A raw urban drama about two friends raised on the dangerous streets of Kingston, Jamaica. Biggs and Wayne take on the "Shotta" way of life to survive. As young boys, they begin a life of crime, eventually moving to the US where they begin a ruthless climb from the bottom. They remain bound to each other by their shottas loyalty as they aggressively take control of the Jamaican underworld.

Humanity is suffering from a series of mysterious murders across the globe, known as the 'Mincemeat murders'. High school student Izumi Shinichi has a parasite living off him, having replaced his right hand, and he might be the discoverer of truth.

A mysterious reiatsu (spiritual particle) explosion occurs in the center of Seireitei in Soul Society, causing it to be destroyed. At the exact same time, a major change overwhelms Kuchiki Rukia, which leaves her losing something important inside. Urahara Kisuke sends Kurosaki Ichigo to Soul Society to investigate the disturbance. Upon reaching Seireitei, Ichigo is attacked by his ally shinigamis.

ერთადერთი, ვინც ბარონ მიუნჰაუზენზე სრული სიმართლე იცის, თვითონ ბარონია. ლეგენდარული გმირი თავისი დაუჯერებელი თავგადასავლების ისტორიას გვიყვება. ნუთუ ის მართლა გაფრინდა ზარბაზნიდან გასროლილი ბირთვით, შეებრძოლა სამთავიან გრიფონს, იმოგზაურა მთვარეზე, დაინახა ზღვის ნიჟარიდან ამომავალი შიშველი ვენერა და, ბოლოს და ბოლოს, თვით სიკვდილს შეხვდა პირისპირ? ამის დაჯერება შეუძლებელია... მაგრამ ნუთუ სახელგანთქმულ მიუნჰაუზენს მოტყუება შეუძლია?

ებრაელი ბოისკაუტების ჯგუფის ისტორია, რონლებიც საფრანგეთს წინაააღმდეგობის მოძრაობის წევრებთან ერთად იბრძოდნენ მეორე მსოფლიო ომის დროს.

ჰილარის საყვარელი მამაკაცი მიატოვებს, და ის გადაწყვეტს კარდინალურად შეცვალოს თავის ცხოვრება. ის მომვლელად იწყებს მუშაობას ლეიკემიით დაავადებულ გენიალურ ადამიანთან. ადამიანური სიმპატია მალე ვნებიან სიყვარულში გადაიზრდება... მაგრამ მათი სიყვარული განწირულია.

A group of recruits go through Advanced Infantry Training at Fort Polk, Louisiana's infamous Tigerland, last stop before Vietnam for tens of thousands of young men in 1971.

ნიუ-იორკელი მემანქანე ტეს მაკ-გილი თავბრუდამხვევ კარიერაზე ოცნებობს. მაგრამ წარმატების მიღწევისთვის მას ჩაცმის, დავარცხნისა და ურთიერთობის კულტურა არ ჰყოფნის. ხანდახან ცხოვრება ადამიანს შანს აძლევს. სწორედ ეს შანსი მიიღო მანაც, როდესაც მისმა უფროსმა ევროპაში დასვენების დროს ფეხი იტკინა. შეუმჩნეველი ტასი მის ადგილს იკავებს, ბროკერებს იცნობს და სერიოზულ საქმეებს აწარმოებს. როდესაც გამოჯანმრთელებული უფროსი ბრუნდება, იგებს, რომ მისი ადგილი დაკავებულია, საქმრო სხვასთან არის წასული და არსებობს უამრავი წვრილ-წვრილი უსიამოვნებები.

A rogue soldier turned outlaw is thrust into a relentless fight with a corrupt sheriff, his obedient deputies, and a dangerous drug cartel in order to protect his sister and her young daughter.

When a workaholic young executive, is left at the altar, she ends up on her Caribbean honeymoon cruise with the last person she ever expected: her estranged and equally workaholic father. The two depart as strangers, but over the course of a few hilarious adventures, a couple of umbrella-clad cocktails and a whole lot of soul-searching, they return with a renewed appreciation for family and life.

A stay-at-home mom and avid reader of crime stories discovers the deepest secrets of a small town's residents while investigating a woman's murder.

Hoping to save his sick mother, a boy named Gunner and his friend Jo venture into the remote Wild Horse forest to search for a mythical figure who possesses the secret to immortality. When they go missing, Gunner's father Amos must immerse himself in his son's world to find them.

Alina is married to Daniele, a famous conductor. While Daniele is away, she finds herself attracted to Bruno, a butcher. One day, Bruno left a message… “Tomorrow morning I’ll knock on your door. If you don’t want me, don’t be there.” Next morning Bruno keeps his word. The apartment door is ajar. He finds Alina on a sofa, pale, bathed in sweat, fearful and expectant. While Daniele conducts his final concert in Samarkand, Bruno and Alina make love in every way imaginable… and Alina will never be the same.

Ghang-gheng, the ancient winner-take-all competition in which the deadliest fighters from around the world employ the most spectacular feats of martial arts skills ever displayed in order to win the prized Golden Dragon. But fighting prowess alone will not be enough for Chris to triumph over such daunting foes.

Zane Ziminski is an astrophysicist who receives a message that seems to have extraterrestrial origins. Eerily soon after his discovery, Zane is fired. He then embarks on a search to determine the origins of the transmission that leads him into a Hitchcockian labyrinth of paranoia and intrigue.

Kate and her daughter Beth live alone in an isolated farmhouse in the woods, but when Kate slowly begins to suspect that something sinister is happening, her motherly instincts are put to the test.

A young interracial couple has just moved into their California dream home when they become the target of their next-door neighbor, who disapproves of their relationship. A tightly wound LAPD officer has appointed himself the watchdog of the neighborhood. His nightly foot patrols and overly watchful eyes bring comfort to some, but he becomes increasingly aggressive to the newlyweds. These persistent intrusions into their lives cause the couple to fight back.

When an international border dispute arises between the U.S. and Canada, the Super Troopers- Mac, Thorny, Foster, Rabbit and Farva, are called in to set up a new Highway Patrol station in the disputed area.

In February of 1959, nine Russian hikers ventured into a remote area of the Ural Mountains. Two weeks later, all of them were found dead. What happened is a mystery that has baffled investigators and researchers for decades. It has become known as the Dyatlov Pass Incident. When five ambitious American college students are issued a grant to return to the site of the original events, they gear up with the belief that they can uncover and document the truth of what happened to the supposedly experienced hikers. But what they find is more shocking than anything they could have imagined. Retracing the steps of the Russians' ill-fated journey, the students are plagued by strange and increasingly terrifying phenomena that suggest that in spite of the desolate surroundings, they are not alone. The forces at work in the Dyatlov Pass Incident have been waiting for them.

Found footage of an expedition into the Congo jungle where a team of explorers stumbles upon a colony of Dinosaurs.