Scooby-Doo and the gang investigates a new ghost at a water park resort.

第28届WrestleMania将于东部时间2012年4月1日(北京时间2012年4月2日)于佛罗里达州迈阿密花园的硬石体育场(Sun Life Stadium)举行!

拙劣案件后,神秘公司退出解决犯罪问题。当Vincent Van Ghoul联系该团伙关于Daphne,Shaggy和Scooby过去未完成的调查时,该团伙开始采取行动完成这项工作,该工作涉及从恶魔之胸中逃脱并仍在逃的第13个幽灵。

Almost as soon as Jake and Cassie decide to get married on Christmas Eve, complications arise.

可爱的Tinkles比以往拥有更多的精力,只想打球。 Drac决心为他的毛茸茸的朋友找到合适的玩伴。 经过几次尝试,当Tinkles选择一个不太可能的合作伙伴时,Drac的计划崩溃了。

Synopsis 1. "Today's Superpower" (26min, 오늘의 초능력, o-neul-eui cho-neung-ryeok) by Lee Min-seob People who claim to be able to use superpowers once a day gathered! But why can't they use their superpowers? Do they really have superpowers in the first place? 2. "1+1" (30min, 1+1) by Han Jay "Toot! I'm 1+1!" One day, the same alter ego as me appeared! 3. "Jangah & Chichung" (35min, 장아치청, jang-a-chi-cheong) by Kim Tae-hoon-II "Burp!" Once you start burping, there's nothing you can do. A comedy action movie limited to 60 minutes, filled with real superpowers by superheroes. 4. "LOVE SICK" (23min, 러브씩, reo-beu-ssik) by Jung Seung-hoon A year after the end of the zombie crisis, Seung-beom prepares an unforgettable proposal for his girlfriend Ji-yoon who saved him.


  十一年一次的祭典即将在正十字学园町召开,奉命随同奥村雪男处理幽灵列车事件,却因奥村燐和诗绘美自作主张,导致事态朝着最混乱的方向发展。暴走的列车不仅损坏大量建筑和设施,还压垮了一个年代久远的神社。遭受禁足惩罚的燐被命令监管原本封印在神社中的少年恶魔,可是在他眼里,那只不过是一个调皮捣蛋却又惹人喜爱的可爱小男孩。燐渐渐放松了警惕,他的友善也得到男孩的热情呼应。与此同时,为防止恶魔入侵,包括台湾支部刘成龙在内的世界各地顶尖除魔师纷纷云集正十字学园,严阵以待。而在此期间,诡异的事件接连发生……   本片为漫画家加藤和惠同名原作改编的TV动画剧场版。

  平行宇宙中,任何事情都可能发生,即使是拥有同一个名字同一种能力的人,他们也可能分出善恶两面,甚至更复杂的特性。在我们熟悉的地球空间中,正义联盟的伙伴们超人(Mark Harmon 配音)、蝙蝠侠(William Baldwin 配音)、闪电侠、绿灯侠相互砥砺合作,共同维护这个世界的和平。而就在平凡的一个早晨,看起来有些不同寻常的莱克斯·卢瑟(Chris Noth 配音)突然出现在闹市中央。   这个卢瑟来自于另一个平行世界,在那个世界里,他和小丑作为正义战士出现,但是不久前他遭到了邪恶超人、闪电侠等组成的罪恶集团的残酷打击。侥幸逃到这个世界的卢瑟,只有求助于熟悉而又陌生的正义联盟……




New summer adventure of the Crocodiles, who set up their detective skills to find out who is behind the accidents of the factory where Ollie and Mary's parents work , which could mean the closure of the plant, the move of the family and the dissolution of the gang.


A girl is at school. Suddenly it's as if she can't breathe. As she runs down the stairs we follow her into her mind. It takes us deep into dark woods.

The only one survivor of a mysterious murderer that killed his wife, friends and the tourism guide who leaded them through a interdicted grotto, a boy become the only suspect to make the crime. He, however, claim for his innocence saying that your wife killed those people as she was possessed by an evil force. Refusing to talk to police officers who are in charge for the crime investigation, he asks for help to a nun.


Jessica Darling – a smart, witty, opinionated girl heading into 7th grade – was never too concerned about where she'd fit in the middle school hierarchy. But before her first day of school, her older sister — the super popular Bethany, now in college—decides to help out by giving her the “It List”—a cheat sheet on how to navigate the middle school maze and rise to the top of the popularity chain. The instructions appear simple enough to follow, but, like life, nothing is as easy as it seems.

A game show where Jo Firestone sets up a cookie tasting in a parking lot to try to make friends. Contestants must ultimately decide between a friendship and $50 cash.