Peter Parker and his friends go on a summer trip to Europe. However, they will hardly be able to rest - Peter will have to agree to help Nick Fury uncover the mystery of creatures that cause natural disasters and destruction throughout the continent.

Pietro Zinni is asked by the police to revive the old gang to create a task force that will stop the spread of smart drugs.

Deckard Shaw seeks revenge against Dominic Toretto and his family for his comatose brother.

Phineas and Ferb become the galaxy's unlikeliest last hope when they must return the Death Star plans to the Rebel Alliance.

A desk-bound CIA analyst volunteers to go undercover to infiltrate the world of a deadly arms dealer, and prevent diabolical global disaster.

ახალ ფილმში მისი გმირები წამოიზარდნენ და მათი სკოლის წლები ნელ–ნელა დასასრულს უახლოვდება.მათ კოლეჯში ჩაბარებისათვის მზადება მოუწევთ.შეძლებენ კი ისინი საყვარელი საქმის გაგრძელებას თუ მუსიკალური კარიერა მხოლოდ ერთ მათგანს აეწყობა? შეინარჩუნებენ მეგობრობას თუ სამუდამოდ დაშორდებიან ერთმანეთს? სანამ ამ კითხვებზე პასუხს იპოვიან ახალგაზრდებს სკოლის სცენაზე უკანასკნელი, ყველაზე განუმეორებელი მიუზიკლის დადგმა მოუწევთ!

When Lady Tremaine steals the Fairy Godmother's wand and changes history, it's up to Cinderella to restore the timeline and reclaim her prince.

Doug Harris is a loveable but socially awkward groom-to-be with a problem: he has no best man. With less than two weeks to go until he marries the girl of his dreams, Doug is referred to Jimmy Callahan, owner and CEO of Best Man, Inc., a company that provides flattering best men for socially challenged guys in need. What ensues is a hilarious wedding charade as they try to pull off the big con, and an unexpected budding bromance between Doug and his fake best man Jimmy.

The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

ლოს-ანჯელესელი მარტოხელა დედის ცხოვრება თავდაყირა დგება, მას შემდეგ რაც იგი სამ ბიჭს მის სახლში ცხოვრების უფლებას მისცემს.

გსურთ იცხოვროთ იდეალურ სამყაროში, სადაც არ არის დანაშაული, უმუშევრობა და ომები? ერთადერთი გადახდა ასეთი ბედნიერი მომავლისთვის არის წელიწადში აბსოლუტური უკანონობის ერთი ღამე. ღამე, როცა ყველაფერი ნებადართულია. გსურთ მონაწილეობა მიიღოთ ასეთ სოციალურ ექსპერიმენტში?

The humans and animals believe a werewolf is on the loose, and former hunter Shaw uses the opportunity to re-open the season. Boog, Elliot, and Mr. Weenie have to face their fears and find the werewolf to get the season closed permanently.

Two disconnected sisters are summoned to clean out their childhood bedrooms before their parents sell their family home.

From DC Comics comes the Suicide Squad, an antihero team of incarcerated supervillains who act as deniable assets for the United States government, undertaking high-risk black ops missions in exchange for commuted prison sentences.

Thirty-year-old Camilla, realizes that she doesn't have the life she deserves and decides that the only destiny worthy of her is that of a royal princess.

A 16-year-old international assassin yearning for a "normal" adolescence fakes her own death and enrolls as a senior in a suburban high school. She quickly learns that being popular can be more painful than getting water-boarded.

The Tucci family discovers that they have not really lost all their money and, refusing to pay Italian taxes, decides to turn Torresecca into a tax haven, relying on a post-Italian unification bureaucratic oversight.

When a childhood friend from Miami gets killed after he comes to warn of encroaching drug gangs, Baaba moves to Miami and teams up with a local officer to bring down the criminals.

Fin and his wife April travel around the world to save their young son who's trapped inside a sharknado.

A man tries to cure his friend of his video-game obsession by using a virtual reality machine. When the device traps his friend in a virtual world, he goes in to help him fight for his life.