第28届WrestleMania将于东部时间2012年4月1日(北京时间2012年4月2日)于佛罗里达州迈阿密花园的硬石体育场(Sun Life Stadium)举行!

可爱的Tinkles比以往拥有更多的精力,只想打球。 Drac决心为他的毛茸茸的朋友找到合适的玩伴。 经过几次尝试,当Tinkles选择一个不太可能的合作伙伴时,Drac的计划崩溃了。



Lu has a perfect life. Or so she pretends to have. She meets the handsome, short-tempered Argentinian, Diego, who is on a visit to Mexico, and she is confident to get him head over heels in love with her. In order to win a wager with her friends, her life will take a turn when she does the impossible to win him over, including taking a trip to Argentina to look for him.

为了统治梦幻仙境,邪恶的巫女陆薇娜(凯思林·巴尔 Kathleen Barr 配音)绑架了善良的人鱼王子,而唯一能够就他于水火之中的,唯有艾丽娜(Kelly Sheridan 配音)一人。为了拯救王子和梦幻仙境,艾丽娜找到了名为诺丽(恰拉·赞尼 Chiara Zanni 配音)的人鱼,希望她能够帮助自己,然而,诺丽是出了名的谨慎与多疑,艾丽娜能够说服她吗?

8mm work directed by Norihiko Morinaga.

《阿凡达》的导演詹姆斯·卡梅隆以及众多演职人员亲身解说了潘多拉世界的创建过程,从环境地貌取景、动植物、纳威语、演员训练、表情和动作捕捉、虚拟摄像机、3D 建模到音效配乐等等,详尽展示了电影幕后的故事!

The deconstruction of the Avatar scenes and sets

A girl is at school. Suddenly it's as if she can't breathe. As she runs down the stairs we follow her into her mind. It takes us deep into dark woods.

Back from a tour of duty, Kelli struggles to find her place in her family and the rust-belt town she no longer recognizes.

A tale of terror. Cathy Reed has been institutionalized most of her life because of Schizophrenia, as a child her parents thought she was possessed by demons and had her exercised by priests. Medical science saw different. Now decades later Cathy is freed, relocated to her own flat and given a chance to be independent. Once alone things are not what they all seem and when her nightmares turn real she questions her state of mind before she is left to face her demons.



本片剧情接续《小美人鱼》电影,主要是由多伦多和雪梨两地的迪士尼动画部门所共同制作。 爱丽儿和埃里克王子在陆地成亲后有了一个女儿,名字叫做美乐蒂。这个小女孩并不知道自己有一半的美人鱼血统,她一心向往美人鱼的海底世界,希望能够变成美人鱼徜徉在大海之中,跟她妈妈当年正好相反!海巫婆乌苏拉的妹妹莫吉娜一心要为她的姐姐复仇,于是就利用美乐蒂,说可以帮忙把她变成美人鱼。乐不可支的美乐蒂就这样跟着莫吉娜前往了海底。丢失了爱女的爱丽儿和埃里克异常焦急。为了寻找爱女下落,爱丽儿决定重返大海。

A young woman lives sadly in a small garrison town with a soldier. Little by little, won over by boredom, sadness, total inaction, she develops a relationship with plants and starts talking to plants.

Tension mounts between a quadraplegic man and his wife as she prepares a bath for him.

A young couple purchase their new home to start a life together, only to find out the elderly couple next door have other plans for them.

When Crystal Wyatt was 16 her father passed away. From that time her life would never be the same. Crystal is banished from the family ranch, and starts a new life as a singer in a San Francisco nightclub.

Realizing that she cannot take down Fisk alone, Sayen teams up with an underground resistance group with a plan to expose and end Fisk's unchecked plundering once and for all.