Selma, a Czech immigrant on the verge of blindness, struggles to make ends meet for herself and her son, who has inherited the same genetic disorder and will suffer the same fate without an expensive operation. When life gets too difficult, Selma learns to cope through her love of musicals, escaping life's troubles - even if just for a moment - by dreaming up little numbers to the rhythmic beats of her surroundings.

A story centered around an Indian family who moves to France and opens a restaurant across the street from a Michelin-starred French restaurant.

Lionel Twain invites the world's five greatest detectives to a 'dinner and murder'. Included are a blind butler, a deaf-mute maid, screams, spinning rooms, secret passages, false identities and more plot turns and twists than are decently allowed.

After a provincial policeman gets falsely accused of a crime that was committed with his pocket knife, he begins a turbulent hunt for the real murderer.

When a hilariously dull policeman moves in with his best buddy in Munich, he has to deal with scandals, a corpse — and potential marriage.

A policeman suspects that several bizarre deaths in the same family were murders and that the killer is a mysterious woman who just moved to the village.

As he tries to win back his ex-girlfriend, a lethargic Lower Bavarian police officer gets sidetracked by a panicky boss and an escaped psychopath.

قصة الجنس والبلطجية والروك أند رول. عندما يقوم رجل عصابات روسي بإعداد عملية احتيال عقارية تدر ملايين الجنيهات ، يسعى العديد من أعضاء عالم الجريمة الإجرامي في لندن إلى الحصول على نصيبهم من الثروة. تحاول شخصيات مشبوهة مختلفة ، بما في ذلك السيد واحد - اثنان ، وستيلا المحاسب ، وجوني كويد ، نجم موسيقى الروك ، المطالبة بحصتهم.

بعد مساعيهم المستمرة في الجزء الأول ، يقرر فريق (ذا باردان بيلاز) أن يشاركوا جميعا في مسابقة موسيقية دولية ، لكن المشكلة الكبرى أن هذه المسابقة لم يفز فيها من قبل أي فريق أمريكي على اﻹطلاق ، مما سيدفع فريق الفتيات إلى بذل مجهود مضاعف من أجل الفوز بهذه المسابقة ، وهو ما سيكون كفيلًا بنقلهم إلى مستوى فني أفضل مما هم فيه حاليًا .

The story of Dulce, a mother who has encounters with apparitions inside her old house. She must decipher a mystery that could trigger a prophecy: the death of her family.

The family dinner at Stephan and Elisabeth could have been wonderful. But when Thomas announces that he and his pregnant girlfriend Anna are going to call their son Adolf, the hosts and the family friend René are stuck in the throat.

Bavaria's most relaxed village policeman has to face an organized crime syndicate coming after his grandmother's cakes.

Samba migrated to France 10 years ago from Senegal, and has since been plugging away at various lowly jobs. Alice is a senior executive who has recently undergone a burnout. Both struggle to get out of their dead-end lives. Samba's willing to do whatever it takes to get working papers, while Alice tries to get her life back on track until fate draws them together.

في سعيه للحفاظ على حبة البندق التي يحتفظ بها، يتسبب السنجاب (سكرات) في إحداث سلسلة من الأحداث التي تؤثر على مسار الكون، ويتسبب في تساقط نيازك ملتهبة، ثم وعن طريق الخطأ يتسبب في تجميع هذه النيازك في كتلة كبيرة، ويجعلها تتوجه إلى كوكب الأرض، فيتوجب على (سيد)، (ماني)، (دييجو) البحث عن مكان أكثر أمانًا.

لا تخلع القناع أبدا يطارد تكساس رينجرز عصابة من الخارجين عن القانون بقيادة بوتش كافنديش ، لكن العصابة نصبت كمينا لرينجرز ، مما أدى على ما يبدو إلى قتلهم جميعا. ومع ذلك ، تم العثور على أحد الناجين من قبل هندي أمريكي يدعى تونتو ، الذي يرضعه ويعيده إلى صحته. الحارس ، الذي يرتدي قناعا ويركب فحلا أبيض يدعى سيلفر ، يتعاون مع تونتو لتقديم العصابة عديمة الضمير وغيرها من أمثالها إلى العدالة.

Émile targets women he believes are too depressed to go on living. As multiple victims fall to his suffocating white scarf, an inspector resorts to unorthodox methods to get him with the assistance of a potential victim.

German family Schroeder is spending their Christmas holidays on the Thai island, Phuket. Of all the things, deep within the sleazy tourist bars and alleys of Patong, the youngest son Felix falls in love with a gorgeous Thai girl Fai who in return appears to mutually attracted to him.

يأتي هيل بوي إلى إنجلترا، حيث يجب عليه هزيمة نيموي وملكة الدم. لكن معركتهم ستؤدي إلى نهاية العالم، وهو مصير يحاول يائسًا أن يتجنبه.

Deep space, at the edge of the galaxy. The future. A new prisoner arrives on top security prison ship and psychiatric research unit Dante 01. Sole survivor of an encounter with an alien force, Saint-Georges is a man possessed by inner demons, caught up in the battle to control the monstrous power within him. It's a power that will infect the other highly dangerous occupants of Dante 01, gaolors and prisoners alike, unleashing a violent rebellion that turns this terrifying, labyrinthine world upside down. In the otherworldly hell of the ship's depths, through danger and redemption, each must journey to his very limits... each must confront his own Dragon.

Blue Rita runs a nightclub and gases and kidnaps men there for her pleasure and torture.