Pasaulis apstulbsta, kai Vilis Vonka, ilgus metus gyvenantis atsiskyrėlis savo fabrike, paskelbia, kad penkiems laimingiesiems bus surengta ekskursija po fabriką, atskleistos visos jo nuostabių saldainių paslaptys, o vienas iš jų laimės visam gyvenimui šokoladą. Niekas taip nenori šio prizo kaip jaunasis Čarlis, bet kadangi jo šeima yra tokia neturtinga, kad nusipirkti net vieną plytelę šokolado yra malonumas, nusipirkti pakankamai plytelių, kad rastų vieną iš penkių auksinių bilietų, yra labai mažai tikėtina. Tačiau filmų šalyje gali nutikti stebuklų. Čarliui kartu su keturiais kitais šiek tiek išdykusiais vaikais pasitaiko gyvenimo šansas ir ekskursija po fabriką. Pakeliui kiekvieną iš išdykusių vaikų ištinka lengvos nelaimės, bet ar Čarliui pavyks nugalėti šansus ir laimėti auksinį bilietą?

Prancūzų režisieriaus Jeano Girault komedija su legendiniu komiku Louis de Funès. Patyręs šmaikštautojas šį kartą vaidina privačios mokyklos direktorių, poną Boskjė. Griežtasis pedagogas šokiruotas, kai paaiškėja, kad jo sūnus Filipas neišlaikė anglų kalbos egzamino. Todėl Boskjė išsiunčia Filipą į vasaros stovyklą Anglijoje. Bet vaikinas tuo tikrai nesidžiaugia, nes vasarą planavo praleisti su draugais, buriuodamas Senos pakrantėje. O kai į tėvo mokyklą atvyksta žavi britė Širlė, nenuorama sūnelis tą pačią akimirką įsimyli. Ar tikrai jaunuolis nusilenks kietakakčio tėvuko valiai?.

1861–1867 metai. Vyksta karas tarp Meksikos ir Prancūzijos. Drąsus bevardis kaubojus išgelbėja vienuolę Sarą nuo banditų ir saugo nuo pavojų pereinant Meksikos sieną. Išgelbėta moteris įkalba vyriškį kovoti kartu su meksikiečių sukilėliais. Netrukus jie subrandina planą, kaip užgrobti prancūzų okupuotą fortą. Sukilėliai kovoja už laisvę, o šaunusis kaubojus svajoja apie auksą...

Sherlock Holmes investigates a series of so-called "pajama suicides". He knows the female villain behind them is as cunning as Moriarty and as venomous as a spider. Based on "The Sign of Four" and the short stories "The Dying Detective", "The Final Problem", "The Speckled Band" and "The Adventure of the Devil's Foot".

The Good Comrades are a collection of varied gentlemen who crave one thing - solitude. They reside at Drearcliff House, ancestral home of their eldest member. All seems serene and convivial until one by one the members begin to perish in the most grisly of manners. Foul play is suspected by the Good Comrades' insurance agent, who turns to Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson for guidance.

Léonard Monestier owns a large fortune, alas his wife Cynthia made a bad investment in a worthless oil concession. Far from letting this get him down, Léonard decides to find a sucker to buy this concession from him. Right on cue appears Antoine Brévin, a befuddled billionaire who is very interested in Léonard's beautiful daughter Patricia and would do anything to win her hand...

A common friend's sudden death brings three men, married with children, to reconsider their lives and ultimately leave the country together. But mindless enthusiasm for regained freedom will be short-lived.

After the King of Ruthenia has been assassinated, Holmes and Watson are engaged to escort his son to Europe via Algiers, aboard a transatlantic ocean liner which also carries a number of suspicious persons, any of whom may be involved in a plot to also assassinate him.

In World War II, a British secret agent carrying a vitally important document is kidnapped en route to Washington. The British government calls on Sherlock Holmes to recover it.

Teroristų grupuotė paskelbia karą San Franciskui. Grasindami susprogdinti miestą, jie reikalauja didžiulės pinigų sumos. Juos sustabdyti bando inspektorius Haris Kalahanas. Jam padeda naujai paskirta porininkė Mor, nors Hariui tai labai nepatinka.

During their annual visit to the Iowa State Fair, the Frake family enjoy many adventures. Proud patriarch Abel has high hopes for his champion swine Blueboy; and his wife Melissa enters the mincemeat and pickles contest...with hilarious results.

A convicted thief in Dartmoor prison hides the location of the stolen Bank of England printing plates inside three music boxes. When the innocent purchasers of the boxes start to be murdered, Holmes and Watson investigate.

Sherlock Holmes investigates when young women around London turn up murdered, each with a finger severed. Scotland Yard suspects a madman, but Holmes believes the killings to be part of a diabolical plot.

Eun-yi is hired as a maid in a mansion owned by a wealthy businessman. He quickly starts seducing his employee who seemingly has little choice but to comply with his sexual advances. Soon the women of the family plot against Eun-yi who must fight an equally devious battle to protect herself.

In the midst of World War II, Sherlock Holmes rescues the Swiss inventor of a new bomb-sight from the Gestapo and brings him to England, where he quickly falls into the clutches of the evil Professor Moriarty.

Igor, who manages a fancy hotel and is on the take, has to juggle several problems at once. He has a two-hour window to get his ill-got gain out of the hotel, he must misdirect and obstruct the inquiries of a Party auditor who suspects that all is not above board, and he must keep out of sight and out of trouble his interloping and troublesome young brother-in-law, who arrives unannounced with barrels of rotten herring.

A innocent dentist is murdered and the only apparent motive seems to be to steal a set of dental x-rays. To the police it looks like an accident, but private eye Brad Runyan thinks there's more to it.

One Monday morning Katya, Vika and Zhanna learn that there will be a school disco, their first disco, on the coming Saturday night. The girls feverishly start preparing for the event, which rapidly becomes the most important moment ever in their universe, and looks like the ideal way to escape their daily lives...

The school year is over. The former nine-graders begin their summer internship, which proved for the kids to be a real school of grown-up life with its intricate laws. Not everyone stood the test.

Blake Washburn blames manufacturer MacFarland for his defeat in the race for re-election to the state legislature. He takes over his uncle's newspaper to take on big business as an enemy of the people. Miss Martin works in the "Herald" newspaper office. When tragedy strikes, Blake must re-examine his views.