Zemes resursi nav neizsmeļami - pienācis laiks, kad mūsu dienas uz šīs planētas ir skaitītas. Vai cilvēku suga varētu turpināties kaut kur citur zvaigžņotajā izplatījumā? Lai to noskaidrotu, pētnieku komanda dodas nozīmīgākajā misijā cilvēces vēsturē - ceļojumā ārpus mūsu galaktikas robežām. Ceļotāju vidū ir arī inženieris Kūpers - divu bērnu tēvs, atraitnis, kurš augstāku mērķu vārdā gatavs upurēt savu ģimenes dzīvi.

Frodo Baggins and the other members of the Fellowship continue on their sacred quest to destroy the One Ring--but on separate paths. Their destinies lie at two towers--Orthanc Tower in Isengard, where the corrupt wizard Saruman awaits, and Sauron's fortress at Barad-dur, deep within the dark lands of Mordor. Frodo and Sam are trekking to Mordor to destroy the One Ring of Power while Gimli, Legolas and Aragorn search for the orc-captured Merry and Pippin. All along, nefarious wizard Saruman awaits the Fellowship members at the Orthanc Tower in Isengard.

In Nazi-occupied France during World War II, a group of Jewish-American soldiers known as "The Basterds" are chosen specifically to spread fear throughout the Third Reich by scalping and brutally killing Nazis. The Basterds, lead by Lt. Aldo Raine soon cross paths with a French-Jewish teenage girl who runs a movie theater in Paris which is targeted by the soldiers.

Ir radīts jauns kiborgs – slepkava, identisks tam, kurš reiz mēģināja nogalināt Sāru Konoru, bet viņam tas neizdevās. Šoreiz terminatora jaunāka versija no nākotnes atsūtīta nogalināt Sāras desmit gadus veco dēlu Džonu, lai viņš nekļūtu par cilvēces pretošanās vadītāju. Tomēr Sāra nebūs vienīgā, kas sargās dēlu – viņai palīgā atsūtīts vēl viens terminators ar misiju – aizsargāt Sāru un Džonu par jebkādu cenu. Un cīņa par nākotni var sākties.

Based on the real life story of legendary cryptanalyst Alan Turing, the film portrays the nail-biting race against time by Turing and his brilliant team of code-breakers at Britain's top-secret Government Code and Cypher School at Bletchley Park, during the darkest days of World War II.

When the creator of a popular video game system dies, a virtual contest is created to compete for his fortune.

Young Dorothy finds herself in a magical world where she makes friends with a lion, a scarecrow and a tin man as they make their way along the yellow brick road to talk with the Wizard and ask for the things they miss most in their lives. The Wicked Witch of the West is the only thing that could stop them.

During the Iraq War, a Sergeant recently assigned to an army bomb squad is put at odds with his squad mates due to his maverick way of handling his work.

Derija ir nomaļa mazpilsēta, kurā ik pa laikam notiek šausminoši un neizskaidrojami noziegumi – pazūd bērni, kuru mirstīgās atliekas pēcāk tiek atrastas sakropļotas. Septiņu draugu grupiņa, kurus citi bērni atstūmuši, bezbailīgi stājas pretī šaušalīgākajam briesmonim, kādu vien spēj iztēloties – klaunam Penīvaizam – noslēpumainam aizvēsturiskam radījumam, kas nogalinājis bērnus jau gadsimtiem ilgi.

Maveriks ir pilots. Kad viņš Persijas līcī pārtver dažus MIG, viņa sabiedrotais ir apjucis un krīt izmisumā. Viņiem teju nav degvielas, tādēļ Maverikam izdodas abus nogādāt atpakaļ uz bāzes kuģi. Maveriks tiek nosūtīts uz Labāko šāvēju lidotāju skolu. Viņš cenšas būt labākais pilots un iet vismaz soli pa priekšu pārējiem studentiem. Tā ir pavisam cita pieeja nekā Čārlijam - personai, kurai viņš ir cītīgi pieķēries.

Six months after the events depicted in The Matrix, Neo has proved to be a good omen for the free humans, as more and more humans are being freed from the matrix and brought to Zion, the one and only stronghold of the Resistance. Neo himself has discovered his superpowers including super speed, ability to see the codes of the things inside the matrix and a certain degree of pre-cognition. But a nasty piece of news hits the human resistance: 250,000 machine sentinels are digging to Zion and would reach them in 72 hours. As Zion prepares for the ultimate war, Neo, Morpheus and Trinity are advised by the Oracle to find the Keymaker who would help them reach the Source. Meanwhile Neo's recurrent dreams depicting Trinity's death have got him worried and as if it was not enough, Agent Smith has somehow escaped deletion, has become more powerful than before and has fixed Neo as his next target.

Nākotnes pasaulē katrs sabiedrības loceklis pieder kādai no piecām grupām, atbilstoši savas personības īpašībām. Taču sešpadsmitgadīgā Beatrise ir „citāda" - viņas personība neatbilst nevienai no piecām kategorijām. Meitenes dzīvība ir briesmās, jo „citādie" tiek uzskatīti par draudu pastāvošajai sistēmai, un viņus nolemts iznīcināt.

With the nation of Panem in a full scale war, Katniss confronts President Snow in the final showdown. Teamed with a group of her closest friends – including Gale, Finnick, and Peeta – Katniss goes off on a mission with the unit from District 13 as they risk their lives to stage an assassination attempt on President Snow who has become increasingly obsessed with destroying her. The mortal traps, enemies, and moral choices that await Katniss will challenge her more than any arena she faced in The Hunger Games.

Twenty-two years after the events of Jurassic Park, Isla Nublar now features a fully functioning dinosaur theme park, Jurassic World, as originally envisioned by John Hammond.

Thrust into an all-new adventure, a down-on-his-luck Capt. Jack Sparrow feels the winds of ill-fortune blowing even more strongly when deadly ghost sailors led by his old nemesis, the evil Capt. Salazar, escape from the Devil's Triangle. Jack's only hope of survival lies in seeking out the legendary Trident of Poseidon, but to find it, he must forge an uneasy alliance with a brilliant and beautiful astronomer and a headstrong young man in the British navy.

A young boy learns that he has extraordinary powers and is not of this earth. As a young man, he journeys to discover where he came from and what he was sent here to do. But the hero in him must emerge if he is to save the world from annihilation and become the symbol of hope for all mankind.

Minions Stuart, Kevin and Bob are recruited by Scarlet Overkill, a super-villain who, alongside her inventor husband Herb, hatches a plot to take over the world.

1999.gadā Jandžiras atomelektrostacija tika nopostīta, un tajā gāja bojā daudzi, tostarp Džo Brodija kolēģis un viņa sieva. Pēc daudziem gadiem Džo dēlam Dordam jādodas uz Japānu, lai palīdzētu tēva meklējumos par patiesajiem notikuma iemesliem. Tiek atklāts, kas tāds, kas atmodina draudus sabiedrībai. Vienīgais risinājums varētu būt Godzilla, tomēr šoreiz briesmoņu karaļa uzdevums varētu būt īpaši sarežģīts.

Atbilstoši Maiju indiāņu kalendāram 2012.gadā visas saules sistēmas planētas atradīsies uz vienas līnijas, kā rezultātā izcelsies globāla mēroga dabas kataklizmas: visspēcīgākās zemestrīces, cunami un vulkānu izvirdumi valstis un veselus kontinentus pārvērtīs drupās. Zinātnieki nesen apliecinājuši, ka šis mīts var kļūt par realitāti.

Uuno Turhapuro hits his head and loses his memory. Meanwhile, his friend Härski Hartikainen founds a new peace movement with unorthodox methods.