Tonyja Lipa, redarja iz italijanske četrti v Bronxu, kot voznika za koncertno turnejo najame dr. Don Shirley, temnopolti pianist svetovnega slovesa. Zanašati se morata na "zeleno knjigo", ki je nekakšen vodič po takratnih varnih območjih za Afroameričane globoko na ameriškem jugu. Soočena z rasizmom in nevarnostjo ter hkrati z nepričakovano človečnostjo in humorjem sta prisiljena razlike postaviti na stran, da bi lahko preživela in uživala na življenjskem popotovanju. Resnična zgodba o pravem prijateljstvu, ki je presegalo rasno nestrpnost in družbeno razslojenost zgodnjih šestdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja, je leta 2019 prejela tri oskarje: za najboljši film, najboljši izvirni scenarij in najboljšega igralca v stranski vlogi.

Po skrivnostnem izginotju šestletne hčerke in njene prijateljice obupani tesar Keller zaupa detektivu Lokiju, da bo našel pogrešano hčerko. Loki ugrabitve osumi samotarskega voznika avtodoma, toda ker ne najde dokazov, ga mora izpustiti. Keller je kljub temu prepričan, da je čudak kriv, zato ga v valu obupa ugrabi in se odloči od njega zlepa ali zgrda izvedeti resnico o usodi svoje hčerke. Ker mu jeza in žalost počasi zamegljujeta razum, postaja njegovo ravnanje z zapornikom vedno bolj nehumano in nemoralno.

When Lou Bloom, desperate for work, muscles into the world of L.A. crime journalism, he blurs the line between observer and participant to become the star of his own story. Aiding him in his effort is Nina, a TV-news veteran.

Joe Buck is a wide-eyed hustler from Texas hoping to score big with wealthy New York City women; he finds a companion in Enrico "Ratso" Rizzo, an ailing swindler with a bum leg and a quixotic fantasy of escaping to Florida.

Medtem ko je bila na dvorišču svoje najboljše prijateljice, je k 15-letni Kari Robinson pristopil moški, ji na vrat prislonil pištolo in jo prisilil, da je vstopila v njegov avtomobil. Odpeljal jo je v svoje stanovanje, kjer jo je držal v ujetništvu in spolno zlorabljal celih 18 ur. Medtem ko je spal, se je Kara osvobodila vezi in pobegnila iz stanovanja ugrabitelja, nato pa policijo odpeljala nazaj do natančne lokacije. Tam je identificirala svojega mučitelja, serijskega morilca, ki je bil odgovoren tudi za najmanj tri druge nerazrešene umore.

A woman with a tragic past decides to start her new life by hiking for one thousand miles on the Pacific Crest Trail.

Mircea hates weddings. And everyone knows that until he makes a controversial post on Facebook that goes viral. Because he has to return a huge amount of money due to wrong decisions, the only solution for him remains his own wedding.

Jorge is a young man whose plans for the future are put on hold when his father has a stroke. For seven years, he diligently nurses his father and works as a janitor while studying part time to get a business degree.When Natalia, his childhood crush, returns from a stint studying abroad, Jorge begins to yearn for something better. He is desperate to find a new and better job, but finds that no one will hire him because he has experience only as a janitor. Antonio, Jorge’s older brother, soon to be released from jail, is an opportunist who has never gotten along with their father. In prison, at a theater workshop, Antonio meets Paula, a beautiful young woman in jail on drug charges. Paula has a problem because she flirted with another inmate's boyfriend.

A teen learns that his birth mother is a mermaid after he begins to grow fins and slimy scales on his thirteenth birthday.

Capitol Policeman John Cale has just been denied his dream job with the Secret Service protecting President James Sawyer. Not wanting to let down his little girl with the news, he takes her on a tour of the White House, when the complex is overtaken by a heavily armed paramilitary group. Now, with the nation's government falling into chaos and time running out, it's up to Cale to save the president, his daughter, and the country.

Pred tremi leti je eden najbolj gledanih delov franšize, ki traja kar štiri desetletja, z ikonično igralko Jamie Lee Curtis z naslovom Noč čarovnic postalo poglavje z največjim zaslužkom. A noč čarovnic še ni končana, saga o Michaelu Myersu in Laurie Strode se nadaljuje v tem vznemirljivem poglavju filmske serije Halloween.

Mr. Church reunites the Expendables for what should be an easy paycheck, but when one of their men is murdered on the job, their quest for revenge puts them deep in enemy territory and up against an unexpected threat.

Napeta kriminalka o dveh detektivih, ki poskušata izslediti serijskega morilca. Med forenzičnim opravkom v Los Angelesu se osramočeni bivši policist Joe Deacon – Deke pridruži naredniku Jimu Baxterju na lovu za blaznim serijskim morilcem, ki terorizira mesto. Dekeov občutek za malenkosti se izkaže za srhljivo natančnega, toda lov na zločinca kmalu razburka stare, davno zakopane skrivnosti iz njegove preteklosti.

After a 4 a.m. knock at the door and haunting voices, Kristen McKay and James Hoyt’s remote getaway becomes a psychological night of terror as three masked strangers invade. Now they must go far beyond what they thought themselves capable of if they hope to survive.

As a cowardly farmer begins to fall for the mysterious new woman in town, he must put his new-found courage to the test when her husband, a notorious gun-slinger, announces his arrival.

When Davis Green's alluring young cousin Alexis appears on his doorstep one night, he discovers that a side of his family has been kept secret from him. Against his father’s wishes, Davis travels to rural, upstate New York to meet his other cousins.

Elsa and Clive, two young rebellious scientists, defy legal and ethical boundaries and forge ahead with a dangerous experiment: splicing together human and animal DNA to create a new organism. Named "Dren", the creature rapidly develops from a deformed female infant into a beautiful but dangerous winged human-chimera, who forges a bond with both of her creators - only to have that bond turn deadly.

The director Daniel Sánchez Arévalo ('Azuloscurocasinegro', 'Cousins​​'), he embarks on a new comedy that has as a backdrop the World Cup in South Africa and the setting is a wedding that takes precisely the day of the final. This will be the occasion in which five brothers, all with biblical names, Adam, Daniel, Caleb, Benjamin and Ephraim, gather to celebrate the engagement of Ephraim, the youngest of them, who marries his pregnant girlfriend. Will hours of uncertainty, joy and euphoria back, but it's time to unite for a common good. Can all together to face the situation and erected winners heading?

Over the course of a midsummer night in Fermanagh in 1890, an unsettled daughter of the Anglo-Irish aristocracy encourages her father's valet to seduce her.

A reunion with his family provides a clue into the cause of one man's lonely life in this drama from filmmaker Manuel Martin Cuenca. Oscar lives in a barren section of Almeria, Spain, where he works as a guard at a salt mine. Oscar's days are governed by a monotonous routine: he goes to work, has lunch with fellow guard Miguel, finishes work, visits his dying grandfather at a hospice, and then goes home. While he sometimes spends his evenings with a woman, it's clear their relationship is not a close one. One day, Oscar gets word that grandfather has been transferred to a hospital, and his sister Maria, who now lives in Paris, comes to Almeria to pay the old man a visit. Maria, who is expecting a baby, is accompanied by her boyfriend Jean , who tries to keep a distance between the two siblings. It becomes clear that Oscar and Maria share an ugly secret that she wants to keep hidden at all costs, leading to an grim tension that grows between her and her brother.