10-year-old Pixote endures torture, degradation, and corruption at a local youth detention center where two of its members are murdered by policemen who frame Lilica, a 17-year-old trans hustler. Pixote helps Lilica and three other boys escape and they start to make their living by a life of crime which only escalates to more violence and death.

Freed of her responsibilities with the 501 Organization, Motoko Kusanagi must now learn how to take orders from Aramaki. Someone hacks the Logicomas, and Batou enlists the help of former army intelligence officer Ishikawa and former air artillery expert Borma. Kusanagi also seeks to enlist ace sniper Saito and undercover cop Paz into the new Public Security Section 9.

Two aging crooks are given two weeks to repay a debt to a woman named The American. They recruit their recently deceased partner's son to help them break into a laboratory and steal the vaccine against STBO, a sexually transmitted disease that is sweeping the country. It's spread by having sex without emotional involvement, and most of its victims are teenagers who make love out of curiosity rather than commitment.

An intimate look at the epochal financial crisis of 2008 and the powerful men and women who decided the fate of the world's economy in a matter of a few weeks.

Arnoldas Schwarzeneggeris - raumeningas mūsų laikų karžygys - pats geriausias specialiųjų šturmo padalinių karys iš amerikietiškųjų komando. Jis vienas stoja į nepaprastą mūšį su sala-tvirtove, kurioje klastingas generolas laiko pasigrobęs įkaite jo mylimą dukrelę.

A couple, cheated by a vile businessman, kidnap his wife in retaliation—without knowing that their enemy is delighted they did.

Istorija apie jauną merginą, kuri svajoja tapti gražuolių konkurso nugalėtoja Meksikoje, padedama organizuotų nusikaltėlių...

Cristina is a rich, spoiled princess visiting Rome with her royal parents. The mission of their visit is to marry her off to a super-wealthy corporate type and thereby start to turn around the losses their small kingdom is experiencing in its casino business. These less-than-noble intentions get derailed when Barnaba, a zany bus driver enters their lives and falls madly in love with the gorgeous Cristina. He is nuts enough to succeed in this romantic chase after royalty, as love seems to fuel his determination to rid Cristina of her elitism and to make her see his own irrepressible attractions.

2019 metų Los Andželas. Jungtinėse Valstijose įsitvirtinęs totalinis režimas. Čia viešpatauja smurtas. Naujos eros televizija rengia žiaurų realybės šou su stipruoliais, kurie žemės drebėjimo sugriautuose Los Andželo rajonuose medžioja liaudies priešus ir kriminalinius nusikaltėlius. Tarp jų atsiduria ir drąsuolis Benas Ričardas, neteisingai apkaltintas žmogžudyste.

Walker investigates a murder connected with a missing government weapon. In addition, he tries to track down a teen on the run from a crime syndicate.

A writer for a greeting card company learns the true meaning of loneliness when he comes home to find his girlfriend in bed with another man.

Arnoldas Schwarzeneggeris vaidina Rusijos policininką Ivaną Danko, išsiųstą į Ameriką gaudyti Gruzijos narkotikų prekeivio Viktoro Rostavilio, kuris pabėgo nužudęs savo partnerį. Amerikoje Rostavilio nusikaltimus jau tiria Čikagos detektyvas Artis (akt. James Belushi). Kai nusikaltėlis sulaikomas Amerikoje, Ivanas daro viską, kad nugabentų jį į Rusiją ir nuteistų pagal vietos įstatymus. Tai įplieskia konfliktą su detektyvu Arčiu, bet netrukus Rostavilis pabėga ir du iš skirtingų šalių kilę teisėsaugininkai turi suvienyti jėgas bei pamiršti nesutarimus, kad kartu sugautų nusikaltėlį.

Single father and former cop Tom Cutler has an unusual occupation: he cleans up death scenes. But when he's called in to sterilize a wealthy suburban residence after a brutal shooting, Cutler is shocked to learn he may have unknowingly erased crucial evidence, entangling himself in a dirty criminal cover-up.

Barley Scott Blair, a Lisbon-based editor of Russian literature who unexpectedly begins working for British intelligence, is commissioned to investigate the purposes of Dante, a dissident scientist trapped in the decaying Soviet Union that is crumbling under the new open-minded policies.

When the Diallo family return home from their holiday, they find the locks have been changed and the new occupants maintain they are in "their home". With no one to turn to, patriarch Paul gets closer to Mickey, a shady local man with a penchant for all things extreme and illegal. Soon the once anti-violent teacher is approaching the point of no return…

'Hell' is the name of the hero of the story. He's a prisoner of the women who now run the USA after a nuclear/biological war. Results of the war are that mutants have evolved, and the human race is in danger of extinction due to infertility. Hell is given the task of helping in the rescue of a group of fertile women from the harem of the mutant leader (resembling a frog). Hell cannot escape since he has a bomb attached to his private parts which will detonate if he strays more than a few hundred yards from his guard.

The tyrant Gedren seeks the total power in a world of barbarism. She raids the city Hablac and kills the keeper of a talisman that gives her great power. Red Sonja, sister of the keeper, sets out with her magic sword to overthrow Gedren.

Policijos akademijos komendantas Lazaras ketina pasitraukti į atsargą. Už didelius nuopelnus jam suteikiamas geriausio dešimtmečio policininko vardas. Apdovanojimas bus įteiktas Majamyje 50- ojo kasmetinio Policijos vadovų suvažiavimo metu. Kapitonas Haris norėtų gauti Lazaro postą, todėl jis taip pat vyksta į Majamį, kad atkreiptų aukščiausių pareigūnų dėmesį. Deja, jo planui nelemta išsipildyti, kadangi Lazaras oro uoste sukeičia lagaminus. Spalvingą Policijos akademijos kompaniją papildo dar keli nauji personažai: Lazaro sunėnas Matas, gražuolė karate ekspertė Dženet Džeins ir brangenybių vagis Rene.

A group of sadistic mercenaries led by Col. John Hogan kidnap Michael Danton from his home, and set him loose on the grounds of their secret camp to be used as training for new recruits. Danton has been called the "most perfect killer ever." Now, he'll have to prove it again. This prey has become DEADLY!

Hercules is sent from Mount Olympus to modern-day Manhattan, where he takes up professional wrestling before getting mixed up with a gang of mobsters.