Having suffered a tragedy, Ben becomes a caregiver to earn money. His first client, Trevor, is a hilarious 18-year-old with muscular dystrophy. One paralyzed emotionally, one paralyzed physically, Ben and Trevor hit the road on a trip into the western states. The folks they collect along the way will help them test their skills for surviving outside their calculated existence. Together, they come to understand the importance of hope and the necessity of true friendship.
The McMartin family's lives are turned upside down when they are accused of serious child molestation. The family run a school for infants. An unqualified child cruelty "expert" videotapes the children describing outrageous stories of abuse. One of the most expensive and long running trials in US legal history, exposes the lack of evidence and unprofessional attitudes of the finger pointers which kept one of the accused in jail for over 5 years without bail.
Spremljamo na videz popolno življenje lepotice Jasmine, ki uživa v brezdelju in moževem bogastvu. Toda ko se nepričakovano znajde pred ločitvijo, Jasmine maščevalno razkrinka moževe finančne goljufije in ga spravi v zapor, sama pa brez prebite pare pristane v sestrinem majhnem stanovanju. Med iskanjem nove sreče se zapleta v vedno večje laži in prevare, kar počasi načne njeno presojo in duševno zdravje. Cate Blanchett je za glavno žensko vlogo v filmu prejela oskarja.
Wallace je faliran študent medicine, ki je doživel številna ljubezenska razočaranja. Medtem ko so vsi okoli njega, vključno s sostanovalcem Allanom, že našli popolnega partnerja, se Wallace odloči postaviti svoje ljubezensko življenje na stranski tir. Takrat pa spozna Chantry, ki živi z dolgoletnim fantom Benom. Takoj se ujameta in postaneta dobra prijatelja. Toda kemija med njima je več kot očitna, kar ju privede do pomembnega vprašanja – lahko tesno prijateljstvo prerase v pravo ljubezen?
Corinne Jeffries (Cybill Shepherd) je neutolažljiva, ko njen mož Louie umre v avtomobilski nesreči. Še čez 25 let je obsedeno zaljubljena vanj, kljub ogorčenju njune hčere Mirande (Mary Stuart Masterson). V veliko presenečenje vseh pride nekoč na obisk Mirandin čedni in poželjivi sošolec Alex (Robert Downey Jr.), ki je doživel udarec v glavo – zdaj trdi, da je v resnici Louie, ki se je vnovič rodil kot Alex. Miranda je osupla, nejeverna Corinne pa se razjezi, a nazadnje spremeni mnenje in je presrečna, da se je njen mož vrnil. Vendar je Louijev najboljši prijatelj Philip (Ryan O'Neal), ki mu je Corinne od nekdaj všeč, zelo ljubosumen nanj in posumi, da je Alex navaden prevarant. Ta pa ima v dvojni vlogi dovolj dela s tem, da skuša razrešiti neroden položaj v korist vsakogar.
A reporter becomes the target of a vicious smear campaign that drives him to the point of suicide after he exposes the CIA's role in arming Contra rebels in Nicaragua and importing cocaine into California. Based on the true story of journalist Gary Webb.
A star athlete and top student, Luce's idealized image is challenged by one of his teachers when his unsettling views on political violence come to light, putting a strain on family bonds while igniting intense debates on race and identity.
Po smrti izkušenega agenta Cie Billa se brezkompromisni vodja agentov Quaker in Dr. Franks odločita spomine pokojnika prenesti v glavo okorelega zapornika Jericha, da bi lahko dokončal pomembno nalogo. Razpet med delci spominov iz Billovega življenja in lastnimi načrti bega ter preživetja, se Jericho znajde v navzkrižnem ognju med kriminalci in Cio. Njegovo edino upanje predstavlja Billova žena, da bi mu pomagala povezati vse dele skrivnostne zarote, ki utegne ogroziti obstoj človeštva in za katero so številni pripravljeni poseči po najbolj skrajnih sredstvih.
Two recently laid-off men in their 40s try to make it as interns at a successful Internet company where their managers are in their 20s.
Alex in Nancy sta mlad par, ki se prvič podaja v nakup nepremičnine. Ko končno odkrijeta prostorno stanovanje po nenavadno ugodni ceni, sta prepričana, da jima je sekira padla v med. Potem se izkaže, da ima sanjski dom le eno napako: gospo Connelly, starko, ki živi v zgornjem nadstropju. Na podlagi njene izjemno visoke starosti se Alex in Nancy vseeno odločita za nakup. Toda kmalu po vselitvi ugotovita, da sta se hudo uštela. Gospa Connelly je namreč polna energije, redno vadi s svojo pihalno godbo, njiju pa brez zadržkov prosi za pomoč pri številnih opravilih.
A reporter's dream of becoming a news anchor is compromised after a one-night stand leaves her stranded in downtown L.A. without a phone, car, ID or money - and only 8 hours to make it to the most important job interview of her life.
Set in a near-future world where there is no privacy, ignorance or anonymity, our private memories are recorded and crime almost ceases to exist. In trying to solve a series of unsolved murders, Sal Frieland stumbles onto a young woman who appears to have subverted the system and disappeared. She has no identity, no history and no record. Sal realizes it may not be the end of crime but the beginning. Known only as 'The Girl', Sal must find her before he becomes the next victim.
Rachel is a quick-witted and lovable stay-at-home mom, frustrated with the responsibilities of her son's preschool, a lacklustre sex life and a career that's gone kaput. One night, intent on spicing up their marriage, she visits an LA strip club with her husband, where she meets McKenna, a stripper she adopts as her live-in nanny.
Film predstavi Herkula, legendarnega sina Zevsa in enega največjih junakov antične Grčije, in skupino njegovih sledilcev, ko se spopadajo s pustolovščinami v Trakiji.
A night guard at an armored car company in the Southern U.S. organizes one of the biggest bank heists in American history.
Seventeen-year-old Mariah Mundi's life is turned upside down when his parents vanish and his younger brother is kidnapped. Following a trail of clues to the darkly majestic Prince Regent Hotel, Mariah discovers a hidden realm of child-stealing monsters, deadly secrets and a long-lost artefact that grants limitless wealth—but also devastating supernatural power. With the fate of his world, and his family at stake, Mariah will risk everything to unravel the Curse of the Midas Box.
For Tammy, a burger-joint employee, a bad day keeps getting worse. She wrecks her car, loses her job and finds that her husband has been unfaithful. It's time for Tammy to hit the road, but without money or transportation, her options are limited. Her only choice is a road trip with her hard-drinking grandmother, Pearl, who has a car, cash and an itch to see Niagara Falls. It's not the escape Tammy had in mind, but it may be what she needs.
Bill Murray worries no one will show up to his TV show due to a massive snowstorm in New York City. Through luck and perseverance, guests arrive at Gotham’s Carlyle Hotel to help him — dancing and singing in holiday spirit.
When his long-lost outlaw father returns, Tommy "White Knife" Stockburn goes on an adventure-filled journey across the Old West with his five brothers.
Sneaking out. Hooking up. Melting down. The cast and crew of a blockbuster action franchise attempt to shoot a sequel while quarantining at a posh hotel.