大卫·麦克维卡( David McVicar )的《费加罗的婚礼》( LE NOZ ZE DI FIGARO )这部令人着迷的作品以 19 世纪 30 年代革命后的法国为背景,在法国,旧秩序的无情瓦解产生了强烈的失落感。芬利饰演的温文尔雅、目中无人的伯爵与勒施曼饰演的热情端庄的伯爵夫人之间的关系,正是这部歌剧悲剧的核心,活泼的费加罗(埃尔文·施罗特饰)和时髦的苏珊娜(米娅·佩尔松饰)之间的性感从容显然是不存在的,马塞琳娜(格拉谢拉·阿拉亚饰)与巴托罗(乔纳森·维拉饰)间的顽强火花暗示着什么可能会重新点燃。制作是极好的补充保罗康斯特布尔的灯光和谭雅麦卡林的唤起集之美。Antonio Pappano 以活跃的智慧和情感深度指挥(并伴随独奏)。

Two idiot best friends can't catch a break. But when fate drops a loaded duffel bag into their laps, their lives could change forever. Maybe.


Following a group of five very different student nurses during their first year of training at an NHS hospital in London called St. Augustine’s Hospital (filmed at Guy's Hospital), where they live in a dormitory. Susan (Belinda Lee) is reliable and sensible; Pat (Delphi Lawrence) is flighty and open; Maureen (Adrienne Corri) is Irish and loud; Ann (Henryetta Edwards) is a typical public school girl; and Liz (Barbara Archer) comes from a typical working class background. As they get to know each other, they bond in spite of their differences.

Then one day, her daily life suddenly changes. Unknown creatures fly out from a large number of spheres sent from outer space and begin to parasitize and manipulate human beings. The parasites not only move in strange ways, but some of them also exhibit extraordinary physical abilities. Trapped in a building at work, Shang and his colleagues discover that the space creatures are vulnerable to cigarette smoke. But that was only the beginning of the fight to the death. Smokers vs. space creatures, who will survive? Shang's cry echoes through the air. "Breathe in the smoke and go to hell!"

二战结束初期,北海道某渔场又迎来新的捕鱼期。鲱鱼肉鲜肥美,渔民欢天喜地,在北国的冰天雪地中引吭高歌。就在此时,渔场迎来两个不速之客:一个是渔场主九兵卫(山形勲 饰)的儿子阿铁(高倉健 饰),当初他无故失踪,渔民传言他已死于战乱;另一个是渔场的前雇员阿万(丹波哲郎 饰),绰号“杂鱼万”,当年他偷走九兵卫的渔船逃跑,半路上被苏联人抓获。这次,杂鱼万怀着对九兵卫和阿铁的憎恨回到了这里。阿铁和渔民的关系分外融洽,尽心帮助他们争取合法权利。阴险粗暴的万却处处与之作对。随着渔汛的到来,两人之间的战火也到了一触即发的地步……   本片根据梶野悳三的小说《鰊漁場》改编,剧本由黑泽明执笔。

The gang decides to go camping with a little bear hunting on the side. A pair of poachers decides to try and scare them off with a gorilla suit but the gang decides to try and capture the gorilla instead.

A young woman, holding an important secret and refusing to bow to oppression, exposes the individual dynamics and relationships established in her family that has lived in isolation on a deserted beach for ten years.

Kovai Brothers is a 2006 Tamil film directed by Sakthi Chidambaram. The film stars Sathyaraj, Sibiraj, Namitha and Vadivelu in lead roles.


When the mayor of a crime-ridden city and his opponent are both assassinated while seeking election, two FBI agents, John Archer and Mila Driver, reluctantly join forces to investigate the murder only to discover that City Hall holds more secrets than the identity of the killer.

Every morning, Pedro carefully prepares coffee for Tiago, but even with all his extraordinary efforts, he is unable to prevent the drink from getting cold.

A beautiful planet where the weather is always fine, money grows on trees and the traffic lights are always green. Yet there is something wrong.

Fed up with the bullying from their classmates, Jorge and Emilio plan a shooting at their school.