Five bizarre stories with no apparent connection to one and other eventually become intertwined, resulting in surreal circumstances.

Next to the home of Heinz and Hilde Becker is the villa of the company boss Dr. Bernhard Schenkberg and his wife, who he called "Püppchen". While Schenkberg always politely strives for a good neighborly relationship, his elegant, arrogant wife looks down contemptuously on the grumpy, constantly do-it-yourself Heinz and the conservative, naive housewife Hilde.

Word of Mouth is Doug Stanhope's first stand-up DVD. Recorded at the Velveeta Room in Austin, Texas on May 11th, 2002.

How can a few crucial minutes in a football match change the life of an entire family? How do the "men in black" feel when they are attacked by supporters? Kill the Referee unveils the lives of several professional football referees at the EURO 2008 championship; amongst them, the English referee Howard Webb, who provoked incredible controversy when he gave a penalty to Austria just before the end of the match with Poland, and the Italian Roberto Rosetti, who refereed the final.

Mick Øgendahl is one of the country's most popular comedians and with this show he proves again why. For Mick, there are no topics that are too small to be taken into consideration - and none that are too big.

The heroic story of two soldiers trapped in an ambush, fighting for their lives.

Policininkas Raselas Stivensas specialiuoju kovos su narkotikais skyriaus paliepimu turi įgyti žinomo narkotikų dilerio Arturo Mendoso pasitikėjimą. Nors Mendosas – stambiausia žuvis Los Andžele, policiją labiau domina jo partneriai pietų Amerikoje. Raselas pradeda narkotikų platintojo karjerą nuo pačios žemiausios pakopos.

Eva Dandridge is a very uptight young woman who constantly meddles in the affairs of her sisters and their significant others. Her brothers-in-law, who are tired of Eva interfering in their lives, decide to set her up with someone so she can leave them alone. They end up paying Ray, the local "playboy," $5,000 to date her. The plan goes by smoothly, but trouble comes when Ray actually falls in love with Eva.

Nicholas yra jaunas odontologas, gyvenantis ramų gyvenimą, tačiau su nepakeliama moterimi, savo jaukiuose namuose šalia Monrealio. Mikalojaus pasaulis bus apverstas aukštyn kojomis, kai pasirodys jo naujasis kaimynas Jimmy „Tulpė“, kurio baimės ir reputacijos sulaukė vyras. Išlaisvinęs kalėjime savo viršininką, mob. Bosą Yanni Gogolacką, jis dabar bando pradėti naują, ramų gyvenimą Monrealio priemiestyje. Vis dėlto intriguojančiai Nikolajaus žmonai ką tik teko ištikti svajonės, kai ji privertė jį skristi į Čikagą, kad įspėtų minią, kad Jimmy yra Monrealyje, kad surinktų snukio atlygį. Nikolajus, kuris darytų bet ką, kad išsisuktų iš savo žmonos, sutinka vykdyti planą, manydamas, kad galbūt jis sugebės surinkti pakankamai pinigų, kad ją paliktų ir dingtų.

Policininkas, išgyvenantis ne geriausius metus, turi lydėti liudytoją nuo policijos nuovados iki teismo rūmų. Viso labo reikia įveikti 16 Niujorko miesto kvartalų, tačiau šį policijos pareigūno bei juodaodžio liudytojo kelionė kai kam gali brangiai kainuoti, todėl niekas taip lengvai neleis pasiekti galutinio maršruto taško…

JAV, 1939 metai, II-ojo Pasaulinio karo nuojauta. Ultra dešinysis politikas Vili Starkas siekia monopolinės valdžios. Jo profesionalių žurnalistų ir analitikų gerai "išdresiruota" komanda, naudodami visas įmanomas priemones – kyšius, šantažą, melą, net jėgą, išveda savo lyderį į pergalę rinkimuose. Didžiausiu klestėjimo momentu jį nušauna idėjinis Sterko priešininkas.

Kai Ozo žmona yra pagrobta, jis neturi kito pasirinkimo, kaip kreiptis į savo seną pažįstamą Jimmy „Tulpę“, buvusį žudiką iš sutarties, kuris dabar gyvena ramų ir anonimišką gyvenimą.

Cooper is an actor who sees life as one big party, while Ed is in advertising and takes life too seriously. When Ed gets stressed over a deadline he has to meet, his brother Cooper works hard in trying to get his brother hooked up with a girl, thus a long weekend of stress and beautiful women, culminating in Ed meeting, and making love to, the woman of his dreams.

After policeman Frank Dooley is framed for theft and loses his job on the force, he joins a security guard agency and teams up with inept former defense lawyer Norman Kane. When the two botch a job guarding a local warehouse, they begin to uncover corruption within the company and their union.

U.S. Border Patrol agent Jim Rhodes is a tough divorcée mourning the loss of his murdered partner while struggling to raise his rebellious daughter in the mountains of Montana. But when a crew of trigger-happy fugitives takes Rhodes and his daughter hostage, the rugged wilderness will explode in all-terrain vengeance. Is there any wounded animal more dangerous than a lawman left for dead?

Following the murder of hotel heir Ben Novack Jr., police focus their investigation on his wife, Narcy.

In the troubled city of Edison, a young journalist, his jaded editor, and an honest investigator from the district attorney's office join forces to gather evidence against corrupt members of an elite police unit.

Sexy but unstable wife and mother Jude walked out on her family three years ago. Now, just as suddenly, she is back. But her husband, Robert, has fallen in love with Callie, an assistant principal at his sons' school. He asks Jude for a divorce. She responds by trying to turn her three boys against Callie, then by slashing herself and blaming her rival and finally by drawing her 12-year-old, Kes, into a murderous plot.

A divorcee has a passionate affair with a much younger surfing instructor in Hawaii.