Mickey, Minnie, Horace Horsecollar, and Clarabelle Cow go on a musical wagon ride until Peg-Leg Pete tries to run them off the road.

A profile of Istanbul and its unique people, seen through the eyes of the most mysterious and beloved animal humans have ever known, the Cat.

Gudrā pelīte dodas pastaigā pa mežu un pārspēj viltībā plēsīgos meža zvērus.

Condé-sur-Ginette, on the outskirts of a big city, a thousand miles from the warm sand, coconut palms and blue ocean of the Caribbean. It's summertime. The sun burns the chrome off mopeds, heats the asphalt of high-rise buildings, suffocates the halls and burns the spirits. Here, everyone dreams of the beaches of Santo Rico. Some more than others. For Tony Merguez and José Frelate, the two MC's of the qua

When Lucy wakes up with a wedding dress in hand, she believes that she is late to her wedding with her ex-boyfriend Zac. However, she has no recollection of the past 2 years, including the fact that she is engaged to another man.

Kopš kucēna vecuma Palaidnis ir lutināts un dzīvojis greznībā plašā savrupnamā. Taču, kad viņa turīgā saimniece dodas mūžībā, Palaidnis paliek viens un nonāk uz ielas. Siltumnīcas apstākļos augušais suns ir galīgi nepiemērots dzīvei reālajā pasaulē, un it kā ar to būtu par maz, viņu sāk vajāt saimnieces alkatīgie radinieki, kas ar Palaidņa starpniecību cer tikt pie iespaidīga mantojuma.

Little Nicky, the son of the Tanner, a famous strongman, has made up his mind, that he can conquer the dragon as his father did long ago. Against prohibition of his father, Nicky has managed to get into trouble and now it depends only on his courage, whether he defeats the resurgent dragon and returns home from the magic world.

A young boy named Nicholas is about to become the next Santa Claus, but must first avoid a crisis that's threatening the magic of Christmas before he can succeed in his new role.

A former policeman enlists his nerdy friend to help bust drug traffickers moving heroin through a Chinese restaurant.

Ted Morgan has been treading water for most of his life. After his wife leaves him, Ted realizes he has nothing left to live for. Summoning the courage for one last act, Ted decides to go home and face the people he feels are responsible for creating the shell of a person he has become. But life is tricky. The more determined Ted is to confront his demons, to get closure, and to withdraw from his family, the more Ted is yanked into the chaos of their lives. So, when Ted Morgan decides to kill himself, he finds a reason to live.

When Papi, Chloe, the pups, Uncle Pedro, and their owners move to a hotel, the smallest pup Rosa feels like she doesn't fit in, and Papi wants to make her feel better by showing her how special she is.

Nobita finds a stray dog and brings him home, little does hi knows that the dog is actually a prince in his homeland, a world appart deep in the african 'Smokers Forest' were the dogs evolved and have their own empire, so he and his friends take on a journey to take back the young prince to his homeland but when they get there things have changed.

Eliots ir mazs zirdziņš, kuram ir milzumliels sapnis - ieņemt godpilno vietu Ziemassvētku vecīša ziemeļbriežu pajūgā, lai dāvātu bērniem prieku. Viņam ir tikai trīs dienas, lai pierādītu pārējiem, ka viņš ir šī goda cienīgs, pat ja viņam nav atbilstošu ragu. Ja kaut ko vēlies no visas sirds, tad brīnumi piepildās, vai ne?

Sirsnīga pasaka par draudzību, godu un drosmi. Jauns puika pamazām pārvēršas par īstu vīru un piepilda savu sapni būt par bruņinieku.

Būdams vienkāršs lauku puisis, labsirdīgais Dastijs tomēr ir apņēmības pilns piepildīt savu mūža lielo sapni - piedalīties pasaules lidmašīnu sacīkstēs. Lai gan viņa konkurentu spārni ir izturīgāki un motori jaudīgāki, ar savu atbalstītāju palīdzību viņš spēs panākt vairāk nekā ir cerējis. Un, pats galvenais, iemantos daudz jaunu un uzticamu draugu.

Krrish and his father must team up to save the world from a psychokinetic evil man named Kaal and his army of mutants.

A secret cabal, The Shadow, works to bring about the return of Goth Azul - the Undead God - in the rich world of SAGA, populated by elves, orcs, dwarves and dragons. A ruthless elven bounty huntress (Nemyt) shoots down the dragon ridden by the fugitive orc shaman, Fangtor Bloodmoon. When Fangtor refuses to surrender quietly, the huntress must battle for her own life against the dangerous villain, and comes away with more than just his head.

Snowflake is special, he's the only white gorilla in the world. He is the zoo's main attraction, children love him, but the other gorillas don't see what's so charming about this weirdo being the center of attention. With the help of Ailur, a Buddhist black panther reincarnated into the body of a red panda, and Paula, a smart little girl, Snowflake plans a sneak visit to the witch at the circus. She can help him be a normal gorilla. But outside the safety of the zoo's walls, the three friends are in danger. Thomas, a total jinx, is convinced that the white gorilla is the amulet he needs to counter his bad luck. This cruel and superstitious man is prepared to do whatever it takes to capture Snowflake.

Džīna, kas bērnībā kādā negadījumā zaudējusi acu gaismu, bauda laimīgu ģimenes dzīvi līdz brīdim, kad negaidīti atgūst redzi un sāk ievērot iepriekš nemanītas, satraucošas nianses savā laulībā. Džīnas vīrs Džeimss gatavs uz visu, lai noturētu pie sevis patstāvību atguvušo sievu, tikmēr Džīna ļaujas kārdinājumiem un dubultai dzīvei, galu galā uzzinot patiesību par savu vīru.

Harry Hill embarks on a road trip to Blackpool with his Nan when he discovers that his hamster only has one week to live.