Charly, René, Katiga, Zinedine and Madeleine tell in a few minutes the story of their hands, filmed in a static shot, placed on a table that is familiar to them. Five acquaintances of the director are invited to present their hands, and nothing else, to the camera. The stories that this unconventional situation elicits reveal sensual memories and buried pain. The hands, restored to a certain independence, join, move and dance.

A fascinating chronicle of the birth and rise of the radically different independent studio founded by director Francis Ford Coppola.

María lives with her mother May, in the Canary Islands, 3,000 km from Barcelona, where Miguel Gallardo has his home. Sometimes Miguel and María go on holiday together, spending a week at a resort in southern Gran Canaria, a rather unusual setting where the guests don't normally include a single father and his fourteen year-old autistic daughter. This is the story of one of their journeys, but above all it's an original tale, full of humor, irony and sincerity, about how to live with a disability.

In a Kingdom where the monarch is increasing control onto its citizens, two friends share a bittersweet goodbye.

Werner Schroeter directed this dark and surreal tale of a man determined to save a lost lover from a grim fate at the hands of a violent mob. The city of Santa Maria is falling into chaos as an armed military faction is poised to take power in a coup d'etat. Ossorio used to call Santa Maria home, and he has returned in its darkest hour to find the woman he loves, hoping to rescue her from the violence that is lurks around the corner. As Ossorio searches for his love, he meets Victoria in a shabby hotel, who in turn introduces him to her father Barcala, who for the right price is willing to take Ossorio and another passenger away on his boat. While Ossorio is willing to pay Barcala what he wants, can he find the mysterious woman before the ship sets sail?

In Recife, Dr. Paulo is an important lawyer that has a daughter, Heloísa, with his paramour and living in the country. A few days before traveling to Europe, Dr. Paulo asks to a close friend to bring Heloísa to Recife. Meanwhile, his bohemian and irresponsible son Helvécio meets Heloísa, and without knowing that she is his sister, he tries to rape her, and she kills him. Heloísa is arrested and goes to trial without any evidence to prove that she self-defended her honor.

A documentary overview of the career of silent cinema pioneer Edwin S. Porter.

Based on the classic tale of the Pied Piper, this Rock-Opera themed cartoon tells the tale of the 1960s small suburban town of Hamlin, which has been infested with rats. Sly, a Jimi-Hendrix styled guitarist, is hired to take care of the rats with his musical abilities, and is promised a Harley Davidson from the mayor as payment. When he gets cheated out of his payment, he then uses his music to lead the kids to a mountain.

Madrid, Spain. On Monday, December 22, 1947, Charles Vidor's Gilda, starring Rita Hayworth and Glenn Ford, premieres. That same week, as every first Friday of the month, Hauma organizes a peculiar card game in an old tavern.

The word panchão was first heard in Macao. From the Chinese pan-tcheong or pau-tcheong, dictionaries define it as a Macanese regionalism also known as China cracker. Who inhabits the ancient IEC Long firecracker factory?

The American composer and author Paul Bowles was a man with a great deal of charisma and influence. When he moved to Tangier, Morocco, in 1949, half the world followed him to the enigmatic city. His marriage with author Jane Bowles was a loving relationship of opposites, even though both were homosexual. Based on exclusive interviews with Bowles shortly before his death interwoven with anecdotes recounted by his friends and co-workers, the film portrays a daring and visionary life as well as a relationship shaped by an interdependency that encompassed much more than sexuality.

爱宠大机密番外短片。 香肠在威尼维尔过着幸福的生活。有一次,一种叫蒂米的香肠对潜水如此神圣,结果他被戏称为“小鬼”。离开跳水池,蒂米坐在旁边的长凳上,叹了口气。弗兰克,威尼维尔的市长,碰巧看到了绝望的蒂米,所以他带着蒂米,在威尼维尔唱歌和旅行,看香肠的奇妙生活来安慰他。最后,蒂米敢于从更高的地方跳水,他为自己感到骄傲。

After her daughter is killed in a school shooting, Juliette discovers a girl in her attic who claims to be Anne Frank.

自由搏击组织RFC现任重量级冠军科林·“砖头”·瓦尔(西斯·海尔因 Heath Herring 饰),以20场全胜纪录傲视群雄,在其经纪人维多利亚·茹兰(白灵 饰)的包装下,其风头正劲,一时无两。另一方面,在茹兰家族旗下的建筑工地内,前搏击冠军道尔顿·亨特(东尼·斯希纳 Tony Schiena 饰)为了生计辛苦劳作。他曾拥有不逊于科林的成就,但一场意外让他告别赛场,看透了浮华世态道尔顿自甘平凡,只求和家人平淡度日。然而贪婪的维多利亚并未放过道尔顿,她以合同中尚拖欠一场比赛之名,千方百计迫使道尔顿重返赛场。