25 марта, в последний день учебного года Арараги Коеми, как и большинство других абсолютно нормальных студентов, с нетерпением ждал начала беззаботных весенних каникул, когда его одноклассница, Ханекава Цубаса, рассказала ему, что по слухам в городе появился вампир. А уже вечером на безлюдной станции подземки Коеми обнаруживает израненную женщину, которая полностью соответствует описанию Ханекавы: удивительно красивая блондинка с ледяным взглядом. Эта судьбоносная встреча означала для нашего героя только одно, что его каникулы будут какими угодно, но только не беззаботными, ведь парень столкнулся с самой могущественной из всех чудовищ. Легендарный вампир, живущая уже сотни лет, Кисс-шот Ацерола-орион Харт-андер-блейд, выдернет Коеми из его привычного мира и окунет его в мир духов, призраков и проклятий.

Ближайший родственник легендарного Годзиллы гигантская огнедышащая суперчерепаха Гамора защищает человечество от ужасных тварей, особей и чудовищ из космоса.

Nardos, an Azmari singer from Addis Ababa, dreams of telling stories about the lives of ordinary people through her music. In her search for the stories behind her songs, she meets Gennet, a poet who lives on the streets with her children. Nardos puts the lives, visions and power of Ethiopian women at the center of her creation as we slowly immerse ourselves in a rapidly changing country.

This musical version of the tale of the boy who wouldn't grow up aired live on television on March 7, 1955. It was so popular that it was restaged the following year, and again four years later.

Детектив Ниро Вульф, находящийся в доме, столкнулся с несколькими случаями со смертельным исходом и исчезновениями из группы 10 выпускников Гарварда, которые много лет назад издевались над другим студентом, в результате чего он стал инвалидом.

The energetic Peas-n-a-Pod siblings teach Forky about reading and how it is done, with a little help from Mr. Spell

The chronicles of a degenerate man who loves to masturbate, and his corporate disabled friend.

Kamal, a young billionaire, doesn't believe in love; his philosophy is simple: No love, no commitments = no disappointments. He works hard for 11 months and takes a month's break from all the work related commitments. Cute violinist Kayalvizhi alias Kayal believes in true love and is highly fascinated with Indian culture. Kayal's father Rajasekhar runs a small detective agency in France and Kayal often reads her father's case files for interesting stories. One day, Rajasekhar gets a new client who wants to know about his girlfriend's mystery man. After a brief investigation, Rajasekhar finds that his client's girlfriend is dating Kamal. Sonu gets angry and decides to kill his girlfriend and Kamal.

At the start of the new millennium, mysterious things are going on in Paris. People are disappearing, just like that, without explanation. They vanish into thin air and are never seen again.

A half-cast used cars salesman wants anything from the white society and is ready to do anything to get it. But when he is accused of murdering his half-sister who was killed with his rifle, he flees to an indian village. He doesn't feel any more at home there than in the white city. He decides to go back to find and punish the killer.

What if a marriage bureau existed in 1930s in Gyeongseong? It was a chaotic period when Western culture and the concept of romantic and liberal relationship flushed in. This drama was produced based on the fact that the modern men and women’s biggest problem was having a relationship. It started with the thought of what if a marriage bureau that satisfies romantic relationship as well as marriage conditions

All clothes have a story to tell. Ma was about to close the Angela laundry shop for the day when Sham appeared. A young man with a head injury and handful of dirty clothes from his stay at the street during the Umbrella Movement, Sham needs his clothes washed. Full of passion for the social cause, Sham initially chided Ma for staying in the comfort of the shop. However, these two strangers slowly opened up to each other when a number of characters passed by the shop, revealing the tumultuous world behind Ma’s stoic silence. Sham also gained new insight on meaningfulness, which exists not only within a worthy cause but also at seemingly abandoned clothes.

This Halloween, the two hopeless roommates return on their quest to solve the mystery of whose been living in their home once and for all, in the spook-tacular third episode 'IKEA Frights: Halloween Edition'.

The Birth of the Messiah is an animated musical celebration of one of the most pivotal events in all human history, the birth of Jesus Christ.

In the heart of a crime-ridden city, a street-smart ex-cop turned private investigator is reluctantly drawn into a dangerous web of corruption and betrayal when a high-profile politician's daughter goes missing.