The elderly Shukishi and his wife, Tomi, take the long journey from their small seaside village to visit their adult children in Tokyo. Their elder son, Koichi, a doctor, and their daughter, Shige, a hairdresser, don't have much time to spend with their aged parents, and so it falls to Noriko, the widow of their younger son who was killed in the war, to keep her in-laws company.

Priča o mladoj ženi koju je vratio u život briljantni i neortodoksni znanstvenik dr. Godwin Baxter. Pod Baxterovom zaštitom, Bella je željna učenja. Gladna svjetovnosti koja joj nedostaje, Bella odlučuje istražiti svijet i bježi s Duncanom Wedderburnom, uglađenim i razvratnim odvjetnikom, u vrtložnu avanturu po kontinentima. Slobodna od predrasuda svog vremena, Bella ostaje postojana u svojoj namjeri i zalaže se za jednakost i seksualno oslobođenje.

Svijet mora upoznati ovu posebnu djevojku! Čestica Sunca padne na Zemlju, a iz nje izraste cvijet koji liječi bolesti. Starica Gothel pronađe cvijet, a on joj omogući da se pomladi i zauvijek ostane mlada. Kada se kraljica ozbiljno razboli, čarobni cvijet joj spasi život, a kraljica rodi princezu zlatne kose. No Gothel uzima Zlatokosu i zatoči je u tornju. Osamnaest godina kasnije Zlatokosa traži od Gothel, za koju je uvjerena da joj je majka, da je pusti u svijet. No Gothel joj ne dopušta s obrazloženjem da je vani preopasno za nju. U međuvremenu mladi lopov Flin Fakin ukrade vrijednu krunu. U bijegu se zabunom sakrije u Zlatokosinom tornju. U hrvatskoj inačici glasove su posudili Mirela Vidak, Franka Batelić, Laura Samardžija, Zoran Pribičević, Domagoj Pavin, Ivana bakarić, Slavko Juraga, Aleksandar Cvjetković, Dražen Bratulić, Robert Ugrina, Mladen Vasary i Zvonimir Zoričić.

A fun roller coaster ride about three young people, Aju, Divya and Kuttan who are cousins, reach Bangalore to dream, discover & explore!

After the death of Shaggy's Uncle Beaureguard, he, Scooby and Scrappy arrive at the late uncle's Southern plantation to collect the inheritance. But as soon as they arrive, they find it is haunted by the ghost of a Confederate soldier. With this spook on their tails while they solve riddles in search of the inheritance, they seek help from the Boo Brothers, a trio of ghost-exterminators to help catch this nasty ghoul.

An army captain on holiday embarks on a mission to track down and destroy a terrorist gang and deactivate the sleeper cells under its command.

A graduate student and obsessive runner in New York is drawn into a mysterious plot involving his brother, a member of the secretive Division.

Ryan Gosling je Colt Seavers, bivši vrhunski kaskader koji više ne može parirati mlađim kolegama i oporavlja se od nesreće u kojoj je gotovo izgubio život. Kad ga zamole da se uključi u filmski projekt svoje bivše djevojke Jody Moreno, vraća se u akciju. Poznato je da nevolja nikad ne dolazi sama, pa osim što radi za bivšu djevojku, nestaje glavni glumac u filmu, a Colt sve vještine koje koristi na setu, stavlja na raspolaganje kako bi ga pronašao.

Max Bialystock kazališni je producent koji laska starim damama kako bi ih naveo da investiraju u njegov Broadwayski projekt. Max susreće Lea Blooma, koji naivno misli da će se obogatiti ako Max dobije puno novca za kazališni komad koji će biti zajamčeni promašaj. Njih dvojica kreću u potragu za najgorim komadom ikad napisanim, u pronalazak velikog broja investitora te glumce i redatelja bez mrvice talenta. Zatim očekuju najgore kritike. Plan se čini nepogrešiv...barem oni tako misle.

Mimma starts working in Madame Colette’s brothel to help her boyfriend financially. There she is rechristened “Paprika,” and falls in love with her first client, naval officer Franco. Despite this attraction, she begins her climb through the sex trade, residing in Italy’s most illustrious brothels.

The plot of the film illustrates the embankment of two friends on a quest for a lost buddy, who was once an optimistic and successful student. On their journey, they recount their college life and special moments that the three shared up until their lost friend secretly parted ways after convocation. During their quest, the two encounter a rival classmate who once made a long forgotten bet with them, a funeral that goes impossibly out of control, and a wedding they must crash.

Tamizh is a killer for hire, and will accept any contract provided the amount is right. The Police want him for questioning, while the underworld needs him to silence their opponents. No one really knows this assassin's background. It is only Tamizh who knows his real identity and he has no intention of sharing it with anyone.

The film consists of a series of tightly interlinked vignettes, the most sustained of which details the story of a man and a woman who are passionately in love. Their attempts to consummate their passion are constantly thwarted, by their families, by the Church and bourgeois society in general.

Thorovo umirovljenje prekida galaktički ubojica poznat kao Gorr the God Butcher, koji traži istrebljenje bogova. Thor će morati tražiti pomoć kraljice Valkyrie, Korga i bivše djevojke Jane Foster, koja - na Thorovo iznenađenje - neobjašnjivo upravlja njegovim čarobnim maljem, Mjolnirom, jednako kao i on sam. Zajedno se upuštaju u nepoznatu avanturu kako bi otkrili razloge Gorrove osvete i zaustave ga prije nego što bude prekasno.

Claire i Phil Foster (Tina Fey i Steve Carell) bračni su par iz predgrađa koji je upao u rutinu života i braka. Čak i njihovi izlasci na večeru i u kino postali su predvidivi. Da bi opet raspirili iskru, posjete popularan bistro na Manhattanu gdje ih slučaj zamjene identiteta odvede u vratolomnu jurnjavu gradom i pustolovinu bez predaha. Prisjetivši se svega što ih veže, Phil i Claire suočavaju se s dvojicom korumpiranih policajaca, mafijašem i pomahnitalim vozačem taksija – a njihov se spoj pretvara u noć koju nikad neće zaboraviti.

A cop decides to take on his godfather, who raised him from childhood, and make him realize the error of his ways.

Bogati tinejdžer i njegovi prijatelji iz elitne privatne škole istražuju niz neobičnih natprirodnih događaja te otkriju mračnu zavjeru.

A vegetable vendor takes care of an elderly woman and her two young daughters, but he has a dark past that wants to catch up with him.

A man falls in love with a beautiful girl, who also loves him. But later, after the man gets injured in a car accident, the truth about her identity is revealed.

When a corrupt politician tries to seize the land of his villagers, a brave and powerful fisherman sets out to fight against him.