A young student decides to have no more interaction with the world than is needed to minimally sustain life. His increasingly automaton-like behavior is coupled with a strange clarity of insight about the world around him.

Filma par trīs jaunu sieviešu likteņiem, kuras ieradušās Maskavā no provinces mācīties un, protams, arī meklēt laimi. Galvenā varone atrada mīlestību, bet tika pamesta. Tomēr viņa nezaudēja apņēmību, viena izaudzināja meitu un turklāt pat izveidoja spožu karjeru. Beidzot liktenis dāvā viņai tikšanos ar lielisku cilvēku un īstu laimi...

An old teacher suffers from loneliness and insomnia. Long days are passing by, and there is no one who could support and help him. Incidentally, in an online advert of a brothel, he sees a girl's face, that makes his heart beat faster... A lost young woman and a lonely old man meet to change the course of their difficult destinies forever...

A wizard invents characters who all come to life and start to arrive at his house: a King, his servants, a princes, a bear trapped in a man's body - the usual lot. The Plot mainly rotates around the bear, who the wizard had turned into a man. The Bear, who wishes to be a bear once again, can turn into his old self if he were to kiss a princess. It gets complicated when he falls in love with that princess, that arrived at the wizard's house. For how can they be together, if a single kiss will destroy their love?

Arriving in Moscow, Chechen War veteran Danila meets Konstantin, an old friend who tells him that his twin brother has been forced into signing a crooked contract with a US ice hockey team. Soon after this meeting, Danila discovers Konstantin dead and he sets out to avenge his death; a journey that leads him to Chicago and a whole new experience.

During the bloody war in Chechnya, a British couple and two Russian soldiers are taken hostage by Chechen rebels. Two of the hostages are then released to bring the money for the British woman who is forced to wait for the ransom.

Professor Gromov constructs a robot called Electronic, which looks exactly like Sergey Syroezhkibn, a 6-grader from one of Odessa (USSR) schools. The robot also acts a lot like a human, and its dream is to become a real man. Electronic escapes from the professor's lab and accidentally meets Sergey, his prototype. Meanwhile, a gang lead by Stump is trying to kidnap Electronic to make him steal pictures from museums. For this purpose they send their hitman Urrie.

Short film from the Philippines

Uz padomju kuģa tiek uzkrauta bīstama krava – tīģeri un lauvas. Kad kapteiņa mazais mērkaķītis atver būrus un dzīvnieki izbēg, visa komanda ir šausmās. Tikai kapteiņa brāļameita var glābt situāciju...

Jaunu mācītāju norīko uzraudzīt raganas līķi kādā attālā ciematā mazā, vecā koka baznīcā. Tas nozīmē to, ka viņam vienam ir jāpavada trīs naktis ar līķi, un vienīgais, kas viņu aizsargā, ir viņa ticība.

Komēdija – farss par brāļiem trīņiem, kuri līdz šim neko nav zinājuši cits par cita esamību. Viens no viņiem, zīdaiņa vecumā nonācis čigānu taborā, kļuvis par čigānu baronu. Otrs uzaudzis bērnunamā un tagad ir pasaulslavens ebreju mūziķis. Trešo uzaudzinājusi radiniece, un šī mājas audzināšana nesusi augļus – viņš kļuvis par visā NVS autoritatīvu afēristu. Tieši viņš, liekot lietā savus talantus, piemāna mafijas vadoni un nolaupa fantastisku dimantu "Krievijas glābējs". Šī Sibīrijā atrastā dārgakmens vērtība ir tāda, ka par to visa valsts varētu trīs gadus atpūsties Kanāriju salās. Gadsimta atradums izraisa gadsimta laupīšanu – dimants tiek nozagts! Tāda ir galvenā sižeta līnija, ko attīsta filmas scenāristi V. Meņšovs, V. Moskaļenko un A. Samsonovs. Kinoaktieris Garakaļins saņēma balvu "Kinošoks-95" par visu triju brāļu lomu atveidošanu.

This film speaks of archaic peoples, their customs and mores, in an attempt to make the last snapshots of their traditional lifestyles before they are gone for good.

A docudrama about the escape of Russian pilots after being taken hostage by the Taliban in 1996.

Rory is an ambitious entrepreneur who brings his American wife and kids to his native country, England, to explore new business opportunities. After abandoning the sanctuary of their safe American suburban surroundings, the family is plunged into the despair of an archaic '80s Britain and their unaffordable new life in an English manor house threatens to destroy the family.

The war reporter Alfredo Torrisi accidentally steps on a mine and gets stuck. His camera is shooting.

A young man travels to Mars in a rocket ship, where he leads a popular uprising against the ruling group with the support of Queen Aelita, who has fallen in love with him after watching him through a telescope.

The main character is Bogna, a thirty year old woman lost in her surrounding reality and unhappy in her private life. After her husband departs for a foreign scholarship, Bogna learns that her mother died. The trip to her hometown for the funeral becomes a voyage in time, during which she relives the memories of her idyllic childhood.

Soviet adventure comedy film based on Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

BALL is an investigative and humorous film about the supporting roles of football. What happens when you turn the camera beyond the pitch? We get caught up in rituals among judges and linemen, follow the zealous accuracy of the material and that of the photographers looking for the perfect image. We study the audience up close, big and small emotions build a mood at least as exciting as what happens on the pitch. On site in a football arena, we get to follow a match from different points of view but we never see the ball. A consideration of everything that happens around at a football game.