Is American foreign policy dominated by the idea of military supremacy? Has the military become too important in American life? Jarecki's shrewd and intelligent polemic would seem to give an affirmative answer to each of these questions.

A French man spies on a lovely younger woman across the way. When he's spotted by the woman shortly after being questioned by the police about a local murder, the man's simple life becomes more complicated.

Ray Kinsella is an Iowa farmer who hears a mysterious voice telling him to turn his cornfield into a baseball diamond. He does, but the voice's directions don't stop -- even after the spirits of deceased ballplayers turn up to play.

La încheierea cu succes a unui caz profitabil care i-a luat doi ani și jumătate din viața ei profesională, Tia Larkin, asociată la firma de avocatură din Seattle, unde tatăl ei, Daniel Larkin, este partener principal, are nevoie de o pauză înainte de a începe următorul ei caz, un alt câștig profitabil care ar fi de bun augur pentru a-și face ea însăși parteneri. În loc să își stabilească o vacanță și să facă unul dintre lucrurile ei preferate, și anume să navigheze, ea decide să călătorească în San Francisco, nu numai pentru a-și ajuta unchiul și mătușa, Roland și Julie Larkin, cu o chestiune juridică referitoare la noua lor afacere, ci și pentru a vedea componenta principală a acestei afaceri: un iaht de epocă, Pacific Yellowfin, care se transformă într-un restaurant plutitor pentru perioadele de croazieră.

După ce spune o minciună nevinovată care complică lucrurile, fiul unui cleric iranian din Melbourne se vede prins între datoria față de familie și propriile sentimente.

După o ședere în închisoare pentru crimă, înapoi în satul natal, un bărbat își găsește de lucru la un atelier mecanic condus de tatăl unei tinere pe care tocmai a cunoscut-o. Dacă, la început, Josh Hutton este recunoscut pentru abilitățile sale mecanice, șeful nu întârzie mult să ia o privire vagă asupra oricui cochetează cu fiica lui...

High school student Lane Meyer sinks into suicidal depression when his girlfriend dumps him for jock Roy Stalin, the high school ski racing champion. Meanwhile, he has to deal with his eccentric family, a tenacious paperboy and an obnoxious neighbor whose mother is hosting a beautiful French exchange student named Monique.

Having faced the reality of his failed career as a punk rock musician, 36-year-old Stefano Nardini returns home to his family in the small-town North.

A small-time conman has his loyalties torn between his estranged mother and his new girlfriend, both of whom are high-stakes grifters with their own angles to play.

Angus is a large, pathetic 14-year-old whose thoughts are most often filled with the image of only one girl, Melissa Lefevre. Angus is shy and thinks that he has no chance of ever 'getting' her. Being especially uncool, he is incredibly surprised (along with the rest of the school) that he is chosen to dance with her at the Winter Ball. The only one not surprised is the cool kid who set him up to fail, but Angus' best friend is going to help him win the heart of Melissa by developing a new look for him

A group of young adults in their twenties, who share an apartment in the city of Seattle, ponder on love and face all the challenges of adulthood.

Baltimore, Maryland. Sylvia sees a girl being attacked from her lover Terry's bedroom window. The assailant flees and his victim is saved. But that same night another girl is found murdered.

Immediately after the birth of their first child, Iris' friend Pieter confesses that he never wanted this child, has been having an affair for a year and will soon be leaving for Africa with his new love.

A movie about a relationship...that's worse than yours. Seth (Stewart), a sitcom writer-producer, meets Chelsea (Wilson), an interior decorator, at his best friend's (Bellamy) wedding. He's immediately sexually attracted to her while she's instantly attracted to his single-ness. They both ditch their wedding dates and start their own date that same night. The two become a couple, appearing very happy until after a couple of years of postponing a marriage proposal. When Chelsea realizes that Seth wants to remain single and together, she becomes quite bitter. In the next hour of the movie, the two engage in behavior that makes the War of the Roses look like child's play.

A Protestant World War II pilot and a Jewish girl fall in love in Jerusalem, even though their diverse backgrounds threaten to pull them apart.

An American actor in England tries to find love and work.

Richard Cooper este un bărbat căsătorit și tată a doi copii, care este pur și simplu plictisit de viața de căsătorie. Nefăcând sex cu soția sa, el apelează la femeile aleatorii pe stradă, până la punctul în care ia prânzul târziu cu ele. Când bătrâna îndrăgostită Nikki Tru îi vizitează biroul pentru a obține o scrisoare de referință, ea devine obsedată de Cooper și încep o relație complicată.

An outlaw named Guerrero Hernandez is shot in the back and killed whilst attempting to free his half-brother from a small-town prison. Making a deal with the devil, Hernandez returns from the dead to take his revenge.

Un grup de studenți se angajează pe perioada verii la un resort. Ei încearcă să se și distreze în timp ce au grijă de clienții lor, cei mai mulți la a doua tinerețe.

A seemingly good Samaritan hires a private detective to prove a teen sitting in prison on a murder charge is innocent. His investigation discovers deep corruption in a Connecticut town and finds the woman isn't everything she is pretending to be either.