A charismatic lieutenant newly assigned to a remote fort is captured by a group of mountain bandits, thus setting in motion a madcap farce that is Lubitsch at his most unrestrained. A wonderfully anarchic and playfully subversive satire of military life from one of the great comedy filmmakers.

Philadelphijska bogatašica Tracy Lord izbaci svoga muža, Dextera Havena, ubrzo nakon početka braka. Prolaze dvije godine i Tracy je spremna za novi brak, ovoga puta na meti joj je ugledni bogataš George Kittredge. Dexter se u međuvremenu zaposlio kao novinar za časopis "Spy". Kada sazna da se Tracy namjerava ponovo oženiti on i suradnici iz novina kreću na misiju... upropastiti vjenčanje.

Walter Burns is an irresistibly conniving newspaper publisher desperate to woo back his paper’s star reporter, who also happens to be his estranged wife. She’s threatening to quit and settle down with a new beau, but, as Walter knows, she has a weakness: she can’t resist a juicy scoop.

The odd biography of Harvie Krumpet, a man who has Tourette's Syndrome, chronic bad luck, menial jobs, nudist tendencies, and a book of "fakts" hung around his neck - but still optimistically lives own way and enjoys the small things life has to offer.

Dani uoči Božića, Peta avenija u New Yorku. Sitna kradljivica Lee Leander (B. Stanwyck) bježi sa skupocjenom narukvicom iz otmjene draguljarnice i pokušava je preprodati u trgovini na Trećoj aveniji, ali je vlasnik prijavi policiji koja je odvodi u pritvor. Lee na sudu tuži okružni tužitelj John Sargent (F. MacMurray) čija je dužnost stati napokon na kraj njezinim krađama, jer je počinila već treći prijestup zaredom i trebala bi završiti u zatvoru. No, John se u predbožićno vrijeme smiluje nesretnici, odgađa sudsku raspravu, te Lee puštaju uz jamčevinu. Tužitelj i prijestupnica svide se jedno dugom, pa odu u restoran gdje joj John ponudi da je odveze njezinoj obitelji na božićne blagdane. Izvor: www.mojtv.hr

While two theater groups rehearse plays by Aeschylus, two solitary individuals wander the Parisian streets hustling the populace for cash.

Amateur plumber Cluny Brown gets sent off by her uncle to work as a servant at an English country estate.

Returning to her hometown from New York, Susan Applegate learns that she hasn't enough for the train fare and disguises herself as a twelve-year-old to travel for half the price. She hides from the conductors in the compartment of Major Philip Kirby, a military school instructor, who takes the "child" under his wing.

After leaving her family's farm to study nursing in the city, a young woman finds herself on an unexpected path towards politics.

Henry Van Cleve (D. Ameche) dolazi pred vrata pakla, uređena kao elegantna hotelska recepcija za kojom sjedi Njegova Visost (L. Cregar) koja procjenjuje je li pokojnik dostojan raja ili mora bezuvjetno putem pakla. Naime, nakon što je umro, Henry sazna da je pomno promatran zbog svojih karakternih osobina i postupaka za ulaz na drugi svijet. Iznenađen da nema nikakvih pitanja o njegovoj podobnosti da uđe, Henry počne prepričavati svoj život, osobito se osvrćući na žene s kojima se susretao, od majke i bake u najranijem djetinjstvu, no najviše se usredotoči na svojih dvadeset i pet godina provedenih sa suprugom Marthom (G. Tierney), s kojom je dijelio i radosne i tužne trenutke.

Years after she was presumed dead in a shipwreck, Ellen Arden returns home to the surprise of her husband recently remarrying. But he too gets a shock when he learns that Ellen spent her time alone on an island with another man.

A vibrant tribute to one of America's legendary bandleaders, charting Glenn Miller's rise from obscurity and poverty to fame and wealth in the early 1940s.

Rival reporters Sam Craig and Tess Harding fall in love and get married, only to find their relationship strained when Sam comes to resent Tess' hectic lifestyle.

A bounty hunter trying to bring a murderer to justice is forced to accept the help of two less-than-trustworthy strangers.

Dok pred kraj 1930-ih Hitlerova Njemačka okupira susjedne europske zemlje, građani Varšave odbijaju povjerovati da im rat kuca na vrata. U održavanju privida normalnog života pomaže im i najpopularnije gradsko kazalište Bronski, koje vode neuspjeli i narcisoidni glumac Frederick Bronski (M. Brooks) i njegova otmjena supruga Anna (A. Bancroft). Nakon što im gradske vlasti zabrane izvođenje duhovitog igrokaza s Hitlerom, Bronski željan dokazivanja na pozornici kao zamjenu odluči izvesti nekoliko scena iz Shakespearova Hamleta. Dakako, pompozni Hamlet je on sam, a predstavu iz kazališta gleda i mladi poljski časnik, poručnik zrakoplovstva Andre Sobinski (T. Matheson). Kad Sobinski ustane i krene prema izlazu iz teatra, upravo u trenucima dok Bronski izgovara znameniti Hamletov monolog "Biti ili ne biti", to izuzetno uznemiri i razočara ambicioznog glumca. No Bronski ne zna da je Sobinski ludo zaljubljen u Annu, te da njegov nastup koristi za udvaranje glumici.

Four English women, unhappy with their lives, rent an Italian villa on holiday.

Ova biografija Charlesa Lindburgha prati legendarnog avijatičara od mladih nesigurnih dana kada je avionom dostavljao poštu pa do dana kad je dizajnirao mali prekoatlantski avion te njegovo polijetanje i čuveni let iz New Yorka u Pariz 1927. godine.

What does Cyrano de Bergerac do at a chicken farmer? This is the problem of Raymond, who has always kept his passion for the theater hidden. But when he is threatened with bankruptcy, he decides to try everything for the whole.

Jack is an executive in a financial brokerage firm trying to impress the firm’s president, Drew Clayton, in hopes of a promotion. However, Jack is dating the fabulously rich and elegant Demi Clayton, who happens to be Drew’s daughter. Although Demi’s mother Clarisse doesn’t necessarily approve of Jack and would prefer her daughter to date a man within their social circle, Jack still plans on proposing. Trying to create the perfect proposal, Jack signs up for dance lessons in preparation for his proposal to Demi at her father’s lavish annual Christmas Dance. But when sparks start to fly between Jack and his dance instructor, Christine, Jack will have to make some important decisions before it is too late.

Mala Mariah očajnički želi psića za Božić, pa pristaje na to da se brine za ujakova problematičnog psa i tako dokaže da može biti odgovorna vlasnica psa.