A 19-year-old searches for her twin brother after he runs away from home, following a fight with their father.

17-year-old Jana has a congenital heart defect. To defy fate, Jana seeks every challenge, plunges into every wild and dangerous adventure. Her parents does not like that and are even more in constant fear of their daughter.

While Aya has dreams of becoming a doctor, her two best friends, Adjoua and Bintou, just like to hang out and spend their evenings dancing, drinking and flirting with boys. Their ambition is to follow Plan C: Combs, Clothes and Chasing Men! But big trouble comes to town when Adjoua realizes she’s pregnant, and the baby’s father is the spoiled son of one of the richest and most feared men in the whole country.

Spanish photographer Francesc Boix, imprisoned in the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp, works in the SS Photographic Service. Between 1943 and 1945, he hides, with the help of other prisoners, thousands of negatives, with the purpose of showing the freed world the atrocities committed by the Nazis, exhaustively documented. He will be a key witness during the Nuremberg Trials.

American chess champion Bobby Fischer prepares for a legendary match-up against Russian Boris Spassky.

Lila, grows up in the high-rises of the Marolles in Brussels. Along with her sister and her friends, she dreams of becoming a dancer and revolutionising the world of hip-hop. While her friends stay in Brussels, Lila leaves everything - comfort, family - behind to go to Paris, where she is certain her persistence will pay off. Except that life in Paris quickly takes an unexpected turn. The woman who dreamed of being a choreographer ends up as a lap dancer in a rap video, and that’s only the beginning of her disillusionment. After a chance meeting with a drama teacher, she bears her heart and soul on stage and begins doing stand-up. This time, her unusual dedication leads her to find her calling. However, she still has to fight one final battle: convincing her father that she has made the right choice.

Pri nevydarenej vojenskej operácii v Perzskom zálive upadne veliaci dôstojník Ben Marco do bezvedomia a seržant Raymond Shaw zachráni nielen jeho, ale aj celú jednotku. Marca prenasledujú zvláštne sny o tom, čo sa v skutočnosti stalo. Je možné, že by celá vojenská jednotka bola unesená a mozgy mužov naprogramované tak, aby uverili, že Shaw je vojnový hrdina? Zdá sa, že Biely dom je ohrozený a jediný, kto môže situáciu zachrániť, je Marco...

Thirty-four year old Ramsès has established himself as a clairvoyant in La Goutte d’Or, Paris. A shrewd manipulator and something of a poet, he built a sound business consoling people. Elusive and dangerous youths, freshly arrived from the streets of Tangier, disrupt his business and the whole neighbourhood. Until the day Ramses has an actual vision.

Chouf: It means “look” in Arabic, but it is also the name of the watchmen in the drug cartels of Marseille. Sofiane is 20. A brilliant student, he comes back to spend his holiday in the Marseille ghetto where he was born. His brother, a dealer, gets shot before his eyes. Sofiane gives up on his studies and gets involved in the drug network, ready to avenge him. He quickly rises to the top and becomes the boss’s right hand. Trapped by the system, Sofiane is dragged into a spiral of violence…

When Hollywood superstar George Reeves dies in his home, private detective Louis Simo is hired to investigate his death and gets caught in a web of lies involving a big studio executive's wife.

In the year 2043, an evil crime lord is trying to take over the world. Only one government official stands in his way, and plans to send him to prison, so The General and his minions Kent, Thai King, and Toyota travel to the year 1993 to kill the official before he has a chance to get into office. During a battle with The General's minions, the Future Cops Lung, Broom Man, Ti Man, and Ah-Sing hear of their evil plan and devise a plan of their own to travel back in time to protect the official.

Antoine is a lawyer living in New York. On his way back to France for the final round of a job interview, Antoine finds himself sitting right next to his ex-girlfriend Julie. With a seven-hour flight ahead of them, they are going to have to speak to each other.

Tridsiatnik Aaron, ktorý aj s manželkou Michelle žije vo svojom rodičovskom dome, má pred sebou neľahkú úlohu – spolu s bratom Ryanom, ktorého neznáša a ktorému závidí aj nos medzi očami, musí totiž do detailu naplánovať pohreb ich nedávno zosnulého otca! Asi veľmi neprekvapí, že sa pokašle v podstate všetko, čo sa len dá! Hotové peklo však vypukne v momente, keď sa na scéne objaví drobný Frank, ktorý zjavne bol milencom nebohého! V panike, že splní svoju hrozbu a zverejní riadne pikantné fotografie zo svojho súkromného archívu, sa ho Aaron a Ryan pokúsia spacifikovať taktiež oným domnelým váliom. Situácia sa maximálne vyhrotí, keď všetko nasvedčuje tomu, že Franka predávkovali a neplánovane poslali do večných lovísk. Bezradní bratia sa totiž rozhodnú jeho smrť ututlať a tela sa zbaviť ukrytím do otcovej rakvy!

Choukri, alias Chouchou, a transvestite Maghrebi with clear eyes, comes illegally to Paris to find his nephew. Hired as an assistant by a psychotherapist, known for his good mood, he also work as a waiter in a transvestite cabaret of Clichy where he meets Stanislas.

Guillaume Canet is told by a young co-star that he's no longer Rock'n' Roll and can't sell films anymore. He then tries to prove her wrong and gets help from his girlfriend, Marion Cotillard.

In October 1995 three French sisters gather in Atlit, Israel to sell the family home. Tensions arise between elders Darel and Cali when Darel proves unwilling to sell. That's when the sisters start seeing apparitions of their dead parents.

Julie, a woman who is unlucky in love despite her bubbly demeanor. Her job at a bookstore takes an interesting twist when she discovers a book titled "Happiness Can Be Learned," and she sets out to fix her love life once and for all.

Ducoboo is a very inventive dunce and joker, he is very resourceful at finding new ways to copy from his neighbor, to cheat or to defy the teacher's authority.

Aging screenwriter Felix Bonhoeffer has lived his life in two states of existence: in reality and his own interior world. While working on a murder mystery script, and unaware that his brain is on the verge of implosion, Felix is baffled when his characters start to appear in his life, and vice versa.

Robin des Bois, with his friend Tuck, are bad guy: they only steal poor, women and old people. They dream to get they own brothel in town, like the Pussycat. They decide to rob Nottingham's tax office, but they meet the Sherwood gang - who steal to rich to feed the poors - with the same idea in mind: Robbing the Nottingham sherif. The true story of Robin des Bois can finally begins!