ნიურნბერგში ნაცისტი დამნაშავეების სასამართლო პროცესი მიმდინარეობს. განიხილება ადვოკატების საქმეები, რომლებიც ემსახურებოდნენ ნაცისტურ რეჟიმს. მთავარი ბრალდებული ცნობილი გერმანელი მოსამართლე ერნსტ იანინგია, რომელმაც გერმანიაში ჰიტლერის ხელისუფლებაში მოსვლამდე დიდი ხნით ადრე მიაღწია პატივისცემას. საქმეს განიხილავს გამოცდილი ამერიკელი მოსამართლე დენ ჰეივუდი, რომელსაც მოუწევს ამ რთული და საკამათო საქმის დალაგება, რადგან საქმე ეხება არა იმდენად ადამიანის სიცოცხლეს და ღირსებას, რამდენადაც ომის შემდგომი ცხოვრება და პატივი. მთელი გერმანელი ხალხის.

A psychopathic criminal with a mother complex makes a daring break from prison and then leads his old gang in a chemical plant payroll heist. After the heist, events take a crazy turn.

Two soldiers from opposite sites get stuck between the front lines in the same trench. The UN is asked to free them and both sides agree on a ceasefire, but will they stick to it?

Young Scottish doctor, Nicholas Garrigan decides it's time for an adventure after he finishes his formal education, so he decides to try his luck in Uganda, and arrives during the downfall of President Obote. General Idi Amin comes to power and asks Garrigan to become his personal doctor.

Paul Rivers, an ailing mathematician lovelessly married to an English émigré; Christina Peck, an upper-middle-class suburban housewife and mother of two girls; and Jack Jordan, a born-again ex-con, are brought together by a terrible accident that changes their lives.

Two white Italian actors play Black Rwandans in a fact-based tale set during the Rwanda genocide.

Suffering because of his father's departure to the big city, a boy leaves his village and discovers a fantastic world dominated by bug-engines and strange beings. An unusual animation with various artistic techniques that portrays the issues of the modern world through the eyes of a child.

Gabriel, aged 10, lives in a comfortable ex-pat neighborhood in Burundi, his ‘small country’. Gabriel is a normal kid, happy, carefree and having adventures with his friends and little sister. Then in 1993, tensions in neighboring Rwanda spill over, threatening his family and his innocence.

მოზარდი გოგონა იძულებულია დამოუკიდებლად გაიკვლიოს ცხოვრების გზა, სანამ მისი დედა საყვარლის მკვლელობისათვის სასჯელს იხდის.

A father reminisces about his childhood when he and his younger brother moved to a new town with their mother, her new husband and their dog, Shane. When the younger brother is subjected to physical abuse at the hands of their brutal stepfather, Mike decides to convert their toy trolley, the "Radio Flyer", into a plane to fly him to safety.

A magazine writer poses as a Jew to expose anti-Semitism.

ჯონს არ შეეძლო დროულად გაჩერებულიყო, როდესაც საქმე სწრაფად სიარულს, ლამაზ ქალებსა და სახიფათო ხუმრობებს ეხებოდა. შემთხვევით ნაცნობთან ერთად წვეულების შემდეგ ჯონი საშინელ ავარიაში მოყვა. იმ წუთიდან მისთვის ახალი ისტორია დაიწყებო, რომელშიც მან ყველაფერი დაკარგა და იძულებულია ცხოვრება განაგრძოს როგორც ერთ-ერთმა ყველაზე ნიჭიერმა კარიკატურისტმა ამერიკაში.

Eric O'Neill, a computer specialist who wants to be made an agent is assigned to clerk for Robert Hanssen, a senior agent with 25 years in the FBI, and to write down everything Hanssen does. O'Neill's told it's an investigation of Hanssen's sexual habits, however Hanssen is really suspected of spying for the Soviet Union and Russia for years and being responsible for the deaths of agents working for the United States.

At 2:37, someone commits suicide in the school lavatory. The day is told up to that point from the viewpoint of six different students.

Based on the true story of Jack DiNorscio, a mobster who defended himself in court for what would be the longest mafia trial in U.S. history.

The story of the Arthurian legend, based on the 'Sarmatian hypothesis' which contends that the legend has a historical nucleus in the Sarmatian heavy cavalry troops stationed in Britain, and that the Roman-British military commander, Lucius Artorius Castus is the historical person behind the legend.

As the Earth wrestles with its agonizing birth, the peoples of this barren and desolate world struggle to survive. Driven by animal instinct they compete against the harsh conditions, their giant predators, and warring tribes. When two people from opposing clans fall in love, existing conventions are shattered forever as each tribe struggles for supremacy and Man embarks on his tortuous voyage of civilization.

Neighbors in a block wake one morning to find they have been sealed inside their apartments. Can they work together to find out why? Or will they destroy each other in their fight to escape?

A psychiatrist becomes the new Sorcerer Supreme of the Earth in order to battle an evil Sorceress from the past.

Based on the 1836 standoff between a group of Texan and Tejano men, led by Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie, and Mexican dictator Santa Anna's forces at the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas.