A hack screenwriter writes a screenplay for a former silent film star who has faded into Hollywood obscurity.

Ta ärkab ülesse. Ta leiab enda tuppa lukustatuna. Tihti on ta narkojoobes ning ta ajaviitmiseks vaatab ta telekat või mõtleb, kes on kõige selle taga. 15 aasta pärast leiab ta ennast vabadusse pääsenuna sama ootamatult, kui ka vangistus oli seda. Nüüd otsustab ta leida ülesse selle, kes temaga seda tegi ning ta meelel on vaid kättemaks.

Teises maailmasõjas põgenesid paljud eurooplased Ameerikasse, kuid sinna jõudmiseks tuli minna läbi Maroko linna Casablanca, kust läbi raskuste muretseti viisad edasipääsemiseks. Ööklubi omanik Rick Blaine kohtab linnas oma kunagist armastust Ilsat, kes on seal koos oma abikaasa, Victor Lazloga. Lazlo on üks vastupanuliikumise juhtidest ja põgeneb sakslaste eest. Tema ainukeseks lootuseks on Rick, kes suudaks ta maalt lahkumise korraldada... kuid kas ta ka tahab seda teha?

The story of J. Robert Oppenheimer's role in the development of the atomic bomb during World War II.

In 1970s London amidst the punk rock revolution, a young grifter named Estella is determined to make a name for herself with her designs. She befriends a pair of young thieves who appreciate her appetite for mischief, and together they are able to build a life for themselves on the London streets. One day, Estella’s flair for fashion catches the eye of the Baroness von Hellman, a fashion legend who is devastatingly chic and terrifyingly haute. But their relationship sets in motion a course of events and revelations that will cause Estella to embrace her wicked side and become the raucous, fashionable and revenge-bent Cruella.

Aastal 2029 käib inimeste ja masinate vahel sõda, millest vaid üks pool võib võitjana väljuda. Masinate juhtsüsteemi, Skyneti ähvardab kaotus. Et kõrvaldada üks tähtsaim inimeste juht, saadetakse ajas tagasi küborg ülesandega tappa vastupanuliikumise juhi ema, Sarah Connor. Ka inimesed saadavad oma võitleja minevikku – sõdur Kyle Reese. Tema ülesandeks on kaitsta Sarah Connorit, kuid kas praktiliselt relvitul inimesel on lootust jagu saada temast igas mõttes üle olevast terminaatorist?

Set more than a decade after the events of the first film, learn the story of the Sully family (Jake, Neytiri, and their kids), the trouble that follows them, the lengths they go to keep each other safe, the battles they fight to stay alive, and the tragedies they endure.

Kena, moodne ja jõukas Patrick Bateman (Christian Bale) on peaaegu täiuslik. Ainukese pisiasjana võib üldmuljet veidi rikkuda see, et tegu on sarimõrvariga. Kuid tema öisest tegevusest ei aima keegi midagi. Mees on rahu ise ja sobib ideaalselt New Yorki igapäevaeluga kokku. Kuid ajapikku on tal üha raskem oma öise ja päevase elu vahele joont tõmmata. Film põhineb kõmuliselt Bret Easton Ellise romaanil.

Upon receiving his draft notice and leaving his family ranch in Oklahoma, Claude heads to New York and befriends a tribe of long-haired hippies on his way to boot camp.

Tells the life story of Danish author Karen Blixen, who at the beginning of the 20th century moved to Africa to build a new life for herself. The film is based on her 1937 autobiographical novel.

Sherlock Holmes on alati olnud toa kõige targem mees... kuni praeguseni. Nüüd tuleb tal rinda pista uue kuritegeliku geeniusega - professor Moriartyga - kes pole üksnes samavõrd tark kui Holmes ise, vaid lisaks ülimalt õel ja südametu, mis võib talle kuulsa detektiivi ees anda edumaa. Austria kroonprints leitakse surnuna. Inspektor Lestrade'i arvates viitavad tõendid enesetapule. Sherlock Holmes seevastu järeldab, et prints langes mõrva ohvriks, kusjuures mõrv on üksnes pisuke killuke professor Moriarty kavandatud hiiglaslikus salaplaanis. Kurikaval Moriarty on neist aga alatasa sammukese ees, punudes surma ja hävingu võrku, mis on osa tema lennukast plaanist. Plaanist, mis õnnestumise korral muudab ajaloo kulgu.

Strange things begin to occurs as a tiny California coastal town prepares to commemorate its centenary. Inanimate objects spring eerily to life; Rev. Malone stumbles upon a dark secret about the town's founding; radio announcer Stevie witnesses a mystical fire; and hitchhiker Elizabeth discovers the mutilated corpse of a fisherman. Then a mysterious iridescent fog descends upon the village, and more people start to die.

A young man returns from Rome to his sister's satanic New York apartment house.

Stopping briefly in a small Texas town, an itinerant race car driver finds that his stock car, on a trailer behind his motor home, has just been quickly and expertly stripped. He chases down the miscreants, who turn out to be six orphan children. He has no recourse to the law, for the corrupt local sheriff takes most of the proceeds of their thievery in exchange for not putting them in an orphanage. They are charming rogues who are in turn charmed by him. Disliking their arrangement with the sheriff, they stow away with him, and he finds himself becoming a reluctant stepfather. Thanks to their enthusiasm and incredible mechanical know-how, he begins to make a name for himself on the racing circuit. But the sheriff doesn't take kindly to losing his extra income...

In Mahoro, the fictional suburb of Tokyo, Tada works as a general problem solver for hire. One day, former classmate Gyoten appears unannounced. Both men are over 30 years old and divorced. With no explanation, Gyoten suddenly asks to spend the night at Tada's home. Eventually, Tada accepts Gyoten as his assistant and together they become involved in various cases concerning an assortment of people from different walks of life.

Tally Atwater has a dream: to be a prime-time network newscaster. She pursues this dream with nothing but ambition, raw talent and a homemade demo tape. Warren Justice is a brilliant, hard edged, veteran newsman. He sees Tally has talent and becomes her mentor. Tally’s career takes a meteoric rise and she and Warren fall in love. The romance that results is as intense and revealing as television news itself. Yet, each breaking story, every videotaped crisis that brings them together, also threatens to drive them apart...

An emotional and poetic story of Elise, a beautiful young woman haunted by a tragic event in her youth. As Elise attempts to piece together the mystery of her sister's disappearance at the beach, twenty years before when both were children, she must face dark family secrets that have remained unspoken. As the past is revealed, Elise at last finds the courage to begin to live.

Down-on-his-luck John Ellman is framed for a judge's murder. After he's convicted and sentenced to death, witnesses come forth and prove his innocence. But it was too late for a stay to be granted and Ellman is executed. A doctor uses an experimental procedure to restore him to life, though the full outcome is other than expected.

The war against the Bugs continues! A Federation Starship crash-lands on the distant Alien planet OM-1, stranding beloved leader Sky Marshal Anoke and several others, including comely but tough pilot Lola Beck. It's up to Colonel/General Johnny Rico, reluctant hero of the original Bug Invasion on Planet P, to lead a team of Troopers on a daring rescue mission.

Mario and Luigi, plumbers from Brooklyn, find themselves in an alternate universe where evolved dinosaurs live in hi-tech squalor. They're the only hope to save our universe from invasion by the dino dictator, Koopa.