Inuyasha and his brother, Sesshomaru, each inherited a sword from their father after his death. However, their father had a third sword, named Sounga, that he sealed away. Seven hundreds years after his death, Sounga awakens and threatens mankind's very existence. How will the children of the Great Dog Demon stop this unimaginable power?

Послератни Јапан је на најнижој тачки када се појављује нова криза у облику џиновског чудовишта, крштеног у ужасној моћи атомске бомбе.

Yusuke Kafuku, a stage actor and director, still unable, after two years, to cope with the loss of his beloved wife, accepts to direct Uncle Vanya at a theater festival in Hiroshima. There he meets Misaki, an introverted young woman, appointed to drive his car. In between rides, secrets from the past and heartfelt confessions will be unveiled.

Just out of jail, crumpled English archaeologist Arthur reconnects with his wayward crew of tombaroli accomplices – a happy-go-lucky collective of itinerant grave-robbers who survive by looting Etruscan tombs and fencing the ancient treasures they dig up.

Када се један од њених ученика сумњичи за крађу, учитељица Карла Новак одлучује да дође до дна ствари. Ухваћена између својих идеала и школског система, последице њених поступака прете да је сломе.

A pub landlord in a previously thriving mining community struggles to hold onto his pub. Meanwhile, tensions rise in the town when Syrian refugees are placed in the empty houses in the community.

Хедвиг и Рудолф Хес живе са својом децом у кући из снова, окруженој идиличном баштом и живописним језером где се чланови породице купају и уживају у пикнику. Повремени крици, пуцњи и бука, који се чују преко ограде, не утичу на њих у њиховом малом рају. Напротив, нацистички командант Рудолф Хес врло цени то што ради поред куће. Јер непосредно иза баштенског зида његове куће налази се концентрациони логор Аушвиц.

In 1953, an innocent man named Christopher Emmanuel "Manny" Balestrero is arrested after being mistaken for an armed robber.

Смештен у Француској 1889. године, Додин Боуфант је кувар који живи са својом личном куварицом и љубавницом Еугение. Они деле дугу историју гастрономије и љубави, али Ежени одбија да се уда за Додина, па љубитељ хране одлучује да уради нешто што никада раније није радио: да кува за њу.

In 1970s Rome, a casual encounter between Enea and Pietro at a movie theater turns into an unforgettable romance — until destiny pulls them apart.

A few days before Christmas, having quit his job in Germany, Matthias returns to his Transylvanian village. He wishes to involve himself more in the education of his son, Rudi, left for too long in the care of his mother, Ana, and to rid him of the unresolved fears that have gripped him. He’s also eager to see his ex-lover Csilla and preoccupied about his old father, Otto. When a few new workers are hired at the small factory that Csilla manages, the peace of the community is disturbed, underlying fears grip the adults, and frustrations, conflicts and passions erupt through the thin sliver of apparent understanding and calm.

Ускоро се Џим и Аурора суоче с чињеницом да ће остатак живота провести на броду где ће да уживају у свим благодетима које су икада могли да замисле, а убрзо се јављују и узајамне симпатије... Све док не открију да се брод налази у смртоносној опасности. Уз животе пет хиљада путника за које одговарају, Џим и Аурора мораће да сарађују како би их све спасили.

A young woman inherits an old hotel in Louisiana where, following a series of supernatural "accidents", she learns that the building was built over one of the entrances to Hell.

Готово 5.000 година након што је добио све моћи египатских богова и исто тако био затворен, Црни Адам ослобођен је из своје земаљске гробнице, спреман да ослободи свој јединствени облик правде у модерном свету.

Када се Мајки Сејбер, бивша порно звезда, врати из америчке Меке порнографије Лос Анђелеса у свој родни град Тексас Сити, сав терет паланке га брзином муње подсети зашто је бежао из нафташке долине конзервативаца и каубоја...

Antonio, a former shipyard worker, leads a mild and peaceful life: he plays bowls with friends, takes care of his elderly mother, has an ex-wife with whom he is on excellent terms and Emilia, his only and beloved daughter When Emilia announces to him one day that she has decided to get married, Antonio is filled with joy, he can finally fulfill his dream by giving her the reception they have always dreamed of together being able to count on the savings of a lifetime.However, the bank of which he has always been a client seems to be hiding something, the employees are suddenly elusive and the director inexplicably changes constantly.The task of paying for his daughter's wedding will prove increasingly difficult and Antonio will discover, against his will, that those who keep our treasures don't always keep our dreams as well.

The world is a mysterious place when seen through the eyes of an animal. EO, a grey donkey with melancholic eyes, meets good and bad people on his life’s path, experiences joy and pain, endures the wheel of fortune randomly turn his luck into disaster and his despair into unexpected bliss. But not even for a moment does he lose his innocence.

Cassandre, 26, is a flight attendant for a low-cost airline. Based in Lanzarote, she’s always willing to take on extra hours and carries out her duties with robotic efficiency. On the side, she just goes with the flow and floats between Tinder, parties and lazy days. When she suddenly gets dismissed, she is forced to return home.

The sole survivor of an interplanetary rescue mission lands on the planet of the apes, and uncovers a horrible secret beneath the surface.

When Erik Stifler realizes that he's the only Stifler family member who might graduate high school a virgin, he decides to live up to his legacy. After some well-meaning advice from Jim's dad, Erik's ready to take his chances at the annual and infamous Naked Mile race, where his devoted friends and some uninhibited sorority girls will create the most outrageous weekend ever.