Theroux spends time with a small and very committed subculture of ultra-nationalist Jewish settlers. He discovers a group of people who consider it their religious and political obligation to populate some of the most sensitive areas of the West Bank, especially those with a spiritual significance dating back to the Bible. Throughout his journey, Louis gets close to the people most involved with driving the extreme end of the Jewish settler movement - finding them warm, friendly, humorous, and deeply troubling.
في مهمة جديدة في قلب الفضاء، يجب على النقيب بيكار، بمساعدة النقيب كيرك، أن يوقفا المجنون المستعد للقتل على نطاق الكواكب من أجل الدخول إلى مصفوفة الفضاء.
مركبة فضائية عملاقة قوتها هائلة تُدمِّر ثلاث طوافات كالينجنية قوية داخل مجال الاتحاد. بعدها يؤمَر الأدميرال (جيمس ت. كيرك بقيادة مشروع (USS) للمرة الاولى منذ مهمتها التاريخية التي استمرت لخمس سنوات.
يصل إلى علم طاقم (إنتربرايز) معلومات تفيد بأن هناك مؤامرة تحاك ضد سكان إحدى الكواكب، فيقرر الكابتن (بيكارد) بالشروع في عملية مفتوحة تستهدف إنقاذ سكان الكوكب.
The first installment of this Emmy award-winning series. A movie based at Babylon 5: a new space station built by Humans. The Vorlon ambassador, Kosh, has been poisoned. It is the new commanding officer's, Jeffrey Sinclair, responsibility to find the culprit. Otherwise the space station will fail in its role to bring all the races together.
A Michigan farmer and a prospector form a partnership in the California gold country. Their adventures include buying and sharing a wife, hijacking a stage, kidnapping six prostitutes, and turning their mining camp into a boom town. Along the way there is plenty of drinking, gambling, and singing. They even find time to do some creative gold mining.
NUDE explores perceptions of nudity in art by chronicling the creative process of photographer David Bellemere as he's commissioned by NU Muses founder Steve Shaw to shoot a fine art calendar of nude photographs.
As the heir and current marketing director for one of the nation's biggest gun manufacturers, Liberty Wallace is indifferent to the atrocities made possible through her business and her CEO husband, Victor. On her way to see her actor lover, Liberty ends up chained to a food cart full of explosives -- all at the insistence of "Joe", a sniper whose young daughter was a victim of gun violence, and who now has Liberty in his sights.
Sherlock Holmes and Watson are on the trail of a criminal and scientific mastermind who seems to control monsters and creations which defy belief.
Crimes of the Future is set in a future where sexually mature women appear to have been obliterated by a plague produced by the use of cosmetics. The film details the wanderings of Adrian Tripod, director of the dermatological clinic the House of Skin. Tripod seems at a loss following the disappearance of his mentor Antoine Rouge.
A masked vigilante who discovers the dark side to heroism. Going after the nation's most notorious super criminal leaves Sparks' life and reputation in ruins.
The world is falling into chaos. As he roams a crumbling city, Duncan MacLeod, the Highlander, remembers happier times before the love of his life left... Hopeless and alone, MacLeod finds his way to a band of immortal companions, including his mysterious friend Methos, and a mortal, Watcher Joe Dawson. Together this small group sets out on a quest to find the origin of the first Immortal.