A documentary about the corrupt health care system in The United States who's main goal is to make profit even if it means losing people’s lives. "The more people you deny health insurance the more money we make" is the business model for health care providers in America.

An American girl on vacation in Italy finds an unanswered "letter to Juliet" -- one of thousands of missives left at the fictional lover's Verona courtyard, which are typically answered by the "secretaries of Juliet" -- and she goes on a quest to find the lovers referenced in the letter.

The hunt, capture and trial of Guy Georges, one of France's most notorious serial killers.

When yet another anniversary passes without a marriage proposal from her boyfriend, Anna decides to take action. Aware of a Celtic tradition that allows women to pop the question on Feb. 29, she plans to follow her lover to Dublin and ask him to marry her. Fate has other plans, however, and Anna winds up on the other side of the Emerald Isle with handsome, but surly, Declan -- an Irishman who may just lead Anna down the road to true love.

A 9th century woman of English extraction born in the German city of Ingelheim disguises herself as a man and rises through the Vatican ranks.

A girl who's sick of the social strictures of junior high is transformed into a grownup overnight. In this feel-good fairy tale, teenager Jenna wants a boyfriend, and when she's unable to find one, she fantasizes about being a well-adjusted adult. Suddenly, her secret desire becomes a reality, and she is transformed into a 30-year-old, but adulthood, with its own set of male-female challenges, isn't as easy as it looks.

When spirited young woman, Fanny Price is sent away to live on the great country estate of her rich cousins, she's meant to learn the ways of proper society. But while Fanny learns 'their' ways, she also enlightens them with a wit and sparkle all her own.

Three cousins travel to the village where they spent summer vacations as kids.

ჯორჯ უეიდი ახალგაზრდა, სიმპათიური და საკუთარ თავზე შეყვარებული მილიონერია, რომელსაც ადვოკატის რჩევის გარეშე ისიც კი ვერ გადაუწყვეტია, თუ რა ჩაიცვას. მისი ადვოკატი კი მომხიბლავი და ნიჭიერი ახალგაზრდა ქალია, რომელსაც სულაც არ მოსწონს ძიძის მოვალეობის შესრულება.

Samantha MacKenzie, the daughter of the president of the United States, arrives at college with a group of Secret Service agents. Samantha, however, resents their presence and decides she wants to attend school just like a normal student. Her father agrees to recall the agents but secretly assigns James, an undercover agent, to pose as a student. They fall in love, but their romance is jeopardized when Samantha learns James' true identity.

Carrie, Charlotte, and Miranda are all married now, but they're still up for a little fun in the sun. When Samantha gets the chance to visit one of the most extravagant vacation destinations on the planet and offers to bring them all along, they surmise that a women-only retreat may be the perfect excuse to eschew their responsibilities and remember what life was like before they decided to settle down.

ეს ისტორია, ცოდვის ქალაქში, ორი ადამიანის თავს დატრიალდა. აღვირახსნილი ღამის მეორე დილით წყვილი აღმოაჩენს, რომ დაქორწინებულები არიან. ერთ-ერთი მათგანი კი მეორის 25 ცენტიანით დიდ ჯეკპოტს მოხსნის. ჯეკპოტის დასაკუთრებისათვის ბრძოლის პროცესში კი მათ ერთმანეთი შეუყვარდებათ.

Five disparate kids snowed in at the airport on Christmas Eve learn some lessons about friendship when they launch a bid to get back to their families and outsmart a disgruntled airport official who wants to keep them grounded.

When notorious womanizer Connor Mead attends his brother Paul's wedding, he is forced to re-evaluate his behavior as he comes face-to-face with the ghosts of girlfriends past, present, and future, along with his deceased uncle. The experience changes his attitude and allows him to reconnect with his first and only love, Jenny.

Caius Martius, aka Coriolanus, is an arrogant and fearsome general who has built a career on protecting Rome from its enemies. Pushed by his ambitious mother to seek the position of consul, Coriolanus is at odds with the masses and unpopular with certain colleagues. When a riot results in his expulsion from Rome, Coriolanus seeks out his sworn enemy, Tullus Aufidius. Together, the pair vow to destroy the great city.

წლის ბოლო დღე გრიგორიანული კალენდრით, ახალი წლის წინ. თანამედროვე ტრადიციით, ეს არის საახალწლო ზეიმი, რომლის დროსაც იწყება ზეიმი მომავალი წლის მისალმებაზე. ბევრი კულტურა იყენებს ფეიერვერკებს და სხვა პიროტექნიკას აღსანიშნავად. რუსეთში ახალი წლის ღამე სამუშაო დღედ ითვლებოდა, ოჯახური დღესასწაულები და დღესასწაულები იწყებოდა სამუშაო დღის ბოლოს საღამოს, თავად ახალ წლამდე.

ბრედი და კეიტი ცდილობენ მშობლებთან ერთად შეხვდნენ შობას. მაგრამ პრობლემა ის არის, რომ ორივეს მშობლები გაშორებულები არიან და მათ ერთ დღეში ოთხ ადგილას უნდა მოასწრონ მისვლა.

Mind-control technology has taken society by a storm, a multiplayer on-line game called "Slayers" allows players to control human prisoners in mass-scale. Simon controls Kable, the online champion of the game. Kable's ultimate challenge becomes regaining his identity and independence by defeating the game's mastermind.

While trying to make his sister's wedding day go smoothly, Jack finds himself juggling an angry ex-girlfriend, an uninvited guest with a secret, a misplaced sleep sedative, and the girl that got away in alternate versions of the same day.

Three friends are asked to be bridesmaids at a wedding of a woman they used to ridicule back in high school.