A barber seeks vengeance after his home is burglarized, cryptically telling police his "Lakshmi" has been taken, leaving them uncertain if it's a person or object, jeer at his request until they learn what they're really looking for.

It's the ultimate showdown. The toughest fighters from "Baki Hanma" and "Kengan Ashura" clash in this unprecedented, hard-hitting martial arts crossover.

Povojna Japonska je na najnižji točki, ko se pojavi nova kriza v obliki velikanske pošasti, krščene v grozljivi moči atomske bombe.

Priljubljena podla fanta se vračata s svojo slavno mešanico napete akcije in nesramne komedije, a s posebnim preobratom: miamijska policista sta tokrat na begu.

Rastoči populaciji gensko naprednih opic, ki jih vodi Cezar, grozi tolpa ljudi, ki so pred desetimi leti preživeli epidemijo smrtonosnega virusa. Dosežejo nestabilno premirje, ki pa ne traja dolgo, saj se nasprotni strani znajdeta na robu vojne, ki bo odločila, katera vrsta bo prevladala planetu Zemlja.

Pričenja se novo poglavje, ko Gru, Lucy in njune hčerke pozdravijo novega družinskega člana Gruja mlajšega. Gru se mora soočiti tudi z novim sovražnikom Maximom Le Malom in njegovim usodnim dekletom Valentino, družina pa bo morala bežati.

Lisa, aka Kali, who has nothing left to lose when she finds out her husband has been executed in Rio to cover up a corruption scandal. A former Special Forces recruit, she heads to Brazil with fists, blood and explosives, to Know the truth

Sisters Mirian and Mirelly were born in the interior of Goiás, but live in different cities. When their mother disappears, the two put aside their differences and come together to look for her, on a journey that could change their lives.

Mothra and her fairies return to Japan to warn mankind that they must return Kiryu to the sea, for the dead must not be disturbed. However Godzilla has survived to menace Japan leaving Kiryu as the nation's only defense.

While under the guise of taking his family on a weekend winter getaway, Loid's attempt to make progress on his current mission Operation Strix proves difficult when Anya mistakenly gets involved and triggers events that threaten world peace.

Zgodba se odvija v ZDA v ne tako oddaljeni prihodnosti in se začne, ko se en del držav odcepi od unije in je sedaj sestavljena le iz frakcij. Skupina novinarjev se odpravi na potovanje po ZDA sredi vse hujše državljanske vojne, ki je zajela celotno državo, med tem naletijo na številne izzive, ki ogrožajo njihova življenja. Hkrati se vlada spreminja v distopični režim, radikalne oborožene skupine pa pogosto sodelujejo v političnem nasilju. Film raziskuje globoke delitve v ameriški družbi in predstavlja temačno in nekoliko preroško vizijo prihodnosti.

Potem ko smo v prvem in drugem delu srhljivke spremljali družino, ki se je privajala na tišino znotraj in zunaj doma, sicer so tvegali, da jih ob najmanjšem zvoku napadejo pošasti, se v novem delu vračamo na prvi dan, ko bomo spoznali, zakaj in kako je do tega sploh prišlo. Ko New York napadejo nezemeljska bitja, ki lovijo po zvoku, se ženska po imenu Sam bori za preživetje...

The Making-of James Cameron's Avatar. It shows interesting parts of the work on the set.

A young woman accepts a job on a property with a traumatic history. Upon her arrival, she soon realizes that the nightmares of her childhood are connected to the evil in the house.

Dvanajstletna Charlotte, ki je na skrivaj vzgojila nenavadno nadarjenega pajka, se mora soočiti z dejstvi o svojem ljubljenčku in se boriti za preživetje svoje družine, ko se nekoč očarljivo bitje hitro spremeni v velikansko mesojedo pošast.

A seemingly ordinary girl finds her way into the eponymous Academy to explore the world of fairy tales, imagination and creativity. With the help of a crazy, talented teacher, she develops her unique abilities and also stumbles upon a clue that will help her unravel the biggest secret of the family...

Documentary about the making of American Pie (1999), American Pie 2 (2001) and American Wedding (2003).

Recognizing the destructive power of its captive giant Ape, the military makes its own battle-ready A.I., Mecha Ape. But its first practical test goes horribly wrong, leaving the military no choice but to release the imprisoned giant ape to stop the colossal robot before it destroys downtown Chicago.

A troubled actor begins to unravel while shooting a supernatural horror film, leading his estranged daughter to wonder if he's slipping back into his past addictions or if there's something more sinister at play.