Merlins ir klaunzivs, kurš plēsēju uzbrukumā zaudējis visu savu ģimeni. Vienīgais, kas viņam atlicis, ir dēls Nemo. Merlins nebeidz brīdināt dēlu par to, cik okeāns ir bīstams, taču mazais nebēdnis vēlas iepazīt pasauli. Jau savā pirmajā skolas dienā viņš nav gana piesardzīgs - Nemo tiek noķerts un ieslodzīts akvārijā. Viņa tētis kopā ar savu jauno, izklaidīgo draudzeni Doriju ir gatavs šķērsot visu okeānu, lai tikai atrastu savu dēlēnu.

After their relative and associate runs way, the Naves brothers inform the police of the incident, who end up arresting them under the accusation of murdering the missing person. The brothers are tortured in order to confess a crime they did not commit while their wives are raped.

Despite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a patient named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel's story is about to be completely rewritten.

Filmas pamatā ir patiess stāsts no pasaulslaveno paranormālo parādību pētnieku Eda un Lorēnas Vorenu dzīves. Reiz viņu palīdzību lūdza kāda ģimene, kuru nomaļajā lauku mājā terorizēja tumšas parādības. Voreni ir spiesti saskarties ar spēcīgu dēmonisko parādību, tādējādi iesaistoties šausminošākajā lietā savā mūžā.

A few decades after the destruction of the Inca Empire, a Spanish expedition led by the infamous Aguirre leaves the mountains of Peru and goes down the Amazon River in search of the lost city of El Dorado. When great difficulties arise, Aguirre’s men start to wonder whether their quest will lead them to prosperity or certain death.

When Madame Adelaide Bonfamille leaves her fortune to Duchess and her children—Bonfamille’s beloved family of cats—the butler plots to steal the money and kidnaps the legatees, leaving them out on a country road. All seems lost until the wily Thomas O’Malley Cat and his jazz-playing alley cats come to the aristocats’ rescue.

The boy Mowgli makes his way to the man-village with Bagheera, the wise panther. Along the way he meets jazzy King Louie, the hypnotic snake Kaa and the lovable, happy-go-lucky bear Baloo, who teaches Mowgli "The Bare Necessities" of life and the true meaning of friendship.

Isolated bell-ringer Quasimodo wishes to leave Notre Dame tower against the wishes of Judge Claude Frollo, his stern guardian and Paris' strait-laced Minister of Justice. His first venture to the outside world finds him Esmeralda, a kind-hearted and fearless Romani woman who openly stands up to Frollo's tyranny.

Japan, 1159. Moritō, a brave samurai, performs a heroic act by rescuing the lovely Kesa during a violent uprising. Moritō falls in love with her, but becomes distraught when he finds out that she is married.

Bambi's tale unfolds from season to season as the young prince of the forest learns about life, love, and friends.

Pocahontas, daughter of a Native American tribe chief, falls in love with an English soldier as colonists invade 17th century Virginia.

Lemony Snicket stāsta par Bauedelaire, trim jauniem bāreņiem, Violeto, Klausu un Sunny, kurus, meklējot jaunas mājas, uzņem dīvainu radinieku un citu cilvēku grupa, ieskaitot Lemony Snicket, kurš stāsta šo stāstu, un sākot ar viltīgais un gļēvais grāfs Olafs, kurš vēlas atņemt viņu mantojumu. Violeta ir vecākā, 14 gadu vecumā, un ir drosmīgākā no trim. Vidējais bērns ir vienīgais zēns 12 gadu vecumā, kurš ir ārkārtīgi inteliģents un apsēsts ar vārdiem, un jaunākais Sunny runā valodā, kuru saprot tikai viņas brāļi un māsas, un kurai ir tieksme iekost.

The East High Wildcats are gearing up for big fun as they land the coolest summer jobs imaginable. Troy, Gabriella, Chad, and Taylor have scored sweet gigs at the Lava Springs Country Club owned by Sharpay and Ryan's family. Sharpay's first rule of business: Get Troy. As Troy experiences a life of privilege he's never known, will he give up the Wildcats and Gabriella to rise to the top?

The Mexican guerilla leader Tepepa and his gang fight against the chief of police, Cascorro.

Filmas darbība risinās Londonā un stāsta par Rodiju, sabiedrības "krējuma" žurku, kuru viņa brālēns diezgan nejaukā veidā no Kensigtonas smalkajiem apartamentiem vārda tiešā nozīmē ieskalo Žurkupolē - rosīgā un krāšņā pasaulē, kas atrodas zem Londonas ielām. Tur Rodijs sastop skaisto Ritu - uzticamās laivas "Veiklais Dodžers" kapteini. Rita apsola dabūt Rodiju prom no pilsētas (protams, ar kādu noteikumu).

When the FBI hires her to go undercover at a college sorority, Molly Morris (Miley Cyrus) must transform herself from a tough, streetwise private investigator to a refined, sophisticated university girl to help protect the daughter of a one-time Mobster. With several suspects on her list, Molly unexpectedly discovers that not everyone is who they appear to be, including herself.

More than a dozen Angelenos navigate Valentine's Day from early morning until midnight. Three couples awake together, but each relationship will sputter. A grade-school boy wants flowers for his first true love. Two high school seniors plan first-time sex at noon. A TV sports reporter gets the assignment to find romance in LA. A star quarterback contemplates his future. Two strangers meet on a plane. Grandparents, together for years, face a crisis. An 'I Hate Valentine's Day' dinner beckons the lonely and the lied to.

After she spends all her money, an evil enchantress queen schemes to marry a handsome, wealthy prince. There's just one problem - he's in love with a beautiful princess, Snow White. Now, joined by seven rebellious dwarves, Snow White launches an epic battle of good vs. evil...

A Texan sheriff and his younger brother travel across the border into Mexico to confront the man who killed their father.

A little boy is abducted by ruthless bandit gang leader El Cachal after Cachal and his men butcher the boy's family with the exception of his father. Johnny Ashley, the gunslinger father of the boy, goes searching for his son. Alas, the boy has grown up to be a mean and vicious criminal.