The Official Golden Harvest tribute to the Master of the Martial Arts Film, Bruce Lee.

The passionate love between a former boxer and a beautiful blind woman.

Šį filmą reikėtų peržiūrėti bent porą kartų, nes jis gana filosofiškas. Čia pasakojama apie žmogų, kuris išgelbėja kito žmogaus, pasiruošusio šokti po traukiniu, gyvybę. Filmo dialogai labai intriguojantys. Ateistas profesorius ir katalikas, buvęs kalinys keičiasi savo pažiūromis į gyvenimą, į žmogiškąsias vertybes ir principus, jų svarbą. Yra žmonių, kurie atrodo labai protingi, bet jie nuolatos kalba interpretuodami faktus taip, kad patenkintų savo interesus. Dažniausiai jie šneka taip sudėtingai, kad interpretacijos neleidžia kitiems suprasti, ką vis dėlto tas žmogus nori pasakyti. Todėl siūlau šį filmą žiūrėti labai atidžiai, jei suprantate – originalo kalba. Arba peržiūrėkite jį kelis kartus.

Gia Carangi meteorically rises to fame and becomes a forefront modeling industry in the late 1970s but falls prey to persistent loneliness and drug addiction.

A Jewish woman named Jettel Redlich flees Nazi Germany with her daughter Regina, to join her husband, Walter, on a farm in Kenya. At first, Jettel refuses to adjust to her new circumstances, bringing with her a set of china dishes and an evening gown. While Regina adapts readily to this new world, forming a strong bond with her father's cook, an African named Owuor.

It's night on a Paris bridge. A girl leans over Seine River with tears in her eyes and a violent yearning to drown her sorrows. Out of nowhere someone takes an interest in her. He is Gabor, a knife thrower who needs a human target for his show. The girl, Adele, has never been lucky and nowhere else to go. So she follows him. They travel along the northern bank of the Mediterranean to perform.

Luisas Stivenas – kovos menų meistras, grįžta į savo mokyklą Majamyje. Jis suburia grupelę problemiško elgesio paauglių ir pasišvenčia jų auklėjimui. Treniruodamiesi vaikinai įgyja pasitikėjimo ir savigarbos. Su Stivenu priešakyje jie nugali mokyklą terorizuojančią gaują. Stiveno programa pradeda veikti, atgaivindama prigesusį vaikinų norą gyventi. Vietinis narkotikų mafijos vadeiva iš visų jėgų priešinasi teigiamai Stiveno įtakai, kuri iš jo atima tiek pirkėjus, tiek narkotikų prekeivius. Dabar Stivenas priverstas ginti savo gyvybę ir apsaugoti savo studentus.

A doctor dealing with the aftermath of his son's death tries to help a troubled young man.

Sarah Jordan, an American living in London in 1984, is married to the son of a wealthy British industrialist. She encounters Nick Callahan, a renegade doctor, whose impassioned plea for help to support his relief efforts in war-torn Africa moves her deeply. As a result, Sarah embarks upon a journey of discovery that leads to danger, heartbreak and romance in the far corners of the world.

Lara Croft is the fearless pioneer of "girl power." She's the empress of the digital age, and the star of the wildly successful computer game and movie Tomb Raider. Now, for the first time, this fascinating program explores the unique phenomenon of Lara Croft and tells an amazing tale of ingenuity and success. It reveals how Core Design invented Lara Croft and catapulted her into mainstream contemporary culture, making her the most successful cyber character to cross over into global marketing, advertising, and of course, Hollywood. This is the amazing story of cyber tomb raider Lara Croft, and it is a “must see” for all of her fans.

Per vieną Kanų festivalį nusikaltėlių gauja pagrobia briliantus. Vilioklė Laura bendrus apgauna ir pabėga. Pasiekusi Paryžių, ji pasivadina našle Lili. Po septynerių metų Laura-Lili atvyksta į Paryžių. Ją pastebi profesionalus fotografas Nikolas, kuris ima atkakliai sekti ir fotografuoti paslaptingą gražuolę. Lauros bendrai, išvydę jos nuotrauką, ima veikti. Gražuolės gyvybei gresia pavojus. Kaip pasielgs lemtinga moteris?

Antonia is a single mother who works as a hotel maid in Berlin. A normal hot summer day takes a dramatic turn when she crosses paths with a particular guest of the hotel, famous blind portrait painter Julius Pass.

After Paul D. finds his old slave friend Sethe in Ohio and moves in with her and her daughter Denver, a strange girl comes along by the name of "Beloved". Sethe and Denver take her in and then strange things start to happen...

A reporter Lanie Kerrigan interviews a psychic homeless man for a fluff piece about a football game's score. Instead he tells her that her life has no meaning and is going to end in just a few days, which sparks her to action, trying to change the pattern of her life...

Mark, a hitman haunted by his past as a corrupt Miami cop and the death of his wife and son, prepares for his next killing. Gradually he becomes fascinated by the beautiful prostitute who lives in the next apartment and they embark on a passionate affair. Their dreams of a life together are complicated by her pimp being a drugs baron; before they can escape he must die, but things are never that simple...

On a university scholarship, a good natured student from the midwest gets a crash course in city life while dealing with three evil roommates. He befriends a virtually homeless college student whom he falls for, but she's dating a nasty professor.

As the daring thief Arsène Lupin ransacks the homes of wealthy Parisians, the police, with a secret weapon in their arsenal, attempt to ferret him out.

In this spiritual thriller, an ancient prophecy is about to be fulfilled as a secret code brings the world to the edge of Apocalypse. Gillen Lane (Casper Van Dien) is a expert on theology and mythology who has gained international fame as a motivational speaker.

Net nereikia būt labai išprususiam tuose reikaluose, kad nežinot Carmageddon (arba tos didelės kompanijos TROMA), arba jo antros eilės pusbrolio "Laiškanešio”, kuris šį kartą smigo ir sulindo sėklidėn, kaip niekad taikliai. Legendinis kino režisierius Uwe Boll’as, sukūręs tokius šedevrų, kaip "House of the Dead”, "Alone In the Dark” arba "Bloodrayne” (taip taip, video žaidimai…) bene tobulus perstatymus, liaudiškai remeikus. Žinoma, tobulus iš kitokios perspektyvos, kur daugelis jūsų nedrįstumėte kelti kojos, kur yra išniekinma visa tai, kas iki tl buvo šventa.

An author who was sent to the town Drakho, because of a nervous breakdown, gets wound up in a mystery revolving around demons and werewolves. She starts seeing ghosts and dismisses them as her own imagination, but when they turn out to be real she becomes suspicious of the odd town and of its past.