Frodo Baggins and the other members of the Fellowship continue on their sacred quest to destroy the One Ring--but on separate paths. Their destinies lie at two towers--Orthanc Tower in Isengard, where the corrupt wizard Saruman awaits, and Sauron's fortress at Barad-dur, deep within the dark lands of Mordor. Frodo and Sam are trekking to Mordor to destroy the One Ring of Power while Gimli, Legolas and Aragorn search for the orc-captured Merry and Pippin. All along, nefarious wizard Saruman awaits the Fellowship members at the Orthanc Tower in Isengard.

Set ten years after the events of the original, James Cameron’s classic sci-fi action flick tells the story of a second attempt to get the rid of rebellion leader John Connor, this time targeting the boy himself. However, the rebellion has sent a reprogrammed terminator to protect Connor.

NYPD cop John McClane's plan to reconcile with his estranged wife is thrown for a serious loop when, minutes after he arrives at her office, the entire building is overtaken by a group of terrorists. With little help from the LAPD, wisecracking McClane sets out to single-handedly rescue the hostages and bring the bad guys down.

The ultimate X-Men ensemble fights a war for the survival of the species across two time periods as they join forces with their younger selves in an epic battle that must change the past – to save our future.

In a gritty and alternate 1985, the glory days of costumed vigilantes have been brought to a close by a government crackdown. But after one of the masked veterans is brutally murdered, an investigation into the killer is initiated. The reunited heroes set out to prevent their own destruction, but in doing so they uncover a sinister plot that puts all of humanity in grave danger.

V preddelu trilogije Možje X spoznamo mladega Charlesa Xavierja, ki skuša spričo svojih nadnaravnih moči ustanoviti šolo za mutante. Pomaga mu najboljši prijatelj Erik, a se z novimi varovanci in prijatelji znajdeta sredi ene najhujših svetovnih kriz, ki utegne uničiti človeštvo. Ob iskanju rešitev se med Charlesom in Erikom pojavijo številna nesoglasja, ki povzročijo razkol med mutanti in večno rivalstvo med obema taboroma nadnaravnih junakov.

Professor Charles Xavier and his team of genetically gifted superheroes face a rising tide of anti-mutant sentiment led by Col. William Stryker. Storm, Wolverine and Jean Grey must join their usual nemeses—Magneto and Mystique—to unhinge Stryker's scheme to exterminate all mutants.

Two mutants, Rogue and Wolverine, come to a private academy for their kind whose resident superhero team, the X-Men, must oppose a terrorist organization with similar powers.

While Senator Kelly addresses a senate committee about the supposed mutant menace, we learn about the making of the movie, X-Men.

Na krovu je posebna ladja, ki prevaža 39 potnikov in se napoti v Novo Meko, kolonijo v vesolju. Toda med letom je prišlo do okvare zaradi meteorne nevihte, zaradi katere ladja pristane na izgubljenem planetu. Za več inri je izredno nevaren zapornik: potnik številka 40 je Richard Riddick, nevaren zločinec, ki se prevaža v zapor z največjo varnostjo. Zasilni pristanek ubije 29 potnikov, Riddick pa izkoristi priložnost za pobeg. Izolirani od vseh oblik življenja na planetu, kjer sonce nikoli ne zahaja in vode ni, verjamejo, da se soočajo s resnično težavo. Vendar se motijo, ker resnično prihajajo resnične težave, saj se vsakih 22 let zgodi mrk in s temo prihajajo neka čudna in smrtonosna bitja, ki jih bodo želela dokončati.

Režiser filmov Preprodajalci in Kužna nevarnost predstavlja srhljivo zgodbo psihiatra Jonathana, ki skuša pomagati zakonskemu paru v težavah. Mladi Mike se je pred kratkim vrnil iz ječe, njegova žena Emily pa je poskušala storiti samomor. Ker večina zdravil nima učinka, se Jonathan po posvetu s kolegico Victorio odloči Emily predpisati novo poskusno zdravilo. Po začetnih navdušujočih rezultatih se zgodi tragedija in Emily pristane v psihiatrični bolnišnici, konec pa je tudi Jonathanove kariere. Da bi opral svoje ime, se odloči raziskati ozadje nenavadnih naključij, povezanih z Emily, toda ob tem naleti na nepričakovano zaroto, ki mu življenje dokončno postavi na glavo.

After the re-emergence of the world's first mutant, world-destroyer Apocalypse, the X-Men must unite to defeat his extinction level plan.

Wolverine faces his ultimate nemesis - and tests of his physical, emotional, and mortal limits - in a life-changing voyage to modern-day Japan.

When a cure is found to treat mutations, lines are drawn amongst the X-Men—led by Professor Charles Xavier—and the Brotherhood, a band of powerful mutants organised under Xavier's former ally, Magneto.

Po izdajstvu se vesoljski bojevnik Riddick znajde na opustelem planetu, kjer je vsak korak neusmiljen boj za preživetje. Ne traja dolgo, da na planet prispejo najbolj zakrknjeni lovci na glave, ki želijo ubežnika Riddicka ujeti in pobrati zajetno nagrado. Ne zavedajo se, da je Riddick v dolgih letih boja s krvoločnimi bitji postal še bolj nevaren in neusmiljen. Toda ko planet zagrne tema, so Riddickovi ubijalski instinkti edini, ki jih lahko rešijo pred nenasitnimi pošastmi.

Scientist Bruce Banner scours the planet for an antidote to the unbridled force of rage within him: the Hulk. But when the military masterminds who dream of exploiting his powers force him back to civilization, he finds himself coming face to face with a new, deadly foe.

V apokaliptičnem svetu bližnje prihodnosti, kjer stroji pod vodstvom inteligentnega računalniškega omrežja Skynet neusmiljeno iztrebljajo človeštvo, skuša odločni John Connor sprejeti vlogo odrešenika, ki mu je bila usojena. Čeprav med soborci uživa veliko spoštovanje, mu vodje odpora ne zaupajo, vojna z uničujočimi ubijalskimi stroji pa postaja vse bolj brezupna. Za novo negotovost poskrbi skrivnostni Marcus, nekdanji obsojenec na smrt, ki je morda zadnje upanje človeštva, toda svoje poslanstvo lahko opravi šele, ko mu uspe pridobiti zaupanje skeptičnega Johna.

When a mild-mannered businessman learns his identity has been stolen, he hits the road in an attempt to foil the thief -- a trip that puts him in the path of a deceptively harmless-looking woman.

Mojster apokaliptičnih filmov Dan neodvisnosti in Dan po jutrišnjem je novo uničenje človeštva našel v starodavnem majevskem koledarju, po katerem nas konec sveta čaka leta 2012. Tem napovedim ne verjame niti pisec znanstvene fantastike Jackson, toda ko napoči usodni dan, se odvije niz nepopisnih katastrof, ki vse kraje na Zemlji spremenijo v peklensko pogubo. Da bi rešil sebe in družino, skuša Jackson na vse načine ubežati grozljivim silam sodnega dne, toda spektakularno in popolno uničenje se zdi neizbežno.

On his 18th birthday, Goku receives a mystical Dragonball as a gift from his grandfather. There are only six others like it in the whole world, and legend has it that whoever possesses all seven will be granted one perfect wish. When the arrival of a dark force triggers a tragedy, Goku and his companions are propelled into an epic quest to collect the seven Dragonballs and save the Earth from destruction.